Alright. My college friends and I are going to do our own real life Final Fantasy game withba modern twist for a project. I am a preppy city boy. I wear things like blazers and nice button-ups and I carry a messenger bag, so I have been selected to be the white mage. This theme song will play when I am introduced Our butchy girl frienf we know and live that works part time at hone depot and studies engineering that wears crew tees and other blue collar stuff is going to be the big paladin. In the story she will also be my girl friend and the main protagonist and rhe story will begin with her. An asian friend who is all about the books and studying (he's kind of a nerd but we still love him) will be the black mage, our martial
artist friend will be the monk of course, and a girl from latin will be the summomer. Isn't it just wonderful that everyone has their own personality and we are all precious little snowflakes!. Any way I have to cast spells like curaja and reflect and healing wind and all that. My in story girl friend will be cobering me from attacks a lot and a five hour energy drink will be the ether poured into my mouth when my mp gets low. The boss theme from FFIV will be used for all boss fights. When I cast raise, a little girl in an angel costume will come and pick people up and fake feathers will be phoenix downs. Similar things will happen when the summoner uses his summons. The animations are supposed to be extremely realistic and the ending is kind of weird. The final boss will die by messing up my favorite blazer and I have to throw a temper tantrum and finish him off with an overpowered holy. How does this all sound; ideas?
this is what I will wear.