This was inspired by Hellfire's thread about advice you'd give yourself if you went back in the past ten years ago.
Anyways, this is the purpose of the thread. This is a thread for questions you would ask yourself if a future you from ten years ago visited you.
My questions would be this:
Did choosing to enlist in the NAVY benefit me?-I am currently planning to enlist for the NAVY, and actually going to MEPS tuesday. I am fully confident about the NAVY, just curious.
What did Erin ever say to you?- A girl that has been my friend for ages, and a girl that I've been crushing on for a full year, told me she loved me. She told me she would wait for me, until after I returned home from the NAVY. I would be curious as to if she really waited.
Did you ever manage to complete a Barrel Roll?- For simple laughs, and to see if my future self gets the joke.