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  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue Rowan's Avatar
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    PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue

    I discovered this issue after 3 months of owning the console. It started ejecting constantly, even though there was no disc inside the ps4 tray. This problem has also occured when the ps4 has been shut off completely, and ends up turning itself on via this method. If I unplug the cabling, try to power it on, it will turn on for a couple of seconds before turning itself off again (obviously, no power) and this method helps drain any excess power stored inside the console, which MIGHT be causing a static charge build up which in turn is triggering the touch sensative buttons spontaneously.
    I emailed sony about this issue and the irish gentleman on the other end asked for my email adress and sent me the following troubleshooting guide;

    Dear Rowan,(nyaww)

    Thank you for contacting PlayStation Support.

    We are sorry to hear about the issues you are experiencing with your PlayStation 4.

    There is a few troubleshooting steps we suggest to resolve this problem:

    Beneath the eject button on the PS4 is a small plastic foot that can occasionally move forward during operational use, push this foot back to make sure it is clear and not jamming the eject button.

    Alternatively, Remove the power cord from the console and leave it disconnected for at least 3 minutes before reconnecting the power cord to the PS4 and power up normally.

    Should these options fail to stop this from happening follow the instructions below:

    There is a manual eject screw that you will need to use a screw driver to tighten to stop this from happening.

    Step 1: Remove the glossy section of the cover

    Turn off the PS4.
    Unplug the power, HDMI, and any other cables from the back of your PS4 system.
    On a clean, flat, surface place the PS4 in front of you so the front of the system is on the left. (The PS logo on the top of the PS4 should be right side up.)
    Place you palms on the glossy panel and let your fingers rest on the far side of the console.
    Apply moderate, even pressure near the seam with your palms, and using your fingers as leverage, slide the glossy panel away from you.
    A click will be heard, and the panel will move about 1/4". Lift the panel off starting from the left side.

    Step 2: Locate the manual eject screw & turn clockwise

    With the glossy panel removed, you will see two sets of vents lining the outer left edge. Follow the slot from the front locate the first "single" slot (it's the slot not grouped with any other slots) in the vent.
    Shine a light down through this slot to locate the manual eject screw
    Slide the small screw driver into the vent slot and turn the screw clockwise. This may take 3-6 rotations of the screw. Very little effort is required to turn the screw.

    Step 3: Put everything back together

    Replace the glossy panel. Place it over the exposed section of the PS4, about 1/4 of inch away from the seam. Then, slide the panel towards seam until it clicks into place.
    Connect the HDMI, power, and any other cables that were disconnected in Step 1.
    Power on the PS4 to make sure everything is functioning properly.

    There is a visual guide on where the screw is located below. Please only use this as a reference to locate the screw and follow the instructions written in this email.

    Should you still experience issues, please contact PlayStation Support using the contact details below or by replying to this email.


    PlayStation Support Centre

    Have any of you experienced this issue before? I havnt yet tried tightening the screw or removing the rubber foot, but my method seems to work consistently for about a month or two at a time without the issue, which is quite good but not really ideal since I dont like worrying about my game randomly stopping and losing all my progress.

  2. #2
    Bananarama PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue Pete's Avatar
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    That sounds pretty shitty. If I had a ps4, I'd offer some help

    I'm actually having the exact opposite issue with my 360. The tray is ridiculously stubborn and refuses to open unless I pry it while pushing the open button at the right time.

    Maybe they're onto something with PC master race, but I just cant be bothered. I like my consoles
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  3. #3
    I invented Go-Gurt. PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue Clint's Avatar
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    I don't know why Sony keeps designing their systems with disc ejection instead of manual opening disc trays. I remember having a similar problem with both the PS2 and PS3, as well as times when the disc actually got stuck and wouldn't come out. The problems went away when the systems were redesigned to incorporate a manual opening tray. I don't know why Sony doesn't just design their systems to have a manual tray to begin with.

    I would suggest percussive repair (i.e., punching your system,) but that really doesn't work well with new technology. New technology isn't durable. It'll just break. I don't have any ideas, but that's bullshit, man. Spend all that money on a thing that doesn't work right.

  4. #4
    Certified tech, come at me! PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue SuperSabin's Avatar
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    I read the whole OP with the reply message you got and I would suggest going ahead and doing the screw tightening and plastic foot removing to see if that will help resolve the disc problem.
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  5. #5
    Lady Succubus PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue Victoria's Avatar
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    I don't own a PS4 either, but the tech support guy who actually sounded like he knew what he was talking about... you should probably do what he said. Might be a more permanent fix than a once per month thing.

  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue Rowan's Avatar
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    See, the reason they have this troubleshooting guide is because this is an issue they get a lot of calls about. The reason I also dont think this will solve anything is because if it was indeed something physical such as the screw or the rubber footing, it seems likely that the issue would be constant as opposed to a monthly issue after applying my temp fix. Static buildup + touch buttons is my deduction and furthar proved by draining it of its charge and seeing the fix immediately after. I am going to try the 2 methods sony sugguests only because i'll try anything to make sure my experience with FF15 and Type-0 is smooth and uninterrupted.

    I havnt been this giddy about an FF title in years.

  7. #7
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Oh God.

    I just got my bf a PS4..... I'm paranoid now.

  8. #8
    Certified tech, come at me! PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noxious.sunshine View Post
    Oh God.

    I just got my bf a PS4..... I'm paranoid now.
    His PS4 should be fine, he'll just need to register it online through sony's website, actually, have the sony support do the registration for him because the site's calendar is out of date (only dates up to 2014) so he can get it covered if anything DOES happen to it.
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  9. #9
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    You'd be surprised how many odd problems can have direct physical causes. I've had to fix my PS3 7 or 8 times manually because of disc tray issues. Nearly every single time it's been because of some weird mechanism in the disc chamber being misaligned or something like that. Looking at my PS4 now, I can say with some certainty that the touch sensitivity of the eject button isn't like that of an iPhone other standard touch device (e.g., bioelectric input). There's a button in there (more like a bendy piece of metal that pushes a more internal button), and the rubber foot / screw may be pushing that bendy metal just enough to trigger the eject. Static build up and discharge certainly would be a concern if the buttons took bioelectric input, but since they take gentle pressure as input, I think the tech you spoke with was correct. The touch buttons seem fancy, but they're actually pretty rudimentary.

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  10. #10
    Boxer of the Galaxy PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue Rowan's Avatar
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    But the issue is spontaneous, so therefor I dont see it happening as a direct result of physical hardware. But I can say with certainty that its not software related... so that only leaves the other option, haha. I'll be able to speak more on this once I recieve FF15l episode duscae and Type-0, because im going to be on that ps4 a lot. Before I start playing though I will tighten the screw and remove the rubber footing. If I can play through the entirety of type-0 without it auto-ejecting, then I'll consider the issue resolved.

  11. #11
    Certified tech, come at me! PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    But the issue is spontaneous, so therefor I dont see it happening as a direct result of physical hardware. But I can say with certainty that its not software related... so that only leaves the other option, haha. I'll be able to speak more on this once I recieve FF15l episode duscae and Type-0, because im going to be on that ps4 a lot. Before I start playing though I will tighten the screw and remove the rubber footing. If I can play through the entirety of type-0 without it auto-ejecting, then I'll consider the issue resolved.
    Even though the game is coming out very soon, it's better to test the theory of that soon asap rather than waiting until type-0 comes out because if you waited until then, you may run the risk of possibly ruining the disc if you decide to test it with a brand new game rather than an older game or a blu-ray movie. I definitely wouldn't test it with a $60 game myself, it is up to you though.
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  12. #12
    Boxer of the Galaxy PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSabin View Post
    Even though the game is coming out very soon, it's better to test the theory of that soon asap rather than waiting until type-0 comes out because if you waited until then, you may run the risk of possibly ruining the disc if you decide to test it with a brand new game rather than an older game or a blu-ray movie. I definitely wouldn't test it with a $60 game myself, it is up to you though.
    The discs themselves have never been ruined from this, they just eject, thats all. I will start by draining all excess stored current from the ps4, tightening the screw, removing the rubber footing and perhaps possibly placing it furthar away from the power points and television. With all this combined, im sure it will create a better chance at fixing the issue.

  13. #13
    Bananarama PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue Pete's Avatar
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    I don't know why they didn't go with a PS3 slim type of model, or why any system these days doesn't. Just pop a disc onto a spindle and let it rip until you shut it down or slide the disc cover open.

    My original PS2 (release date, bitches! so cool.) would continually fail to work because it seemed like the disc tray gears and lens wouldn't work in conjunction. PS2 slim, with the spindle for disc worked perfectly. PS3 slim with spindle has been working perfectly.

    I think I might just wait for a PS4 slim, provided it has a spindle for the discs
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  14. #14
    Tightening the screw worked for me, even allowed me to put the rubber footing back on.

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  15. #15
    TFFF Ghost PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue Howling Wind's Avatar
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    I don't actually have a fix for this BUT it reminds me of my PSP. Every now and then it will pop up the "Are you sure you want to quit this game?" thingy like I've pressed the home button and I hadn't xD Blowing the disc player out with canned air worked to fix it but I've heard sometimes it can make it worse.

    I don't have a PS4 yet (I wish) but I do have a top loading PS3 so no traditional disc tray. I gotta say it is less of a pain so far and the same can be said for my slim PS2 HOWEVER, Uncharted 3 randomly quit playing. I wanted to finish that. Every other game works great. I do have a friend that owns a PS4. Well, a friend of a friend xD I'll ask him if he has ever had this problem and if so, I'll post back how he fixed it.

    Sorry, had to share a PS disc problem post here xD

    FYI my PIECE OF CRAP Xbox 360 ALWAYS ejects the disc tray. It also doesn't even boot properly anyway so FUDGE IT. Amirite?
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  16. #16
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Yeah, that tightening the screw method definitely works. I troubleshooted a customers PS4 a few months back with the same issue. Regular guy, and he was being an ass because he wanted a replacement instead, but I've seen him since I've been back at my old place and he said he's not had the issue again. I think I sorted it just after Christmas? Early January?

    That screw is a lifesaver if your console dies with a disc stuck inside it too! I make sure I have a screw driver at work!

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  17. #17
    Boxer of the Galaxy PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue Rowan's Avatar
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    I can confirm that after 100 hours worth of gameplay, that the issue has not happened since I 'tightened' the screw. To be more precise, the screw does not actually tighten. It serves as a mechanism for manually turning the gears of the disc tray (to eject if stuck) and therefor doesn't necessarily 'tighten'. But fiddling with it has seemed to solve the issue to the point where I suppose I dont mind it doing once every 100 hours worth, but having said that, it hasn't even done it at all since the tampering.

  18. #18
    TFFF Ghost PS4 constantly ejecting disc issue Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Clever Sony is clever. Guess I'll know what to do when my future PS4 does this!
    Spit out your stride gum and chew another piece already... or I'll haunt you.

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