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Thread: People talk to you when you have earphones on

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  1. #1
    アズテオル People talk to you when you have earphones on Azuteor's Avatar
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    People talk to you when you have earphones on

    I understand that it's rude to talk to someone while you're wearing earphones/headphones, but it's annoying when a person starts talking to me when I just want to be left alone and listen to my music. You would think people would leave you alone. It's just the opposite. If it's important of course I'll take my earphones off.

    The reason I started this is due to the students running for office at my university who are hanging out fliers and asking people to vote for them. I put my earphones on so that I didn't have to deal them with as I passed by, but they really wanted my vote! ;;-_-)a

    Has this happened to you? If so, where? How did you react?

    Have you attempted to strike a conversation with someone with headphones/earphones?

    What kinds of things do you do to give yourself space to enjoy your own company in public? Have you been interrupted?

  2. #2
    Memento RK People talk to you when you have earphones on Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: People talk to you when you have earphones on

    This is why I started to only wear one ear phone when I'm walking in a big place like Toronto. I take my earphones out when I'm inside or about to get on a bus so I can ask for a transfer...Other then that, I don't usually like to take them out. I have some good songs I like to listen to without interruption. People on the subway try to talk to me a lot. Along with people who are waiting for the bus. They sometimes like to ask "Had the bus come yet?". That's where I look at them for a sec...pretend I didn't hear them and think Would I be waiting for the bus if it just passed by? Is my only purpose in life to tell you whether you missed your bus or not?. To which I reply, No. And put my headphones back in. Sometimes people think they still have my attention and ask, do you know when it's coming? *sigh* Then they realize I'm really not listening and try to speak louder......bad situation. People talk to me like I know everything. Do I have a look on my face that says so? I know I'm confident...but I'm like EVERYONE's go to person. Maybe I look smart? I dunno...People are weird.

    In school I just sit in a cubby and act like a loner. Or act like I'm studying. When I'm sitting in the open, people don't generally bother me unless they know me and I wave. I try to be social sometimes. I swear

    Then there are people who go around and do surveys and ask random people for their opinion. I usually sit in the open when this happens, and they go to everyone else BUT me. Then I get offended because they didn't ask me...*sigh*. When I need to talk to someone with headphones in I just wave or poke them. Whichever works quickest.
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  3. #3
    At our warehouse (work) we all have different music preferences, there is little we agree on. So we all have our phones, iPods, mp3 players, etc. whenever we work.

    Most of the time no one bothers anyone else unless someone is needed. Problem though is work sometimes requires us to be talkative. If I'm flipping (moving product from a larger rack to a smaller one) I can usually get away with having both in and no one will bother me.
    On the wall where we separate the product to go to different places I usually only wear one.

    Other than that I don't use headphones. Literally ever.

  4. #4
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: People talk to you when you have earphones on

    I dunno what you guys are on about. I don't take my headphones out if someone starts talking to me, unless they're trying to have a prolonged conversation with me. Then I'm like "whatevs" and take one ear out so I can hear them better. Unless it's something important, in which case I turn off my music and wait for the conversation to be over.

    Of course then again, I'm usually listening to my music at work or while on a walk or run or something, so I usually don't run into a lot of conversations like that. No public transportation or school for me! (So yeah; most conversations I have at work require me to pause the music, unless a coworker is just trying to bs with me as we walk down a hallway or something.) Anyhoo...

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  5. #5
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! People talk to you when you have earphones on Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: People talk to you when you have earphones on

    My ex (who I lived with for three years) used to do this. I would plug my earphones into the computer to watch a video, he would start chatting some s**t. God, that was annoying... -_-

    Usually I will either take one earphone out, or just turn my iPod off, just to be polite. I will always at least take both earphones out when I get to the tills at Tesco. It's only manners.

    What annoys me is people driving with earphones in. Don't you have enough to concentrate on without stuff blaring in your ear?
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  6. #6
    TFF's Resident Messenger People talk to you when you have earphones on Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: People talk to you when you have earphones on

    This reminds of the scene in Dream High where Jin Gook and Go Hye Mi are at the bus stop and the group of girls are talking about Go Hye Mi within earshot of her. Then Jin walks over to her and hands her the other end of his earphones. When she says that no music was being played, Jin says that it is the best way to tell people that what they are saying about you doesn't matter because you "can't hear" it anyway.

    Now, when I listen to music in public, I keep the volume down in case someone wants to talk to me about something. Like Aerif said, it is rude. My parents raised a gentleman after all. And besides, there is a Pause button for a reason. Your finger will most likely not break if you press it.

    And when I am out on my bike, I will wear my headphones around my neck or in my backpack so I can hear both the music and the outside stuff (cars, nature, etc.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallulah View Post
    What annoys me is people driving with earphones in. Don't you have enough to concentrate on without stuff blaring in your ear?
    Now, I can't speak for the entire world, but in Ohio (in the U.S.) it is illegal to drive while wearing headphones. It is to make sure that drivers can hear emergency vehicle sirens while on the road. That way they pull over and let the vehicle pass to wherever the emergency is at.
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  7. #7
    Bananarama People talk to you when you have earphones on Pete's Avatar
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    Re: People talk to you when you have earphones on

    I feel like most people think it's an open invitation to ask a stupid question, like "What are you listening to?", which pisses me off, because when I have my headphones in, I'd prefer not to talk to people. This always seems to happen to me when I'm on the train... and I avoid public transportation like the plague.

    It's also annoying when someone asks a question, requiring me to pull my headphones out and have them repeat themselves. I'll then answer, thinking the convo is over, and put my headphones back on, and then they ask more questions. Fricken seriously, headphones in means no talky.
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  8. #8
    HRH Albha People talk to you when you have earphones on Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: People talk to you when you have earphones on

    I think you are all damn rude.

    Maybe it's just because I don't listen to music, but blocking out the world and people who want to talk to you is really quite impolite. Sure, I understand in some cases it could be more desirable to listen to music. But really, think how the other person feels.

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  9. #9
    Queen People talk to you when you have earphones on Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: People talk to you when you have earphones on

    I fking HATE it. Happens all the time. Fk off I dont want to talk to you once my headphones are in. Respect MY right for not wanting to talk to you in the first place. Thats the risk you take when attempting to initiate a conversation with anyone. Its selfish also of YOU to think everyone else should bow to your social etiquette. Humans may be social beings but not everyone wants to be social or develop any sort of rapport. For the record I keep to myself alot n am a loner. So when people do try to talk to me esp idiot males tryin to crack onto me (i dont mind girls) I leave my headphones in and pretend I dont notice them, ignore them straight out or if they're really getting on my nerves I tell them straight out I dont feel like talking with a scary look on my face brought on by my subconscious anger. Tough. Have a little cry when you get home or strike up a conversation with someone who actually gives a shit.

  10. #10
    アズテオル People talk to you when you have earphones on Azuteor's Avatar
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    Re: People talk to you when you have earphones on

    Michael, you watch Korean dramas?

    When I'm with family and friends I don't put my headphones on. Generally, I'll take them off if I'm in a conversation. Aerif, I don't think we're THAT rude just because we want to be left alone sometimes. I think many of us are patient enough to talk and not tell a stranger/friend/family member to buzz off. I doubt that the rest of public and the world would care if one guy listens to his music until he gets to his destination.

    Maybe me originating from NY gives me that cold vibe Northerners seem to get, lol.

    Down here in TN, it's illegal to wear headphones. I did it once and my best friend's dad saw me and told her to text me to take it off before I get in trouble.

  11. #11
    Bananarama People talk to you when you have earphones on Pete's Avatar
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    Re: People talk to you when you have earphones on

    Quote Originally Posted by Azuteor View Post
    Down here in TN, it's illegal to wear headphones. I did it once and my best friend's dad saw me and told her to text me to take it off before I get in trouble.
    I really hope you mean while driving, cause that would be ridiculous.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  12. #12
    アズテオル People talk to you when you have earphones on Azuteor's Avatar
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    Re: People talk to you when you have earphones on

    I got in trouble for wearing earphones by this clerk while I was shopping for clothing. He said, "I can't wear it." I don't know what the big deal is. It's not like he intends to talk and follow me around. There was a girl who was also wearing earphones.

    I figured I had ignored him when he greeted me as I came into the store or when he was asking me if I need help. Who knows.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    I really hope you mean while driving, cause that would be ridiculous.
    LOOL. My bad. Yeah, it is illegal in TN to wear headphones/earphones while driving. Maybe having one in one ear is fine?

  13. #13
    G'day People talk to you when you have earphones on NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: People talk to you when you have earphones on

    I only wear earphones at work, so I have to expect that someone will try to talk to me, at least once a day haha. I usually have both earphones in, but I am always taking one out to talk to some idiot. But it doesn't bother me, because it's work. I'm usually in my own world when listening to music, but I'm pretty observant, so I know what's going on around me. Don't want to get run over by a forklift.

    I don't usually where earphones in public, unless it's on the train. People don't usually try to talk to me, guess I'm either really boring looking or I'm really lucky. The only people who try to talk to me, is old people, they love me for some reason. I'm happy to give people directions or tell them the time.

    Oh and I avoid those people giving out pamphlets, with or without earphones in. I don't want your f*cking pamphlets!

  14. #14

    Re: People talk to you when you have earphones on

    People don't normally talk to me when I have headphones on. But if I'm listening to music I'm usually trying to keep my distance from people.

    I get annoyed when people at the register have headphones on though when I ring them up...or even worse the stupid blue tooth headset thing.

  15. #15
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth People talk to you when you have earphones on Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: People talk to you when you have earphones on

    Naturally there were several occasions where I was interrupted while listening to music, though the last one was quite pleasant to say the lest. It was the world's day of milk, I got little box of milk for just passing by.

    I usually wear headphones when I'm on the bus where on most occasions I don't know like 99% of the people.

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  16. #16
    Registered User People talk to you when you have earphones on + Revenant +'s Avatar
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    Re: People talk to you when you have earphones on

    I can understand both sides of this. On one hand, if you want people to leave you alone, why hang out in public? You can listen to music at home. Also, I worked six years' worth of cashier jobs, and if you come up to the counter on your cell phone or headphones and won't even look at me, you are asking me to smack you. Same thing in the bathroom. Nobody wants to hear about your third cousin's bowel operation just because you're in the stall next to them.

    On the other hand, I can understand wanting to shut the world out and everything. I'm a pro at it myself. But doing it with music is kind of a band-aid. It means you don't want it badly enough. Anyone can interrupt your music--and with the stuff you kids listen to these days, who can blame 'em, right? You have to project an aura of disinterest. If it seems like nothing affects you, nobody's going to bend over backwards to communicate. A mental shell is far more effective than an artificial one in getting people to leave you alone.
    Last edited by + Revenant +; 04-20-2012 at 06:49 PM.

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