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Thread: Reasons For Your Username

  1. #1

    Reasons For Your Username

    Just a curious question...

    Why did you choose your username?

    Does it mean something special to you, or is it because you thought it was cool?
    Where does it derive from?

    If you changed your name, then also why?

    Only One Post Per Person, Please. Edit If You Want.

    I guess I'll start...

    "Draken Benvolaid" is a Swedish and German mixed name, I think.

    My name means "Dragon's Benevolence" when properly translated. A dragon's kindness is a strong ally and it symbolizes my inner self.

    Draken itself means "Drake" or "Wyvern", a type of dragon

    It's pronounced "Dray-ken Ben-vole-lay-idd".

    I got the first part from the Swedish Saab aircraft, J35A Draken.

    I began using it about 7 years ago when I started to write long stories/novels. I decided to use it because I had only one other name and its part of my book. I didn't want it to sound self-centered if they ever got published.
    "What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."

    "You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
    You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."

    <a href="">
    <img src="" border=0></a>

    "Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
    grant to you what is truly wanted by
    your heart and make it attainable,
    where as the infinite will not."

    "The world owes you nothing,
    not even an explanation."

    PROUD member of the PWNers Club!!
    RANK: Deuce of Pwns
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  2. #2
    Reasons For Your Username
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    The land with the light engraved on the stone.
    * Cloudy *

    First of all, i'm a huge FF VII fan & especially after AC. So, since Cloud's my fav & that nick is "somehow" taken, i had to use something else, without numbers & %$^&** stuff. So a -y at the end would be quite original.

    Other than that, one of my dreams is to fly up in the sky in the clouds. I love the clouds. They're perfect & the sky looks amazing when filled with pink, orange or light blue clouds.

    When in my biology class last year, i spent more time staring at the sky than paying attention at the teacher...LOL

    Most times, i look sad, depressed and shut to myself, so why the "cloudy" look, some friends ask me. Anything wrong? Nope, just cloudy.
    Last edited by CLOUD; 05-11-2007 at 07:30 AM.

  3. #3
    Air from my lungs. Reasons For Your Username Violet's Avatar
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    Under a bridge, eating your goats.
    Well, this is a newer name I came up with for a screenname. Other name's I've used were RikkuKitty, alienguru, and TeoAmni. NuttyBunny doesn't have history behind it since I recently made it up, but I thought it would be cute. RikkuKitty started ages ago in a chatroom, and a friend told me that I reminded him of a kitty.. and that it would be even super cute to be a Rikku Kitty, but I hate Rikku now. Alienguru and TeoAmni are my most used ones. Alienguru is based off of an alter ego I made up a long time ago, but it's not really that anymore.. I'm just used to the name. TeoAmni was named after a story character I made, which isn't really my character anymore since someone stole it..long story.

  4. #4
    Reasons For Your Username Setzertrancer's Avatar
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    Plotting the end of mankind
    Setzertrancer was derived from a few events in my past which are basically outdated now but all the same in the 10 years I've been actively involved on the internet I have only changed my username 3 times. This is because I hate the idea of changing it because as I see it you are basically abandoning your identity . Anyway It came from the fact that I think Setzer is a cool name from my favourite FF game and trancer came from the fact that I liked playing around with the trance genre of music when I had a game called Music 2000.
    Quotes from South Park. Jimbo: "If we don't kill animals, they'll die!" from The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka. Mephisto: "The Father of Eric Cartman is, Mrs. Cartman" from Cartman's mum is still a dirty slut. Scientist Guy: "Global Warming will happen two days before, the day after tomorrow" from Two Days before the day after tomorrow. Kyle: “Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster, how could he have died back then too” Cartman: “Oh yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense” from City on the edge of Forever. Cartman: "Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!" from Cripple Fight. Goth Kid: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do" from Raisins. Priest: "Maybe if more of us attended church on sundays the lord wouldn't have felt it necessary to punish us by takething this little boy" Mr. Garrison: "Oh here comes the guilt trip again" from Spontaneous Combustion. Doctor: "That kid's got as much hope as Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays" from Stanley's cup.

    Loyal Member of..... The Old School cult of Kefka, bitches, Nintendo Worshippers, The Aussies of TFF

    Setzer's Review Library: Tyrian,
    Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Minish Cap, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

  5. #5
    Arachnie Suicide Reasons For Your Username ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Brisbane, Australia
    Eh.. All of my names... Let's see..

    Rikku_555: I had this for what... 3 weeks at the beginning? Basically, I was sad and n00by and unoriginal. Best I could think of. <3 Rikku, and 555... Random number pulled from head, I guess.

    Al Bhed Psycho: This is what I've been for most of my time here. It was also rather unoriginal, but I like it. Pretty much anyone that's played FFX knows it. It's basically a play on words from the "Al Bhed Psyches", the blitzball team.

    Millenia: I was Millenia for about a month and a half, I think. This was basically for my favourite[ist] Grandia character, and [IMO] the sexiest ever incarnation of pure evil =P. Hawt. I love her.

    Rumour.Delirium: This one's just.. Simple. It was originally going to be Delirium Revived, but I mucked around and came up with Rumour.Delirium. Rumour is the name of my other personality, and Delirium.. Is just a word I like.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  6. #6
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    lol. I was stoned a whiles back when I was joining another forum. I tried to think of a name and couldn't. Then I saw it on my finger. The ring my mate gave me. A silver ring with a celtic design. Celtic_silver was born.
    victoria aut mors

  7. #7
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    I chose Winter because I am Grim and Frostbitten, colder than the coldest of cold times infinity.

    Frostbitten I became, Forthwith to see, Crystalized dimensions, To where the unfaithful fly, You might say, I'm demonized, but yet not the only one, You must come to me, There are nocturnal paths to follow.

    My crystal eyes are so cold like Snow spiraling towards auroral clouds, spreading the curse of the Blizzard beasts throughout the lands, Blackwinged ravens cry for tragedies to come, Lurking with snowfall, By doom they drag the robe of ice, Frozen of heart you now reach far.

    I am so cold that I am really a women, for I am Winter.

  8. #8
    Reasons For Your Username Inagi's Avatar
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    Cleverly hidden in the back of a carboard box/ base
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter
    I am so cold that I am really a women,
    Your a woman? Wait, no, two women at the same time? Neat.

    Anywho, I just liked the way my name sounds. It was originally Novacrash, but I liked it just "Nova" a bit better.

    I also like explosions, which is pretty much what a Nova is so..yeah .
    My TFF Family ^_^

    My raving sister, BleachFanGirl!

    Crazed Trivia Addicted Cousin, Squall333!

    My Trivia-Obsessed brother, Phantom!

    My dragon impaling father, Dragoon_Nick!

    My crazy aunt, Tiger Lily!

    Pilot Extraordinare Brother, FF-Fan Cid!

    Maniacal Menacing Brother, Momo Mastermind

    My Vampire-Obsessed Sister, Vampiric Delirium!

    My Semi-Insane fighter cousin, Celtic_Silver!

    My Tree-Hugging Superhero Cousin, FFGuru

    Feel free to pm me and join /\/\

  9. #9
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I'll go through all my usernames.

    Chez Daja (which I may at some point soon return to.)

    Pronounced; Ch-eh-z, Day-jah.

    Chez; derived from Chester Bennington (Linkin Park).

    Also means "semen", to which I didn't know at the time (because I was like, 12 when I began using it. ).

    Chez was a name two of my friends gave me. Those would be my ex boyfriend Chris (no long know him), and Nix (Nichole), and I still talk to her.

    Daja; the name of a girl in a novel I wrote when I was eleven.

    Daja also means "African Marijuana", whilst the spelling of the word is the same, the prounouncition is not.

    Angela Orosco

    Pronounced; Ann-gel-la, Or-ros-ko.

    The name of one of Silent Hill's most tragic characters who was deeply depressive and suicidal because she suffered childhood abuse from her parents.

    Walter Sullivan

    Pronounced; Wul-tur, Sul-liv-van.

    The name of Silent Hill 4: The Room's homocidal, suicidal ghost character. He was on a mission to restore his mother, which he believed to be an actual apartment room. Deeply disturbed and mentally sick, Walter Sullivan got kicks from killing victims to complete his mission, however he isn't completely heartless toward children, to whom he felt guilty of killing.


    Pronounced; Sever-ruf-th.

    Derived from my Polish and Russian name "Sewerin"/"Severyn" (pronounced Sever-rin or Se-VE-rin), Severeth is usually taken in as a more masculine nickname for it's rough sounding edge.

    Sewerin has no particular meaning, although it is sometimes associated with the Roman family name "Severus".

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  10. #10
    Registered User Reasons For Your Username Dimi's Avatar
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    I've only changed my username about four times I believe. I was planning to stick with one username for a long time, but after a while I feel like its time for a new change.

    1. Fishie: Even though "Fishie" is actually spelled "fishy", it was the first thing that came to mind when I first joined the forums. A majority of people that know me on here still call me Fishie still to this day. I like Fishie a lot, but I felt that I needed a change.....

    2. Doughboy: Which lead to the name change of Doughboy. A lot of people don't remember Doughboy at all for some reason, but the reason why I created this username was because I was thnking of the Pillsbury Doughboy, then I thought that'd make a great username. So Doughboy was born.

    3. Knox: This username is probably my favorite one I ever thought of. The name sounded cool and it has an edge to it. I wanted a name that sounded the opposite of Fishie. Fishie sounded like a little child, and I wanted a name that sounded older and more mature.

    4. Diddy: Diddy!!!!!!! I used to love playing Diddy Kong Racing and Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2 with Diddy in it. This monkey was so cool. He's one of my favorite characters out of all the videogames I ever played. Oh, I also thought of the rapper as well when creating this too.

  11. #11
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    My username is the title of a '95 movie about a dragon. The story isn't the best but the CG effects are amazing - I've never seen a better movie dragon. Anyways, when I first joined this forum I was fourteen and obsessed with the movie, so I named myself after it. In hindsight, I should have considered the ambigious nature of the name; even now people still mistake me for a guy lol.

    I've considered changing it but eh, I've been DH for a fair amount of time now and it just wouldn't sound right to be anything else. I use it for pretty much anything that requires a username with only a few exceptions.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  12. #12
    Registered User Reasons For Your Username Halie's Avatar
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    I chose 'Firefly' because at the time my favourite song was well...'Firefly' by Breaking Benjamin. I thought it sounded like a good username so I decided to use it.

    I also changed it to ~Miss Murder~ before Firefly, because it used to be my favourite song, and I also had Lithium simply because it also use dot be my favourite song lmao.

    And the name I singed up to TFF with was FFX_FFX-2Aholic, which I used beause I was obsessed both games. Makes sense really. lol.


  13. #13
    Pedobear approves Reasons For Your Username Shadow Of Darkness's Avatar
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    In your momma's bed !
    Ultima_Luka: cause my favorite spell is Ultima , but the name Ultima was already used so I added my name too.
    Shadow of Darkness:I like the word shadow and darkness its sounds cool, so i combined them and so...SoD was born!!!


    SoD: What should I give to my girlfriend for Valentines Day?
    Pete: My suggestion is two presents. Get her something of meaning to the both of you, and a dildo. If she doesn't like the first gift, she can go **** herself.

    My Family:
    My awesome sister which I love very much <3--Vampiric.Delirium
    My lazy, random, super-duper, twice-removed cousin-- Ralz
    My forever intoxicated vigilante brother--Celtic_Silver
    My Godsmack Addicted Brother--Omega Weapon
    My dark wolf obsessed somebody--Darkwolf
    My Bahamut loving sister--Bahamut1990
    My forever banned cousin--Dark_Angel2
    My sweet vanilla cousin--OceanEyes28
    My wacky evil loving sister--Annikit

  14. #14
    Lady Succubus Reasons For Your Username Victoria's Avatar
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    Piroblaze is the name I originally signed up to this forum with.
    Then there was:

    Shadow Stalker - I don't remember why.
    Kana Mitsu - One of my RP characters.
    Shadow Otenaki - Also one of my RP/B/Story characters
    Raine Ikazuchi - Likewise.
    Dizzy - Because Dizzy rules.
    Deedlit - Because Deedlit is also awesome.
    Eve - Likewise.
    Captain Bravo - He's so Bravo.
    Great Writer Fuji/Urumi/Yoko - Fuji was based off Fuji Syusuke from Prince of Tennis, Urumi was based off Urumi from Great Teacher Onizuka, Yoko was based off of Yoko from Tengen Toppa Gurren-Laggan. The Great Writer part was also derived from GTO.
    Toph Bei Fong - Derived from Toph Bei Fong from Avatar: The Last Airbender. She's blind, she's an earth-bending master because she's the only one that can bend steel. And her personality is the most similar to mine.

    I think that about sums up all of the names I've had. XD
    Last edited by Victoria; 02-24-2008 at 12:13 AM.

  15. #15
    the reason i chose my username is because i just adore the Summon/Aeon bahamut. I like how he is one of the strongest summons in FFX and the other FF games and because i have a tattoo of him from X on my neck. ^______^

    my lovely boyfriend of 2 months has joined this forum. his name is Unholy_omen

  16. #16
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Musashiden (Pronunciation: Moo-Sah-She-Den)

    Musashiden is the main character of the oft overlooked but truely classic platforming series Brave Fencer Musashi/Samurai Legend Musashi (shuddap Piro XD) for the PS1/2. The first one is the better game, but both games are great.

    The character itself is loosely based on the 15th/16th century samurai Miyamoto Musashi, who is credited with being one of the greatest swordsmen in history.

    Anyway, the name itself means a lot to me since I've been given many nicknames here over the years. "Mush", "Musa", "Mushashi", and the ever popular "I can't pronounce that".

    I've thought about changing it a few times, but never really went about it. One of the name changes I've been pondering lately is "Malahk Musashi" combining the two names I use most often... what do you guys think? Should I change it?

    EDIT: I totally did change it.

    Malahk Musashi (Pronunciation: Muh-lock Moo-Sah-She)

    Malahk means "Angel" in Hebrew, and I already explained what Musashi is.

    The name itself stems from "Malahk Angel", a name I use frequently, and also an enemy in Xenogears. The name itself is kind of redunant, but that's how it shows up in the game, a result of a mistranslation.
    Last edited by Musashiden; 05-11-2007 at 01:09 PM.

    Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
    Thread killer extraordinaire since 4/20/01.
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  17. #17
    Lady Succubus Reasons For Your Username Victoria's Avatar
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    GO FOR IT! =D
    Malahk Musashi is pretty badass. and.. what game is Musashiden from? You don't mention the title. XD

  18. #18
    Reasons For Your Username Hannya's Avatar
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    In a Noh Theatre
    It's mostly because I am obssesed with Noh Masks and that I thought Hannya would make a cool avatar.
    <a href="" target=_blank><img src="" border="0"></a>

    TFF Family:

    My worthless grandson Itachi Uchiha.
    My disappointing brother who has never bested me in armed combat Fishie.
    My amish sister with an odd adiction to butter Xeim.
    My creepy uncle who always gets drunk at family reunions and tries to touch people Echo.
    My goofy cousin from the mountains Devil Summer.

  19. #19
    The Sindrome Mike's Avatar
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    Norman, Oklahoma
    I swear this topic seems to pop up about every few months on this site. I chose my name because, well, my name is Mike. Thinking back on it now I should have made my name Steve, or something. On other sites I use S1ndr0m3/Syndrome/Sindrome or any other variation of the word because my last name is Downs and it was one of my nicknames while I was in the Army.

  20. #20
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Queensland, Australia
    My original name on here from when I signed up was ~Crazy Chocobo~. I chose that because it was cute and different. I have changed my username quite a number of times since then, I can't even remember all of them. ~Fluffy Chocobo~ is just a small variation of my original user name.

    There was Lady Luck which I had for quite a while, that came from one of the dresspheres in Final Fantasy X-2. I thought it sounded pretty neat as well so that's why I used it.

    Rei Ayanami was another choice of mine, I chose that because I love the Anime 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'. She is my favourite character from that series.

    Moon Mage: Just a random name I came up with one day, I thought it sounded alright so hence why I used it.

    Snoopy: Because I love that cute dog! I used to love watching Peanuts when I was younger and I adore Snoopy.

    Last but not least there is the user name I have now. I had to have it as that because I really love dragons. They're awesome!

    Well, I think that's about it.

    CC's YouTube Page|Add me on
    Is on Facebook so feel free to add me. =)

  21. #21
    Reasons For Your Username Mugetsu's Avatar
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    I chose Mugetsu because Mike already had my name. I liked Mugetsu because he was a total nut from, The Bouncer. I remember a few of us used to have names from this game.

    Dauragon/Kou/Dominique were those I remember!

  22. #22
    Reasons For Your Username
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    Jan 2007
    Being a ninja in Eterna Forest
    Ah, yes, why I have LostUtopian. Well, I use it on many different sites. It was even my AIM name @ one time or another {but it got hacked}. LostUtopian {or TheLostUtopian...depending where you find me} was something I put together one day.

    I think of it as one who, like myself, is trying to find his/her slice of heaven...hence there Utopia. And until he/she finds that "perfectness", they are lost.

  23. #23
    Because L pwns your souls. I also like his character even though I've only seen him once on TV during the English dub on Adultswim here in America. There's also quite a few pictures of him that look really nice and people with the ability to make Manga scans look like something extremely smexy. So all in all, it was for pwnage, awesome, and graphics.

  24. #24
    Synthesized Ascension Reasons For Your Username Zardoch's Avatar
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    Besides being the name of a good band, I choose the name because of the mythical beast rather than the band. It's simple, screams "me", and always sounded cool. Behemoth is what I am.

  25. #25
    Sir Prize Reasons For Your Username Sinister's Avatar
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    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
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    OmniTense was in reference to an old poem I wrote, or rather to a harsh review of that poem. (poem called "Ode to the Dreaming Solipsist") In which I shifted tense in every line. A critic of mine noted that it was written in "Omni-Tense"

    Sinister is a reference to a long tail of my history. Involving one of my spelling words from homeschooling as a child that I became infatuated with at the age of six. I had trouble spelling it, the story goes, so my father worked and worked and eventually got me to spell it out with green/bluish finger-paint on my door.

    It became a tradition to have the word on my door. Which I eventually carved it in the wood.

    S like a Snake
    I like Ice
    N like Nice
    I like Ice
    S like Snake
    T like Tail
    E like Eel
    R like Rain

    Was how I worked it out.

    When I would get angry, my dad would actually address me as "Sinister," calling it my "Animus". When I first joined a forum I stuck a picture of Sephiroth and combined it with the name Sinister.

    I guess when you think about it, I'm both Sinister and OmniTense.


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  26. #26
    Cilla vs. Games Reasons For Your Username Priscilla's Avatar
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    Well.. I chose my name because.. it's my name.
    I couldn't really think of anything else and my name is usually always avaliable

  27. #27
    Reasons For Your Username ToroMor's Avatar
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    Nailed to an inverted cross
    "Toro Mor" means "Evil Spirit" in some forgotten language.
    <img src="" border="0" alt="Toro Mor">

    Dark Christ
    Ruler of the Pit
    Abound with power excelling the Jehovah
    As I sack the Heavens
    I Will ascend the Throne
    Thou shall be brought down unto the abyss
    The Salvation from the Trinity
    Celebrate me
    Lo and Behold, For I am The New Christ
    A Christ of Darkness

  28. #28
    Reasons For Your Username Dragoon_Nick's Avatar
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    Where the polar bears play at night and where the beavers are furry...
    My names...

    Dragoon_Nick: What i'm known best for, although not very much know me outside of TFF as this user. Basically Kain Highwind is my favourite character, and the thing about him is that, obviously, he's a dragoon. Dragoons tend to train non-stop until they surpass themsleves and their enemy, and create a sense of pride to their ancestors. My name is Nick, so Dragoon_Nick

    Dimentio: From Super Paper Mario, Dimentio was the badass character, and his name sounds italian.

    Totz: Basically my personal nickname which my friends know me by.

    Dr.Nick: Derivative of Dragoon_Nick and shows my will to become a doctor.
    Last edited by Dragoon_Nick; 11-03-2007 at 09:56 PM.

    My Awesome TFF Family

    My awesome Obsessive Half-Breed Half Sister: Vampiric Delirium, My Yaoi-Loving Compassionate Daughter: Xeim, My Forever Intoxicated Vigilante Brother: Celtic_Silver, My Sister From Another Mister: OceanEyes28, My Awesome Cali Brother: Fishie, My adorable little pet bunny: Tiger Lily, My FF worthy awesome Homie, ManicDepression, My Cloud-loving Spartan Fenririan Brother: Cloud, My UFC Champion athlete fighter: BenRampage, My godsmack addict, Manchester United Fan Rival in Trivia Brother: Omega Weapon, My Trivial Addict Cousin: Phantom, My Uber bot slicer son: Zero, My Really Awesome Rival in Trivia Brother: Squall333, My Silly Dragoonic Sister: Kaos Dragon, My Drunken Step-Father Who Smokes Every 5 Seconds: SasuXNaru, My "Unknowingly Being in His Family" Brother: Rasler, My Bahamut-Loving Stalker Sister:Bahamut1990, My Insane Overlord Grandfather: Itachi Uchiha

  29. #29
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Oh noes.. I changed my name again.

    Why? Because I like Sailor Pluto and her name in Japanese is Setsuna apparently so that's why I decided on that. I think it's a nice name as well, Pluto is a great character in the series. She's not in it that much but oh well, she looks cool. I got tired of ~CC~ but that doesn't mean I won't change back to it again sometime, it was my original user name after all. I'll just stick with Setsuna for now, it's a nice change.

    I think that's it!

    CC's YouTube Page|Add me on
    Is on Facebook so feel free to add me. =)

  30. #30
    Courage, Character, Confidence. Reasons For Your Username Lunasa's Avatar
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    Long Island, NY
    My name was a Star-Warsian name and is my Star Wars GameSpy ID for that such reason. This is the first time I've utilized it online besides then, though. I thought it was original and didn't contain random numbers, so thus it is.

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