Originally Posted by
Heartless Angel
Unfortunately, it's the idiots that laws are made for. A moderately intelligent person knows it's probably not the best idea to go operate complicated heavy machinery while shit-faced, and so they drink after hours. But then you have the overwhelming presence of idiots in the world who'd show up shit-faced every day if you didn't specifically tell them not to. And when one of those morons who can't even stand up straight causes a problem, bam, we get a law that ****s the rest of us. Blame stupid people. LAws and warning labels aren't made for 9999/10000 people who excorcise good judgement and common sense, they're for that one dumbass who couldn't pour piss out of a boot without an instruction manual. Sucks for the rest of us, yeah, but it is what it is.
In Nebraska, it is illegal to drive a covered wagon on sundays. I know, I want to take mine out for a sunday drive all the time, but I restrain myself...
I forget where, but there's a place where it's illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole. I mean, where else are you gonna tie the damn thing, amirite?
In Chicago, it is illegal to refuse to leave a burning restaraunt. And as i mentioned here, most laws are the reuslt of one dumbass... makes you wonder who the genius here was. SIR THE BUILDING IS ON FIRE! EVACUATE! Ahem, can you not see I am trying to enjoy my meal?!