Originally Posted by
I'm going to have to disagree with this. I'm a die-hard Mets, Jets, and Islanders fan, and I don't get drunk, rowdy or obnoxious at games, and neither do any of my friends. Granted, we have the occasional "Let's get drunk at a baseball/ hockey game" night, but it's few and far between. We don't start shit with other people, or even berate the other team's fans, except for when they come into our stadiums and begin to berate us. It never escalates between petty insults though... at least on our end.
A true die-hard fan is someone who knows their team, knows their sports and the teams history. It doesn't mean that you have to recall who the starting lineup was in 1953, or knowing a stars birthday, but it's keeping up to date with what's going on, and actively following how they're doing.
A real fan still supports their team even when they suck, and doesn't just start to pay attention when the team is playing well. Yes, I'm looking at you, Yankee and recent Jets fans.
The people you're describing are your hooligans and assholes in general. And the whole thing about the risks of being a die-hard fan are true, but really involve more signs of addiction and taking adverse risks than anything else. You can use the same thing to describe people who attend concerts and live the whole party lifestyle.