It happened today. I was loading the pieces of my bed (disassembled) into my truck to bring them to my new apartment, and, all of the sudden, I saw it


Small flakes, but still snow. It's that time of year. It's coming, and we can't stop it.

It's coming!


Anyway. What are your thoughts on snow? Love it? Hate it? Like sledding and snowball fights? Don't like driving in sludge and shoveling sidewalks?

I personally am not a fan of snow. I love it around Christmas time, but that's about it -- a few days before Christmas to a few days after New Year's, and I'd be alright with it. But here in Wisconsin (man, I hate this state), it usually snows from the beginning of November to ... well, let's just say I've seen piles of snow that have been plowed into the corners of parking lots last until mid-June.

Unfortunately, my truck is rear-wheel-drive, so I've got to add weight to the bed so I have better traction. That, and snow accumulates in the bed anyway.