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Thread: Shouting Matches-How they should go.

  1. #1

    Shouting Matches-How they should go.

    Is there anything as unproductive as a shouting match with a friend, relative or spouse? Instead of yelling things at the same time and you can't even hear what the other's saying. Say you have a shouting match with a friend, shouldn't you agree it should go like so;

    Friend 1: Hey asshole, you're a ****tard. Furthermore, you're gonna sit there and listen. When I'm done, you can say something.

    Friend 2: Okay.

    Friend 1: First, I just wanna say, you're an asshole. Second, and more importantly, you're a ****tard. END OF DISCUSSION.

    So do you agree that arguments would be a lot better that way? Yes? No? Yes. Yeah that's how they should be.

  2. #2
    The Bad Boy of TFF Shouting Matches-How they should go. Block's Avatar
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    Re: Shouting Matches-How they should go.

    Are you a troll? Or just a complete tool.

  3. #3
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Shouting Matches-How they should go. ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Shouting Matches-How they should go.

  4. #4
    Gingersnap Shouting Matches-How they should go. OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Shouting Matches-How they should go.


    We're talking about arguments, not questing for trolls (is questing a real verb? Safari says it is).


    I prefer to have misunderstandings that can then be clarified. Mutual respect, and so on.

    But I've definitely argued and been in a shouting match. And trust me. I have a BFA in performing arts with a big focus on vocal production. I can yell louder. And longer.


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  5. #5
    Shouting Matches-How they should go. Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Re: Shouting Matches-How they should go.

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    But I've definitely argued and been in a shouting match. And trust me. I have a BFA in performing arts with a big focus on vocal production. I can yell louder. And longer.
    I'm a large male who can hold a note at decent volume for almost a couple of minutes without needing to take a breath. I bet I can take you, missy! You know, assuming I can find something to yell about. My biggest problem there is being mean-spirited enough to yell.

    Actually you can probably beat me, but damnit, I'd put up a fight!

    I think they should go as they usually do. People get a lot of steam off of their chest, but they yell so loudly and at the same time so neither of them can hear each other. Most of the stuff that you'd be yelling is stuff you wouldn't really want them to hear anyway, so in the end, you're probably better off for them not hearing you.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Shouting Matches-How they should go.

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    I can yell louder. And longer.


    I prefer to save myself the headache, if I'm honest. I'll only lash out with my vocal chords when my fuse is all burnt up. By then, I usually have settled the matter calmly.

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    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Shouting Matches-How they should go.

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    But I've definitely argued and been in a shouting match. And trust me. I have a BFA in performing arts with a big focus on vocal production. I can yell louder. And longer.

    I work with kids 7 days a week. Kids that can sometimes get upset at the littlest things due to their disorders. Pretty sure I can give you a run for your money. So get out your dollar bills. dolla dolla bill yall ******.

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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  8. #8
    Registered User Shouting Matches-How they should go.
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    Re: Shouting Matches-How they should go.

    I hate arguments. Especially ones that escalate into shouting matches. I myself have never been in one, because when people do yell at me, my first impulse is to cry. So yeah, if anyone wanted to try to get into a shouting match with me, it'd be an easy victory for you.

    I'd rather both parties in the argument settle their differences in a calm manner, even if that means that they need to stay away from each other for a bit to cool their heads. I think it's a lot more productive that way, certainly much more so than trying to outdo one another by getting in the loudest words.
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  9. #9
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Shouting Matches-How they should go. Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Shouting Matches-How they should go.

    All shouting matches should be sung in an operatic style. Costumes are optional, but appreciated.
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  10. #10

    Re: Shouting Matches-How they should go.

    I don't really get into shouting arguments, but I can't stand people who want to yell at you and tell you want they think, and refuse to listen to what you say, then it's not really an argument it's just one person trying to get you to listen to what they have to say because they think they're right...or whatever the case may be.

    I don't really mind if it's a big enough thing that it involves having to yell, but if I don't get a chance to have my say in the matter then the "argument" is irrelevant, I'll just ignore you

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  11. #11
    Air from my lungs. Shouting Matches-How they should go. Violet's Avatar
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    Re: Shouting Matches-How they should go.

    I'm terrible in arguments because I can be impatient. When someone starts warping around the entire argument, I get confused and lose my temper. I start lashing out on them with whatever I can think of. It's really ridiculous, but nobody's perfect when it comes to anger. I seriously need to cool my head off at times like that, haha.

  12. #12
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Shouting Matches-How they should go.

    Violet does get angry, she even made me cry one time. True story.

    Me, I'll keep arguing coolly unless things start getting too loud (like your typical shouting match) at which point I'll mention I'm leaving and the other person should calm down, especially if it's over something stupid. Unfortunately I can't tell when someone's gotten all riled up online half the time so I just keep going.
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