I have a moped that I prefer to ride when weather and distance of travel permits. The wind feels awesome in my hair, and saving a ton of money feels great on my gaming budget.
Well my job is 20 minutes from home and that's by car so I guess that is my preferred transport although I really do love walking and riding but my bike is totally shot, I love to walk my dog a lot and not just to impress the babes..actually I don't do that at all![]()
A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
--Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.
Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.
The finer details of a signature:
I have a moped that I prefer to ride when weather and distance of travel permits. The wind feels awesome in my hair, and saving a ton of money feels great on my gaming budget.
I like walking or riding a bike. I don't have a bike though.
I don't like cars or buses much, despite me getting a bus a couple of times a week. I don't see the point of owning a car when you live in the middle of the city, and I don't like buses because they can get packed.
Despite me getting over a chunk of my fear of tubes last summer, I still don't like them. I prefer the wind in my hair by walking or riding a bike.
I like to mooch rides.
Less effort on my part and just like Block's method it keeps my gaming budget strong.
Only downside is it means I owe a few people favours and often people are wanting back something bigger in return later.
victoria aut mors
I Love waLking.. but aLL the time I ride buses to go pLaces..
I just waLk if someone is with me or the weather is good.. :-)
My Art Thread: http://thefinalfantasy.net/forum...ngs-lol-3.html
Thats the sad thing about living where I do, public transportation just plain sucks. The busses are so few and far between you had better plan on getting some where 45 minutes early or 2 hours late and that is if you are lucky to get on a buss that isn't already full.
As for me I prefer driving a car, it is relaxing when not in the city and I can just take control of the road and drive not having to fixate on anything besides my self and the road.
I liked it when I had a motor cycle (street and dirt). It was nice to just get out and take in the sceneory.
Having the ability to stop and park almost anywhere is nice. Public transportation just doesn't have that ability. They would just as soon have you pee your pants then to stop and take a minute in emergencies.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards:
I love driving. I'll drive into Manhattan if I know the traffic isn't terrible and I can park without it costing an arm and a leg. We have a great public transportation system... it's just not my thing. I have a car, and money for gas, so **** it, I'll drive. I love having my freedom to just pick up and go wherever I feel at any given time. It's even better to just throw a cooler with ice and beer in the trunk, pick up some buddies, blast some music and head to the beach. That trip would not happen if I had to take 2 trains and a bus.
Every now and then I like to walk, but if it's not necessary, or a good distance away, I'll take the car. I'll take public transportation only when absolutely necessary, like if I'm drinking in the city.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Yeah, that's a downside here too. London Transport isn't that bad compared to other places, but there are loads of problems with it. Trying to get on a bus between 7am-9am and 4pm-6pm sucks big time. Not only are you left waiting for 10mins, but when the bus does come, there's a high chance it'll be too crowded for the driver to let anyone else on.
I'd love to own a motorcycle. Something like this. Just the thought of me being on a bike gives my mum and nan a heart attack.
I'm open to get a car one day for the reasons Pete mentioned, but... I think I'm more of a passenger type. I like to concentrate on the music being played in a car, with the windows down and checking out the scenery whizzing past me. I don't get how I'd be able to do that on a bike, but... yeah. >>;
A car will also come in handy for kids/holidays/days out with mates... bleeh. Something to think about I guess.
Well i would prefer a crotch rocket, but my means of transportation is a car right now. i live outside of the Houston city limits so we have no bus transportation. Walking would be good exercise but getting up 3 to 4 hours earlier to walk to school would get old!
gaming service ID:
I walk to the train, then ride for 20 minutes, then get a 10 minute bus, and arrive at uni. For all other purposes, I walk and bus. I don't even know how to drive. If public transport was worse, I would bike, but as it stands, I only use that for recreation.
Public transport in my region is really fantastic, and this year we are getting an entirely new fleet of trains.
Plus, the trains are state-owned. So it's like ideological masturbation on my daily commute.
Public transportation doesn't operate on my schedule, so I don't use that. I don't walk or ride a bike because that's like exercise, so I don't want to do that. I prefer driving myself to where I need to go, because I'm too lazy to do anything else.
Since it's winter and freezing outside, I usually just drive my mom's car. I don't own a car myself, because I absolutely hate them. However, I do own a 1991 Harley-Davidson Sportster, which I drive when the weather isn't cold enough to give me frostbite in a matter of twenty minutes.
I'd prefer to get a motorcycle, but until then, Driving. Don't like the waiting for a bus / taxi / whatever if i decide to roll out.
I can fly, makes things easy.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
I like to ride the Vagina Express straight to Pleasuretown.
Growing up I would walk everywhere I went. Here in Ky public transportation blows so everyone walked if you didn't drive. I drive everywhere I go now. I mean shit I go to school in WV, and train in OH. I am sure as shit not gonna walk there...