Thanks for the dosh.
I don't whether to thank you or call you a perv lol.
Printable View
Do both, give him a thanks and leave perv in the description.
Just gonna put it out there, and it's not about Halie's ass, but given you have $5,000,000, $700 is ridiculously tiny. Like, 0.014% tiny.
Also in case I implied it, I'm not going to do the cinnamon thing.
Cinnamon challenge should be like 10,000.
I would prefer the game go on for longer period of time. If the prizes were too high the fun would be over.
How about a video of opening a unopened bottle of vodka (double assuring the seal isnt broken) and downing as much as you can without a breath? I think this is a good challenge
No. Actually, I might have to consult the other judges about this. But, if you're referring to the Russian who did this but downed the whole bottle, then the obvious happened, it's a no. If you mean this is a chicken test, then maybe. Straight Vodka is terrible though. I also don't promote people getting drunk for bets. It's something you can do on your own terms. If anyone objects, please PM me.
Alpha, the amount of gil given to Miss. Halie was given according to the bet that was done. Being all that she needed to do was climb onto a table and lay there, 700 gil seems just right. The cinnamon challenge will remain at 10000 gil. It was stated in a previous post.
Please feel free to come up with more challenges.
EDIT: I have a few simple things that might spark up some activity. Each picture is worth 700 gil for simplicity sake. You can take one of each, and there will be no stacking of pictures.
-Picture of an airplane in the sky. Extra points if I don't know what it is (I know a lot of planes. This is a challenge)
-Picture of all of your household animals in one frame. If you have fish, I want them in the frame as well. When I say all the animals, I mean ALL THE ANIMALS. If you have one pet, then this is simple.
-Picture of you hugging a tree in public. As lame as this is, I want you all to come up with something better.
Feel free to add to the random pictures list. I hope your ideas are better than mine.
Do you get any sort of reward when the person fails the attempt? Some of these are going to be next to impossible to actually pass with flying colors and are created for the sole purpose of watching the nasty outcomes. Maybe like 1/3 - 1/4 the prize money if they put the effort and time to them to exploited themselves for our ammusement. One attempt per dare for every person until the trick is finally completed? Would be a good way to get more people to participate.
Give Jox 200 gil for the noble but failed attempt.
I have edited my post above. If you can do any of those or add more to that, that would be appreciated.
No no I didn't do it for gil. Just to get the ball rolling!..
I just think it would be more appeasing for others that realize the dare is seriously discomforting and they are likely to fail. Everyone's going to cheer more for the next in line and they won't feel embarrassed as much if they got a consolation prize at least. I'd rather see 4 horrible cinnamon challenges than one attempt ..and then no one wants to be humiliated like that guy... I'm just saying for those really hard dares give them alil something so they don't maybe feel a total loss.
[EDIT] A tactic we use when we're out to get people to do dares, that were obviously difficult, is say "hey, I'll give you $25 if you can do that." They were more than likely going to say "no, not bothering with that, I'll not likely be able to accomplish it" so responded that "you'll give them $5 if they at least make a serious attempt at it.."
That's how we got more more people to participate in crazy antics no matter what we were doing.
Anyone understand that?[/EDIT]
Yoko, I have 11 rats, 10 guinea pigs, 50-odd fish, two mini cows, two dogs, two cats, two parakeets, and a horse. Taking a picture of all my household pets is going to be nearly impossible haha.
Jox returned the gil, but it's all good. I swear the pics are going up tonight. Cinnamon vomit, shitty stubble, possible tree hugging, a plane and planking!
And what if we change it up to something along the lines of:
X challenge is worth y gil. The prize gets divided by the number of people who successfully complete it in a week
As promised, TFF in the stubble, and cinnamon challenge failure. I held it down for a minute, but all it did was form a ball in my throat and just wouldn't go down. I had some water and then it was bad times and cinnamon breath for hours. Sorry, that last one is totally disgusting
Double posting, deal with it
You can skull bottles of alcohol as long as you regurgitate afterward. This is my favourite Youtuber, Shoenice. He does all sorts of challeneges, mostly to do with eating and drinking things really fast, or things that arnt exactly supposed to be edible.
check him skull a full bottle of royal crown whiskey in 26 seconds.
Not sure if this violates any of TFF rules, but here's to finding out.
Hey been a while... But the bottle I mean is a hip flask size bottle 50cl I think? Down as much as you can/dare and I say money for however much is necked!
So, this thread fell way too far down the thread list.
I have a new challenges. Snailing. Do it in your backyard (If you don't have a backyard, outside is fine) for 2000 gil.
Owling for 1000 gil
Toweling (same as deading) outside for 3000 gil
Teapotting for 1000 gil
If you don't know what these are, you don't deserve to be on the internet. Pictures are fine.
How are the rest of these challenges going?
Here's me snailing, I think (I guess I don't deserve to be on the internet? Hadn't heard of those before :P ) Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
You're a natural! Well done Tele. It seems like you do it often.
2000 gil to Tele!
your issue is how you go about rewarding real effort. I can mis-shave a beard and you exclaim it's worth 200 gil while a successful plank is 700 gil!?! I'm going on a 3rd limb here and calling BS.
I am all for exploiting people, but to the point of wanting to take the time to post a pic isn't worth it on this thread.. Up your ante.
I'm going to go ahead and remind everyone that owling is f*cking stupid if you want to balls out.
Leroy it ftw.
These challenges are meant to be slightly stupid and embarrassing. If that is a problem for you, then don't participate.
My gil prices are accurate. I put thought into every price. Also keep in mind that this is just a game. All I'm trying to do is help distribute the massive amount of gil that Pete raised. I am also trying to increase activity. All are valid reasons to justify the amount of gil. No one is paying to do these challenges, people just receive fake money for doing ridiculous positions and challenges. It has also been a while since anyone participated, so that can justify the raise gil as well. If you wanted an explanation, there it is.
The point of these challenges is to have fun. Stop trolling this thread.
The whole point is to be stupid, pointless, harmless fun. If you want to do stupid shit, where you could get hurt or like drunk to the point of hospitalization, that's cool too, but gil doesn't pay hospital bills.
ok I've got a friend who took some pics of me planking...I'll see if I can get him to get them up so I can post them.
EDIT For Justice:
Ok I know I don't have the TFF sign so dock me gil or whatevs is necessary.