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  1. #1

    Selfish pleasure?

    Do you think that people are abusing sex? if you think about it, the point is to reproduce and since we have all these preventions of getting preggo people just have sex whenever and how often they like.I guess the question would be, do you think it's selfish in a way? I thought about this before and it's just a thought I had. So I guess this topic is about whether or not sex has become less than it's original intent, which is procreation?

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  2. #2
    The Bad Boy of TFF Selfish pleasure? Block's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    As one of the only two animals on planet Earth that enjoys sex (the second being dolphins). I would say that the fact that we enjoy sex and so does the second most intelligent animal on Earth it may have something do with our level of intelligence. At the same time some people do have entirely way too much sex, and I think that's why things like STD's developed. A narrowing of the species so to speak.
    Last edited by Andromeda; 02-16-2010 at 05:04 PM.

  3. #3
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    When two dogs go at it in the kennel or wherever, they don't think about reproducing and raising a family. They **** because it feels good.

    I can only see sex being abused if it is done clearly for one person's pleasure, like rape. Having sex is a great feeling, and it's an even better one if it is done with the person that you have a strong connection with. Besides, if we didn't have contraceptives and stuff in place, I'm sure it wouldn't curb us from sexual activity that much, and then stuff like overpopulation would happen, which would cause us to be in a world of hurt.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  4. #4
    Registered User Selfish pleasure?
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    I think it's really what frame of mind you have about the act of having sex and sex in general. Just like most everything that can make a person feel good, sex can be abused and addicting. There's even rehab centers for people who have sex addictions.

    Yes, the point of sex is to reproduce, but since humans have a higher brain power and can function outside of basic instincts, sex can be an expression of love between two people. It's a more intimate form of expression which I think can make the bond that much stronger. So, in that context, I don't think it's selfish at all.

    I can only see it as being really selfish if the other person is unwilling and is forced into it.
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  5. #5
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    Actually Rocky, they are driven by the impulse to reproduce caused by the urge to breed brought on when the female is in heat, dogs don't get the same sexual gratification that humans do.

    I typed something up earlier as soon as Gypsy opened this thread and got side track and came back and closed the window. I agree with block. He said everything I was going to say in a lot shorter statment haha.

    "I am Meier and I am addicted to sex." <--- Hey now there is another subject that could be discussed.
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  6. #6
    The Bad Boy of TFF Selfish pleasure? Block's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    "I am Meier and I am addicted to sex." <--- Hey now there is another subject that could be discussed.
    Sex Addicts Anonymous just started right here.

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  7. #7

    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    How the hell could something for the benefit of two people, and hurting no one else, be selfish?

  8. #8

    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    It's not selfish at all. Maybe an exaggeration of what it is "supposed" to be, but who's making the rules here?

    And actually every time we "abuse" sex, as you call it, we are only following our instincts, which is to reproduce. Our mind tricks us into thinking we want sex for pleasure, by stimulating our bodies during the act, but it it only for one single reason.

  9. #9
    Gingersnap Selfish pleasure? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    It can be an expression of love and a way to further intimacy. You become as physically close to another person as possible. It's quite lovely.

    Only way it's selfish is if you're using another person as a mere... glorified masturbatory aid. And, in a way, if people in this day and age, when most children live to adulthood, use sex to procreate constantly... that's kind of selfish. Who are you to have 13 kids?

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  10. #10

    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    It can be an expression of love and a way to further intimacy. You become as physically close to another person as possible. It's quite lovely.

    Only way it's selfish is if you're using another person as a mere... glorified masturbatory aid. And, in a way, if people in this day and age, when most children live to adulthood, use sex to procreate constantly... that's kind of selfish. Who are you to have 13 kids?
    While I usually don't agree with the people that are having that many kids, who are you to tell them they shouldn't? I mean, if we're talking about being selfish here.

  11. #11
    Gingersnap Selfish pleasure? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    Haha. I'm not calling these people up and telling them anything. I wouldn't support a law limiting the amount of children one can have.

    But I do have an opinion and my opinion is that 13 kids is completely unnecessary, especially with so many orphans, unwanted children, homeless people, etc etc. It's selfish to disregard other members of a society and their need for resources in that way.

    Or, if you prefer: I'm Queen Shit, I tell people what I want.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 02-15-2010 at 08:41 PM.

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  12. #12

    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    Haha. I'm not calling these people up and telling them anything. I wouldn't support a law limiting the amount of children one can have.

    But I do have an opinion and my opinion is that 13 kids is completely unnecessary, especially with so many orphans, unwanted children, homeless people, etc etc. It's selfish to disregard other members of a society and their need for resources in that way.

    Or, if you prefer: I'm Queen Shit, I tell people what I want.
    You should call them up, actually. And address yourself as Queen Shit.

    I might actually support a law limiting the amount of children you can have based on IQ level.

  13. #13
    The Bad Boy of TFF Selfish pleasure? Block's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    You should call them up, actually. And address yourself as Queen Shit.

    I might actually support a law limiting the amount of children you can have based on IQ level.
    ME TOO! That would be the best law passed in ages, but I believe it should be handled on a state by state basis.

  14. #14
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    Quote Originally Posted by Block View Post
    ME TOO! That would be the best law passed in ages, but I believe it should be handled on a state by state basis.

    or go by China does. 2 per household.

    I only thought of sex being selfish is if you literally just wanna just have sex with someone just for you and you alone. I could get into more detail but no.
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  15. #15
    Registered User Selfish pleasure? Leksandar's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    You do literally want to have sex with someone just to have sex with them. The only reason you feel good about it when you pleasure someone else back is because it makes you feel like a good person or something in the manner of that.

    Thus I personally don't feel like one should feel guilty if one has sex without reproducing, just like I don't think you should feel guilty about feeling a sense of achievement when you beat a difficult boss in a video game even though you could argue that pleasure was meant for work situations.

    Then again, I don't think you can say that we're really abusing nor not abusing anything as, at least I, wasn't left with any instructions when I was born. Sometimes wish I was though. Other times not.

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    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    Who made the rules saying that sex is purely meant for reproduction, and nothing else?

    I don't understand what's selfish about two people wanting to show further love and affection for each other. If sex can be used to make two people happy, then why not? A lot of responsibility comes into it when it comes to pregnancy and STD's, but both can be prevented.

    I find it selfish when sex is abused, like rape, adultery, to purposefully pass on STD's, out of spite, or for ones own personal pleasure (an not caring how the other person in the act feels, but with consent).

    Then you have couples who just. Won't. Stop. Having. Babies. I think it's selfish for the same reasons Oceaneyes stated, but also because how can two people guarantee the best lives possible for thirteen children? Heck, it's hard providing for one or two children, but thirteen? It's an unnecessary figure.

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  17. #17
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    I think most times I've heard it construed as selfish there was something behind the person's beliefs. I know a few of the more hardcore Christians for example that might see it as selfish for one of several reasons, none of which have made any real sense to me when fully explained.

    Often it reverts to semen has life or something like that.
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  18. #18
    Imperius Rex Selfish pleasure? Storm's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver
    Often it reverts to semen has life or something like that.
    The Monty Python song "Every Sperm is Sacred" just popped into my head!

    I don't think that protected sex is selfish, as pleasure is something positive. If there was no protection, and considering what a lot of people in the world are like, especially when sex is prominent in mainstream media, I think we would be swimming in babies worse than we already are! Add to that the other negative impacts- such as housing, food, amenities, etc, and it sounds pretty catastrophic!

    Oh... and on another note, it is not just humans and dolphins who have sex for pleasure, bonobos do too. They're a kind of dwarf chimpanzee who are much less agressive than their chimp counterparts. They fornicate casually, especially when they feel an extreme emotion such as suprise or excitement... regardles of the age, sex or relation of the other. Males also do "penis jousting". Really funny creatures.
    Last edited by Storm; 02-17-2010 at 02:16 AM.
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  19. #19
    This ain't no place for no hero Selfish pleasure? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    I don't believe in any sort of mentality that sex is only for reproduction. If it were, we'd be like the dogs that someone else mentioned and only have sex when a male could tell that the female was in heat. We're a bit higher evolved than that.

    I think there is a bit of abuse going on in the marketing sector, but hey, sex sells. It's a cliche for a reason. Although when I think about it, who am I to say that a company can't use sex as a marketing gimmick to sell their product when it clearly works?

    I dunno.

  20. #20
    Sir Prize Selfish pleasure? Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    Sex is a mindset. Nothing is good or evil but thinking makes it so. You can do whatever you want with the concept of sex. It's amazing. You can elevate it to art or romance by making each time special. You can derogate it and depreciate it to a regular occurrence by doing it heedlessly without any ceremony with multiple partners. You can freakify it by doing it in the strangest manner possible. Or you can injure it by claiming it is a sin and a desire that is to be repressed. You can look at it objectively as a simple reproductive act.

    The different takes on sex are numerous. One of them should mean more to you than the others, but no particular view is a 100% right or wrong. My view on it is personal.


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  21. #21
    Registered User Selfish pleasure? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    I don't see anything wrong with sex for pleasure, the only time I would class sex as abuse is when it's rape, that sorta sex, hell yeah it's abuse but if it just for sheer pleasure and enjoyment (with consent obviously), is totally ok

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    My couch pulls out but I don't. Selfish pleasure? midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Selfish pleasure?

    Quote Originally Posted by winterborn86 View Post
    I don't see anything wrong with sex for pleasure, the only time I would class sex as abuse is when it's rape, that sorta sex, hell yeah it's abuse but if it just for sheer pleasure and enjoyment (with consent obviously), is totally ok
    What about roleplay rape? Is that allowed? Does that count as bad?

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