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    #LOCKE4GOD Should I become a vegetarian? Alpha's Avatar
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    Should I become a vegetarian?

    I've been thinking about it. Not really thinking about it -- I haven't done enough research into diets and so on -- but I have considered it as a principle.

    Should I become one?

    Alternatively I could just cut down on my intake of meat (as in, don't cut it out of my diet, but eat much less).

    Is "meat murder"? Would it be really hard to become a vegetarian? I do like the taste of meat. But I don't like that an animal had to die in order to give me food, and I don't like the carbon emissions associated with it (can't be a hypocrite, can I?).

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  2. #2
    The Lone Dagger Should I become a vegetarian? Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    It is actually a big change in your whole lifestyle and you don't even realize it until you decide to really do it. I have friends that are vegetarian and you have to make sure just to get all the proteins that you would normally get from meat from things like beans and what not. I know vegetarians are all about combining things in order to get the nutrients that would normally come from meat. Is not liking that an animal had to be killed the only thing that made you wanna try vegetarian life style or something else too?

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    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Should I become a vegetarian? Leon's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    Well, here are my thoughts.

    Not many people like the idea that an animal die so we could get a tasty meal. I once thought that it wasn't fair for an animal, and I think I thought about becoming one too. But there are a lot of people out there that will continue eating meat, no matter what. One less person from the millions or perhaps even billions that eat meat is not going to make much of a difference (and no one can change the world).

    It's up to you if you really want to go for it, but unless the whole world decides to go vegan, it's not going to stop people from killing animals for food.
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  4. #4
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Should I become a vegetarian? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    Well if you're doing it for health purposes, I wouldn't recommend it. A lot of people eat way too much meat, yes, but not eating any meat isn't the way to go in my opinion. There's proteins and stuff like vitamin B12 you need.

    If you're doing it out of principal, buy more 'bio-meat' or meat from animals that haven't been spending their whole life in captivity just so we could eat them. A big challenge to find it though.

    I try to be conscious about what I eat, both ethically and health related, but it's hard to always make the best decision. Becoming a vegatarian has crossed my mind a number of times ever since I was a kid, but then again eating meat has become somewhat natural for our species, as we need it for certain substances, and maybe we should just try and make the process of obtaining the meat ethically better. E.g. not breeding animals in minicages just so we could eat them.

    It's extremely hard to be a meat eater and not go along with the current meat industry. It's not so much the killing of an animal for food that bothers me, it's the way meat is produced and how animals live in captivity just so we can have our food.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 12-23-2010 at 12:42 PM.
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  5. #5
    Gingersnap Should I become a vegetarian? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    I'm sort of a vegetarian by default, actually. Okay, I do eat a lot of eggs. But most of my diet is vegetarian just because it's quicker and easier and cheaper.

    And when I do eat meat, I try to make sure it's wild-caught/grass fed/etc. I do love steak/fish/bbq.

    It IS a major lifestyle change, and for some reason, people always try to **** with you about it. It's the label, I guess.

    I'd say if you want to have less meat in your diet, go for it. Eat more veggies, listen to your body, feed it what it needs, and don't restrict yourself to a certain style of eating other than what's best for you.

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  6. #6
    Bananarama Should I become a vegetarian? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    It's ultimately up to you, but completely giving up meat can be difficult and lead to a lot of different health issues. You can always go for the organic/ free range option, which at least in theory is a bit more guilt free.

    My only real recommendation is not to go with a soy protein source. It really throws off the testosterone/ estrogen levels in the body. That, and putting on a lot of weight from rich sources like cheeses.
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  7. #7
    Gingersnap Should I become a vegetarian? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    My only real recommendation is not to go with a soy protein source. It really throws off the testosterone/ estrogen levels in the body.
    ^Agree agree agree. Soy is so sketch. Avoid it completely if you can.

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  8. #8
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Should I become a vegetarian? che's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    What's wrong with an animal dying to feed more animals? Did no one EVER watch the lion king when they were a kid?

    It's not so much that another living thing had to die (even if you are not eating meat this is technically true), it's that the meat industry is pretty terrible and all these extra things are added to the meat, such as preservatives and crap.

    I can respect the notion. This animals dying thing always gets me though. Yes I love animals. I would never harm an animal (though I suppose if the meat industry ceased to exist and I wanted to eat meat I would choose to).

    Unless you're eating bald eagle or tiger meat or something, I think the simple fact is it's part of the food chain.
    Last edited by che; 12-23-2010 at 03:33 PM.

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  9. #9
    Bananarama Should I become a vegetarian? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    Quote Originally Posted by chad View Post

    Unless you're eating bald eagle or tiger meat or something, I think the simple fact is it's part of the food chain.
    I'm partial to toucan.

    My only real qualm, like chad's is all of the extra garbage and hormones that are loaded up into the livestock. I'm all for my meat, but I'd rather have the healthier options if at all possible. I try to stick with white meat, as often as possible, but sometimes I need a good steak or burger.
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  10. #10
    I invented Go-Gurt. Should I become a vegetarian? Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    Nah, you shouldn't become a vegetarian. You said so yourself that you like the taste of meat. Eat what you like.

    And as far as carbon emission or carbon footprint or whatever is concerned, that crap is just pure bullshit. Don't believe any of that "green" shit. It's all just propaganda.

  11. #11
    Death Before Dishonor Should I become a vegetarian? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    I wouldn't cut out meat completely. Their is things that you need that come from meats.

    Cutting down on the amount of meats you take in is a much better choice.

    Personally I think that I should cut down on the amount of meats that I take in. They are just so damn tasty.

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  12. #12
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Should I become a vegetarian? che's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    I wouldn't cut out meat completely. Their is things that you need that come from meats.

    Cutting down on the amount of meats you take in is a much better choice.

    Personally I think that I should cut down on the amount of meats that I take in. They are just so damn tasty.
    Glad you learned anything from this thread.

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  13. #13
    Death Before Dishonor Should I become a vegetarian? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    Quote Originally Posted by chad View Post
    Glad you learned anything from this thread.
    Hey man I already thought it was true, this thread just verified it for me.

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  14. #14
    I do what you can't. Should I become a vegetarian? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    I prettymuch second (or third, or fourth, or whatever) what's already been said. If you feel inclined to do so, go for it. Cutting down on some things wouldn't be bad (moderation is the key), but I mean, as long as you're not in danger of scurvy or something, you should be fine.

    The whole "meat is murder" thing just doesn't make sense to me. Anything and everything you have ever eaten has come from something living. I understand the whole "captivity" and "cruelty" ideas (which is why I don't eat veal, and I shy away from Kosher meats -- better for you, but less humane), but farm animals usually live much healthier, safer lives than wild animals. And hell, most of 'em wouldn't be around, at least in their current form, without humans farming them.

    The healthiest option would be to cut down. The next-best would be to go organic or free-range -- or, if you don't have a problem supporting hunting and fishing, local meat markets. Most times, everything there has been caught by some schmoe who takes it in to have them deal with it and gets most of the meat back, while the shop sells the rest of the meat for their own profits. Especially venison during deer season, ham/pork during boar season, specific fish during their respective seasons, etc. This is especially true near larger cities -- some urban residents might want to go hunt, but can't cut up a deer outside their apartment. If you're outside cities, look for smaller farms, especially specialty farms. I've had goat, bison, emu, and probably a couple more because I've seen a small farm with them and found out how to buy some from them. Usually a little more expensive, but also more organic since it's a small operation, and supports local business.

    Another thing I'd recommend is that when you do eat meat, don't go for the same ol' thing. A burger's nice every once in a while, but try different meats. Especially if you're into seafood. Snake is good, and bear is even better, but shark is really good, and alligator might be the best meat I've ever had. Of course, that all depends on availability. But if you can get ahold of some alligator meat at a restaurant, get it. (I would say to cook it yourself, but it's tricky.)

    But if you're really interested in going vegetarian, you have two important things to do. First, research. Find out exactly what vitamins and nutrients are gained from meats (poultry, fish, pork, red meat, etc.), then find out how to replace them with multiple different other foods. If you end up trying to eat beans every day, you'll get tired of it pretty quickly. Second -- and this is the most important thing -- don't pretend that you're better than other people because you don't eat meat. I hate that. You don't want your own little cloud of Smug around you.

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  15. #15
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Should I become a vegetarian? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    Have I ever seen a thread in GC where everyone (so far) pretty much agrees with one another?

    I really second what Ally's saying.

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  16. #16
    Bananarama Should I become a vegetarian? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    I guess that means I should bro it up and light a match

    Everyone who likes vegetables is a gay!

    In all reality, I'd say just try it for a week or two. I think that would give you a fair shot at seeing how you feel going without meat, or certain meats, as well as how your body adapts to it. After that, I'd make whatever adjustments that you feel would help, and then keep doing that until something feels "right." I wouldn't recommend going cold turkey (no pun intended) because that's not wise with anything.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  17. #17

    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    If you're considering it because it upsets you that an animal has to do well..I'd have to say, suck it up as that is life. We are omnivores, we are not meant to be vegetarians. We evolved to become the dominant species because of the diet we had, meat is the reason you now have the intelligence to make the choice.

  18. #18
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    Quote Originally Posted by OnOneRyder View Post
    If you're considering it because it upsets you that an animal has to do well..I'd have to say, suck it up as that is life. We are omnivores, we are not meant to be vegetarians. We evolved to become the dominant species because of the diet we had, meat is the reason you now have the intelligence to make the choice.
    This is funny because of something I found the other day. Supposed proof that we've always eaten our vegetables.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maridia
    In general if you are taking out a part of the food chain I understand you can sub it with something else but why? The animals will be slaughtered regardless so you're not saving a life, you're just not ceasing the opportunity to get some delicious food.
    That's like saying "I'm not going to recycle because no one else is doing it and that the world is going to end one day anyway."

    Although I agree with what I think you mean.

    Should you become a vegetarian? I don't know. It not only depends on your beliefs on the matter, but if you'll be able to do it. I love vegetables, but I'd be bored of not having meat very quickly. A good salad doesn't feel complete without slices of chicken or turkey in it.

    I go with those who have said to just limit what meat you do eat. Red meats aren't as good for you because it takes days for the meat to break down in your stomach - stick with chicken or turkey. If you don't want to eat it because of where they come from, stick with the organic/free range meats. Or you could buy meat from certain Jewish butchers (some of their slaughterhouses give animals a little more... dignity when the end comes as they're not killed infront of other animals, and they usually have good lives). It'll probably cost a bit more, but it keeps your conscience clear.

    Or you could try being a vegetarian for a week or two and see how it goes. There's nothing wrong with treating yourself to a little bit of meat though.
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 12-30-2010 at 07:05 PM. Reason: Oopsie spelling error. Heh.

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  19. #19

    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    This is funny because of something I found the other day. Supposed proof that we've always eaten our vegetables.
    And? That doesn't discredit what I've stated which is fortified by nearly any academic resource you find on the evolution of the human brain. See where I said omnivores? Yes both are necessary.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post

    Are we also meant to put animals in cages, feed them hormones so that they grow faster, and then package them in a layer of plastic that will take 100 years to biodegrade. Are we meant to artificially manipulate their genes so that they are larger, grow faster, mature earlier?
    Nature is a bitch, there are creatures which prey on living organisms which experience great pain so that another organism can sustain it's own life. If life allows this to occur naturally, why is it we should feel so bad about letting our technology provide us with means in which to exploit our intelligence to provide ourselves with more? Becomes a question of morality at that point. Personally I steer clear of fast food and most store bought chicken, simply because I know how badly those animals are treated.

    As for genetic manipulation, it's probably the developing worlds best chance at survival as of now. Most of this is being put to use adapting grains and seeds, and I understand that you're commenting on animals...but at the end of the day, it's survival for humans. Do you have any idea how unfeasible it would be to meet the demand for meat for the entire developed world if we were to rely on unaltered and what many activists would consider humanely bred livestock?
    Last edited by OnOneRyder; 01-03-2011 at 09:17 PM.

  20. #20
    #LOCKE4GOD Should I become a vegetarian? Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete
    In all reality, I'd say just try it for a week or two. I think that would give you a fair shot at seeing how you feel going without meat, or certain meats, as well as how your body adapts to it. After that, I'd make whatever adjustments that you feel would help, and then keep doing that until something feels "right." I wouldn't recommend going cold turkey (no pun intended) because that's not wise with anything.
    This is a good piece of advice. I'm going to read up a bit in the next few weeks, and then give it a go. I may post in here to let you know how it goes.

    Quote Originally Posted by OnOneRyder
    If you're considering it because it upsets you that an animal has to do well..I'd have to say, suck it up as that is life. We are omnivores, we are not meant to be vegetarians. We evolved to become the dominant species because of the diet we had, meat is the reason you now have the intelligence to make the choice.
    Are we also meant to put animals in cages, feed them hormones so that they grow faster, and then package them in a layer of plastic that will take 100 years to biodegrade. Are we meant to artificially manipulate their genes so that they are larger, grow faster, mature earlier?

    EDIT: Oh, and I could never do vegan. Milk is just too amazing, and nothing has to die.

  21. #21
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Should I become a vegetarian? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    Dude! When you start doing it, make a thread like an experiment log.
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  22. #22

    Re: Should I become a vegetarian?

    I like to point out being a vegetarian or vegan isn't going to change the world, just your life. So if you feel that strongly sure. But realistically what do you want?

    I'm not even close to being a vegetarian. But I do eat alot less red meat in comparison to even a couple years ago. Alot of turkey and chicken breast now. Which makes it more of a treat when I do have it. In general if you are taking out a part of the food chain I understand you can sub it with something else but why? The animals will be slaughtered regardless so you're not saving a life, you're just not ceasing the opportunity to get some delicious food.

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