A lot of the mods don't play fair. They can get away with dicrete flaming, and to be honest, its horrible. Its only one or two mods that do this... *coughs*
When I first started, I was given about 4 warnings in the first 1-2 months. Now, knowing I was a complete noobie, they should have issued verbal warnings.
Now, fair enough, I had no problems with reading the rules - there is no language barrier - but for my first and second offences, I should have got a verbal. In a way, I respect that mod because now I know what I can and can't do, but I'd have been this way with just a verbal if you get what I mean.
*sighs* Sometimes, a verbal warning would give the same effect if it wasn't an "offical" warning in the first offences.
Now, there are the rules. The rules are great and everything - I've read them through, and I'm happy - BUT what is being done to make sure that people actually READ them? I think it would be good to put a link to the rules at the top of the page where people apply to join TFF. Right at the top, in capital, bold writting, which no one can miss. make it clear that they need to be read BEFORE the new person has a chance to think up a user name. Its no use putting it at the bottom with a little tick box, because by then, no one will read it.
Well, thats my imput.
EDIT: Oh and another thing!
I like the new VM thing. If the mods aren't happy because its hard to mod, then add this: People can only VM eachother IF they are a contact or friend. This way, if you have any problemo's, then just de-friend/contact them, and be done with it.
I like the VM because spamming in forums can be taken to VM and discussed there. How else can people discuss fast, and with out having a warning slapped in their face? PM? Don't make me laugh - PM takes a while, and VM is fast. I don't care if its too much like MySpace - that shouldn't make a difference: what site its on. its about fast and simple comunnication... without the warnings for spamming... UNLESS a user feels like they are being spammed on, which won't need to be reported seeing as they can control who can VM them!
See mods? You don't have to do ALL the work!