Thanks to Jecht, who never gave me a proper autograph, I still have all of this money just sitting here. Now, I'm no Commie, but I do believe in sharing the wealth. That being said, I'm proposing a brilliant idea.
You guys submit dares or bets, what have you. The first person to successfully complete it, will receive an amount of gil equal to how ridiculous the dare/ bet is, unless the submitter states how much they wish it to be for. To make things more fun, I'll be doing every bet that gets done as well.
In short, it works like this.
Member A posts a dare, member B says they'll do it, and posts a picture of it.
I, in turn, do the same thing, post a picture of it, AND reward the gil to member B. There are time bonuses as well. The sooner you get it done, the bigger the bonus. After a week, the dare is vacated, but I'll still try to get it done, because I'm a good guy like that.
Got it?
The only rules are that it can't be anything illegal, against TFF's rules (nudity, trolling our boards, etc), or permanent. I'm not getting any weiners tattooed on my forehead.
Other rules: If it's a picture, you have to have something like a hand-made sign specific to tff, just to prove its not some random google pic. And for any internet based challenges, links must be provided... if it's something that can jeopardize TFF if viewed in public, send the link to both myself and either LocoColt04 or Yoko.
Lets do this shit guys!