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Thread: Saying Good Bye

  1. #1
    アズテオル Saying Good Bye Azuteor's Avatar
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    Saying Good Bye

    As we grow up from a baby to a fully developed adult, there are numerous times when we have to say good bye and leave parts of ourselves in the past. These parts can be hobbies, interests, old habits, and much more. What parts did you have to let go? Are there some that you refuse to leave behind? Did you also have to say good bye to your favorite video games, movie, television/animated series, and books? You might have enjoyed them so much that you wouldn't be able to feel the same satisfaction when you started playing, watching, or reading them!

    I had to let go a lot of my bad habits that I grew up with. Some of my bad habits include burping/passing wind in public, picking my nose, and leaving boogers on the walls for my parents to find. I had to let go of pop music sooner or later. By pop music, I'm talking about boy bands and female idols that were extremely popular around the 90s and beginning of the 21st century. Yes, unfortunately, I was into that kind of stuff, but at least they left good childhood memories.

    I refuse to let go of anime. Without it, I wouldn't have pursued it as an art style and as a hobby.

    A few weeks ago, I finished Clannad After Story and just recently, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. I was so addicted to them that I couldn't wait to find out what happens next. The same thing goes for Chrono Trigger and T.H White's The Once and Future King.

  2. #2
    I had to let go a lot of my bad habits that I grew up with. Some of my bad habits include doing feminine gestures in public, gasping in amazement at all cute things, and leaving cute things on the walls for my parents to find. I had to let go of crossdressing sooner or later. By crossdresing, I'm talking about short skirts and thigh high stockings that were extremely popular around the 90s and beginning of the 21st century. Yes, unfortunately, I was into that kind of stuff, but at least they left good childhood memories.

    ..oh damn, wrong forum!

    No, I can't recall leaving parts of myself in the past. Sure, I progress to other things, but that isn't because I felt the need to let other things go. I enjoy what I enjoy, and nothing anybody says or thinks will change that.

    Bad habits? I still have the ones I've had. Biting my nails, especially when I'm bored or nervous. Spacing out in thought. Blah blah blah... mumbles countless things to himself.

  3. #3
    Asking all the personal questions. Saying Good Bye RamesesII's Avatar
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    Apart from the typical boy habits that i have grown up out like being a feral lol

    I gave up a lot of hobbies and interests as i grew up, when i was a boy my brothers and i would make up monsters and characters and play in the back yard with sticks etc and pretend to be those characters and as much as i loved using my imagination i grew up and we stopped playing, when i got older i didn't want to give these things up so i wrote them down on paper making up my own world and characters.
    Another interest i gave up was collecting cards and tazos etc i loved to cllect all those things i have stopped collecting but i still have my collection of Yu-gi-oh cards and tazos etc and i have a massive collection of basketball cards.

    I used to read goosebumps but grew out of them as my hunger for reading grew as well and got more advanced. I also loved my model cars not that i grew out of them i still have many uncompleted ones, but the fact that kids tend to change plans lol there are other things that i have had to give up but then i would be here for ever reciting my life story.
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  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I haven't said goodbye to most things I enjoy doing. Although now I am going to be putting less time into them. Since most of my hanging out time is all done during the late evenings, I usually play video games during the day. I work in the mornings usually, sleep most the afternoon, play games the rest of the afternoon and early evening and then go out.

  5. #5
    I miss the boredom and the freedom and the time spent alone.

  6. #6
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I hate goodbyes. Well, to the good things and things I want mostly - I can say goodbye to the things I don't like or want very easily.

    When I was growing up, I had to let go of some of my habbits. You know, picking your nose, biting your nails, telling lies... etc. I now never pick my nose, I rarely bite my nails (I tend to when I'm nervous or down over something), and I don't like telling lies if I can really help it.

    Somethings I find much harder saying goodbye to, like when I left school. I really miss being in the same class - no, building - as all my close friends. Sharing lessons with them, spending lunch with them, and being around people who are all into the same things as you. As much as I love college, it is much harder forming friendly relationships because everyone is completely different. I love the friends I've made there, but it would be s much better if I went to thr same place as a friend. I said goodbye to a lot of friends.

    When people I know die, I have to say goodbye, and pay my respects. In my life, my nan has died (I was really young, so I never got to mourn properly), two of my friends have passed away, one of which I was quite close to, and my Head of Year at school died. The later three have put me through depression of which I could not describe. This is the hardest type of goodbye, I think, because it really is permenant. I could say goodbye to comic book collection, but I'll always be able to buy them again some way or another.

    Haha, I've also said goodbyes to people out of anger - when you feel there is nothing more to say, so you just end up screaming "Goodbye!" at them, and walking off. These ones are pretty funny when you reflect on them I guess, but that doesn't mean to say they didn't hurt when you first say them. ^^;;

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

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  7. #7
    Lady Succubus Saying Good Bye Victoria's Avatar
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    I still collect cards. ...My old habit of crossdressing kind of exploded into becoming a girl, hehe.

    I refuse to give up anime or my books/manga, or my video games. A thing I dropped though was making sprite comics. I just got lazy making them and they were mostly random crap anyway.

    So I never really had to say goodbye to things much.

    I honestly don't believe flatus in public or belching in public can really be stopped. They're nature.. so you'd just kinda have to deal with that. >_>;

  8. #8
    Imperius Rex Saying Good Bye Storm's Avatar
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    I haven't made myself give up anything... I just moved on and away from things with age without realising. I do still like to express immaturity by buying kiddy food like pasta shapes and smiley faces every now and then, and the urge last month to get a spongebob dangler from a capsule machine. That's just me being me though! Yesterday I was so bored I ended up watching CBBC, something about **** and Dom fighting Alan the vampire baby. I can be a real big kid at times, but i'm also a lot more mature than many other 19-20 year olds out there! As for saying goodbye to friends, I still see my friends from my hometown every few months and still keep in regular contact with them, so I never really have said goodbye to them.

    Speaking of old childhood habbits though, I really wish I could still look cute by spinning around on my butt in the middle of a supermarket... those were good days!
    PSN username: Raikujaku
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  9. #9
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    I used to love:

    Wrestling (WWF - the era of Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior lol)
    80s music/ballads
    Saturday morning cartoons

    I havent been an avid X-Men fan lately - meaning: I don't collect comics like a die hard fan anymore. But if you'd ask me who's my fave X-Man, it is still Rogue.

    I am still a gamer and not sure when I can let go of this habit. Although I haven't been console gaming right now, I am playing World of Warcraft and been raiding. Also, still waiting for the price of Resident Evil 5 to come down and get another controller for my PS3 so my husband can play it with me..I'm too scared!! But yeah, I still have to finish Assassin's Creed before I get a new game. I would love to get Rock Band too! Frikkin' recession getting in the way of my guilty pleasures =(

  10. #10
    Saying Good Bye Chickenballz's Avatar
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  11. #11
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I don't believe in letting go anything I truly like, but I do find some of the things I do like evolving. Take anime as one example. When I was a kid I liked animes I have trouble watching now like Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z, then I progressed to whatever was on late night TV or cheaper DVDs where I saw series' like Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040, a bit of Lupin III (The Castle of Cagliostro is a movie I still find awesome to watch) and then I eventually graduated to actually buying boxsets from the store of whatever looked interesting. Some of them even ended up appearing on tv over the last few years as SBS and ABC got some of the better series'.

    Other things like gaming and to an extent music, I seem stuck in the past. I can greatly appreciate newer games and consoles, but they never seem better than the games I grew up with. Nostalgia may play a big part, but there's just something so addictive about the games of the past that can't seem to be replicated for me.

    Things I actually did give up? Competitive swimming when I was a kid. When our public pool introduced a fee, I figured it wasn't worth it for me anymore as I didn't have that much money at the time and wanted it for other things. And card games. I still have an interest in them, but I don't feel right about paying ungodly amounts of money for a bunch of cardboard. Priorities I guess.
    victoria aut mors

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