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Thread: Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them

  1. #1
    Registered User Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them winterborn86's Avatar
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    Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them

    Yesterday when I posted my journal I was watching Friends, one of the early thanksgiving episodes, where Monica was making dinner and everyone wanted their potatoes done differently.
    So I got this random idea to start a thread to find out how everyone here likes their potatoes.
    Do you like them mashed and if you do, do you like veg mixed, like them with/witout lumps, or do you like boiled, roasted or fried or maybe you do something totally different with yours. Also what do you refer to them as.

    I often call them spuds, and I LOVE them roasted, cooked in lard and meat jucies, yummy. If I do mash, I have to use an electric mixer cos I bloody HATE lumpy mash, and I do love to sprinkle grated cheese over boiled ones aswell but roasted are my absolute favs.

    Like I said this is just totally random so have fun

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  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I like to mash my potato and then add a few things like grated and powdered cheeses, sometimes some finely crushed garlic or garlic powder, a little pepper, some warm melted butter and occasionally one or two other things.

    Tends to taste pretty good.
    victoria aut mors

  3. #3
    I'd have to say that what Silver described sounds very much like how I'd like them. I haven't tried cheese, but otherwise it's exactly how I like them.

    As of late I've started liking my mashed potatoes a little lumpy.

    And simply "potatoes" will do.

  4. #4
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    OK here is the way I love to make my potatoes.

    1: Peel and cube 4 good size potatoes
    2: Peel and dice one small onion
    3: Put in a pan of cold water
    4: Boil them to where they are not hard but not soft
    5: Drain almost all of the water
    6: Throw in a 1/3 of a stick of butter, a teaspoon of salt, a table spoon of pepper, and alot of garlic powder.
    7: Cut fresh chives into thin slices and add them to the mix.
    8: Stir until buttter has disolved .
    9: Enjoy!

    Also I am a little on the weird side, I love potatos peeled and raw with a little bit of salt.
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  5. #5
    Born Again Atheist Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them Sarah's Avatar
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    Disclaimer: I hate food, because everyday it tries to kill me.

    I've yet to figure out how to make mashed potatoes without butter or milk. Once I figure that out, I would like them to be creamy. If it is tasty, that will become my favorite method of potato having.

    For now, my favorite way for potatoes is to have them diced and use them for home "fries." I use spray oil to help them brown and season them with kosher salt, garlic, and pepper. Bake them for 30 minutes at 450 F, turning every ten minutes. They come out nice and crispy that way. Sometimes I mix in diced onions and red/green peppers.

    Potatoes are also part of my waffles. My waffles are made from rice and potato. It's not too bad.
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  6. #6
    Registered User Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them Halie's Avatar
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    I'm not a big fan of potatos by themselves. I prefer jacket spud with melted cheese and butter, and with potatos I like to mash them up with salad cream. Unless I have them with a cooked dinner, where I have gravy with them and they taste really dry -.-;.

    And with mash, I like it mixed with parsnips. Yummy ^^.

  7. #7
    I like them everyway I've had, from home fries, mashed, baked, stuffed, even home made french fries and every sort. The best is mashed though, nothing like home made when I was a kid slathered with buttery goodness and some gravy. Takes forever to make properly and don't last long when it's finally ready but it's the enjoyment you get that counts!

  8. #8
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I LOVE potatoes! I love them in any possible why you could cook them!

    Mash... I agree with winterborn about lumpy mash - horrible. My mash has to be smooth, and with a lob of melted butter... mashed into it. Not too much butter - unhealthy and gross - just enough to cover about... two table spoons.

    Chips! All kinds of chips! Wedgies, fries, chunky chips... I love them all! I like chips best when they are crispy on the outside, but very soft inside. Rare to get them like that unless you live near the seaside. ^^

    Baked. Oh yes, and baked potato with baked beans and lots of cheese! Pretty healthy too. I eat the skin...

    Roast potatoes... I like them done the same as chips - crispy on the outside and soft inside. The only way to do it like that is to cook them slowly in the oven, and then crank the temp up in the last 10mins. Lurvly. <3

    I like to make my own roast ones too. I always boil the skinned and chopped potatoes BEFORE putting them in the oven. Don't boil them to oblivion - just until the outsides are soft and starting to fall apart. Bung 'em on a tray and in the oven... cook until brown and crispy. <3

    Haha, Meier, I like skinnless, raw potatoes too! I end up stealing it all when my mum is preparing it for dinner. ^^;;

    We did this once, and it was quite nice: Peel the skin off a potatoe, and chop it up into thick circles (put it on it's side and slice away). Pour a little but of cooking oil in a pan, and place the potatoes flat on it - over-lapped if you want. Doesn't matter... Pour some more on the top, but NOT too much, and then sprinkle herbs and pepper all over it. Cook until brown and crispy, but not burnt and... Yum.

    EDIT: I forgot potato salad! I like a good potato salad...
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 02-27-2009 at 03:11 PM.

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  9. #9
    Oh my god, a whole thread dedicated to one of the loves of my life! Potatoes are amazingly delicious, and are good any way you can cook them.

    I personally like it best when they are mashed, like most people here. I only really like the home made mashed potatoes my uncle makes for every holiday, because there are always these little chunks of whole potato that make me feel good. Gravy and butter aren't necessary, but salt is. Lots and lots of salt.

    My mom makes this really good fried plate of chopped potatoes with a whole bunch of random herbs. I have no idea what she puts in them or how she makes them so perfectly. They just end up as perfect little cubes that are crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, and altogether zesty.

    Any other kind of fried potato is nice too. Chips, fries, wedges...these bits of fried mashed potato.

    I like baked potatoes with salt and maybe butter. Boiled ones are good too. But boiled ones I have to peel the skin off, since it tastes funny.

    Potato skins are also really good, with cheese, bacon, green onions, and sour cream. Sometimes I'll make little bowls out of my potatoes and fill them up with some sort of creamy soup, like a bread bowl, but with a wonderful potato instead.

    I haven't tried skinless, raw potatoes, but I guess now I'll have to. Meier has me curious.

    I want me some spuds now...
    Last edited by Bleachfangirl; 03-05-2009 at 05:28 PM. Reason: Not "goo", but "good"

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl View Post
    I only really like the home made mashed potatoes my uncle makes for every holiday, because there are always these little chunks of whole potato that make me feel good.
    A fellow lumpy lover!? Marry me! ; ;

    But if you mention potato salad I'm asking for a divorce.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that I approve of fries and chips. I can't decide which I like more. I think I might be leaning more towards chips. Mmm... I'm going to have to have some soon.

    Oh yeah, and how could I have forgotten hash browns!? I don't think anyone's even mentioned them. Mmm. I like those, too. Though I'm not the biggest fan of them when they're made into patties.

  11. #11
    Ooooh I do love hash browns, especially in an english fry, yum!

    But my all time favourite is still roasties, those ones you have at christmas to go with the turkey...mmmmmm.

    With loads of goose fat and salt, and really nice and crispy.

  12. #12
    Asking all the personal questions. Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them RamesesII's Avatar
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    The best way i like my spuds is when they are turned into vodka although vodka tends to make me spew my guts up everywhere.
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  13. #13
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I usually hate potatoes unless they're in chip or crisp form. But I'll eat mashed, as long as it's buttery with lumps. I'm not bothered about then, though. I hate roast tatta's, though. Yuck.

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  14. #14
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    geez potatoes hey well ummm ok i love mash: both ways is fine although it's has to be smooth at workso thats what i tend to make and eat most of the time.

    i eat all kinds of potatoes chips, wedges, roast, boiled, salad whatever it is i love me potatoes.

    I love baked spud with bacon peices, cheese and baked beans. MMMMMM

    i like potato bake thats awsome with bacon pieces and a seeded mutard cream.

    fondant potatoes wich are awsome all it is really is medium sized slices of potato put in a baking tray half covered with chicken stock and small knobs of butter each individual slice of potato then cover the tray in alfoil and cook untill tender. after cooked then can be turned ito mash (which is ok but the mash can take on a prown apperence) or at work we flour and deep fry them.

    Duchees Potatoesare good as well

    Anyway i could sit here all day dicussing the different wasys to cook potatoes but that would bore the lot of you


  15. #15
    big yuna fan Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them nra4's Avatar
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    i like mine crispy

  16. #16
    I will finish the hunt Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    This thread being posted today of all days is semi ironic. Yesterday I just so happened to eat an entire large bucket of mashed potatoes from KFC by myself. Rather good I must say. That is typically how I like them. Smooth, buttery, mashed potatoes with the dark gravy on the side for dipping. It literally can be a meal itself. If I do mix it with anything it is usually chicken nuggets/strips or sausage (<----The most wonderful meat made by God). Sometimes, I wrap the sausage and mashed potatoes in a piece of white bread to eat it. I know it's weird, but I love it.
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  17. #17
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Potatoes are GOOD. We make chips/fries and cook them in the frying pan, we've had mashed potato and we usually put some chives or shallots, even cheese in with it. It's delicious! We also have roast potatoes. I like roasted sweet potato, it's very nice. Anything with potato seems to be nice!

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  18. #18
    Just kind of there. Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them Calvan's Avatar
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    Rinse ans scrub them. preheat a skillet and a little bit of oil.

    Dice the potatoes into half inch cubes.
    Cut up a slice of onion into into the oil and dump the taters on top.
    allow the potatoes to lightly brown and then cook a scrambled egg in them.
    Top with cheddar or pepperjack cheese. And serve with toast.
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  19. #19
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them Joe's Avatar
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    How could I have missed a thread on potatoes!?

    I <3 potatoes. Diced, Chopped, Fried, Baked, Mashed, etc.

    I really like them mashed with LOTS of Brown gravy. as Gravy is great and potatoes are great, and you mix the two and I JIZZ IN MY PANTS.

    It's been ages since I've had anything other than french fried potatoes, though. Fries are always good with some barbecue sauce. Namely, Jack Daniel's Barbecue sauce or John boy and billy sauce. Both of those are the best for taters.

    There's this stuff in stores called potato bread too. That's actually surprisingly good. great for making spaghetti sauce sandwiches as the bread doesn't fall apart so easy.

    I Love Hash Browns too, especially the finely chopped ones, mixed with eggs over medium, and chili on top. Though diced potatoes work just as well.
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  20. #20
    Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them Inagi's Avatar
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    Cleverly hidden in the back of a carboard box/ base
    Baked, then loaded with the usual Butter, Cream, Cheese, Chives, Bacon..but, also, BBQ pork.

    Oh god, the bbq place less than a block from my house makes them like this. They are the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit~ <3.
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  21. #21
    Arachnie Suicide Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    I'm not a bit potato fan, to be honest.

    I love chips. Of couse.

    And I'll eat them baked..

    But overall, not a great fan.
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  22. #22
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them Polk's Avatar
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    My favorite potato is baked, with butter, sour cream, and a lot of black pepper. If it comes along side a steak, that's pretty cool, too.

    I remember going to a couple of potato bars in my day, because there you can have it anyway you want it.
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  23. #23
    Tsuna Feesh Potato, potatoes, spuds, tattys what ever you want to call them Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    I like baked potatoes or fried! I personally think sweet potatoes are too... not-able-to-eat-a-lot-able!

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  24. #24
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Potatoes are a blank canvas. There's a million different things you can do with them and each way can have a different way to compliment the protein they're paired with.

    I love a good hash... shredded potatoes par boiled and soaked over night, thrown in a pan with a bit of liquified egg, some salt, pepper, shredded meat (corned beef, roast beef, hell even some lean turkey can work well) and maybe some sharp cheddar cheese. That's a tasty breakfast.

    I love a good mashed potato... just simple, some butter, heavy cream, salt and pepper... maybe some bacon and go heavier on the pepper... tasty. Great with pork and beef.

    I love a good roasted potato, diced up, tossed in some salt, paprika, some cajun seasonings and roasted until done, served with some nice seared fish... delicious.

    I love scalloped potatoes... sliced thin, layered in a pan with a heavy cheese like gruyere or parmesan, some heavy cream, bread crumbs, salt, pepper... goes great with fkin anything.

    I love a good twice baked potato... bake it, cut it in half, scoop out the "meat" and mash it with some heavy cream, a bit of butter, some sharp cheddar, stuff it back in, top with sharp cheddar and throw em under the broiler til the cheese gets nice and crispy.... delicious. Great with pork and beef.

    To go with a burger, some nice thick cut par boiled and soaked over-night potatoes, fried to perfection and finished with a touch of salt.

    Potatoes are easily my favorite starch, but mashed is my least favorite way of eating them.


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