Little scruffy, but you look good nevertheless ^^.
And good question, why is one side orange? ... Too many Cheetos, me thinks. *nod*.
Printable View
Little scruffy, but you look good nevertheless ^^.
And good question, why is one side orange? ... Too many Cheetos, me thinks. *nod*.
Ok I'm not really good at the show-your-picture-part
but here goes nothing....
^ Looks like Froggie's going to have a bit of competition eh ;!
Georg Prime - Good to see you back mate. Looking errr ummm scruffie?
I look terrible so no pics of me.
Me drinking some Sierra Mist.
Also wearing the necklace my
girlfriend gave me the other day.
Wow Hazel, you're really pretty o_o. Seriously. Lol.
Always nice to see you, Chef Boy. Yay cans of stuff I've never heard of and funky necklaces.
Oh lord, so many...
I remember I wanted to say something about Nick's photos but never did. Mainly that they were great and I giggled at that second one for almost twenty seconds. I think it's the tiny looking arms, it has to be. And that you're lucky you actually got a nice shot of you on a night notorious for bad photographs. I mean the last one. It's a really good one of you.
Also, Ann, you're very lovely. And pale pink is an amazing color on you. It goes really well with your skin tone and brings out the color of your lips. How pretty of you. :)
Chez, I think I mentioned your last picture to you on MSN. Still, I'd like to post a reminder saying how pretty I thought it was. Your skin and eyes are lovely. Very earthy, I love it.
I really like the shape of Govinda's face. Is that weird to say? I really do. It strikes me as feminine. Ahaha I don't know.
Priscilla, you're the cutest sick girl in the world. I wish I looked that pleasant when I was sick.
Lovely Santa costume, Georg. I'm hoping for a huge bunny for Easter. Can you deliver?
Paper Pro has the same haircut as my younger brother, a similar face, and is about the same age. I can't help but be a little fond of you.
Rikku, I remember the pictures you put up of your eyebrows got my attention because I thought your natural eyebrows were just fine and actually add something unique and nice to your face. I like them. But then, it's not up to me whether or not you go in for a wax. :P
Ohhh Vampiric, you and your nice legs. Hair and eyes too, of course. But the legs were very apparent. I like what you did with the skirt, I wouldn't have come up with anything so creative. And I really like to pretend that those are shoes no matter what you say. Sooo... :D
Haha Hazel, you seem quite adequate at it. You're an attractive girl. And your eyes are a reeaaally cool color. They're framed really well so I couldn't help but look right at them. Also, great hair. *gush*
Master Chef... Sierra Mist is good. I'm glad I got to share that Mist moment with you.
Sooooo I have pictures. I helped my roommate with another photo project (about the only time I get my picture taken around here) and today was rainy. So I got dressed up in rain gear and we braved the cold. Some of them ended up blurry because of bad lighting, but I still had fun.
This is sort of um... scary. Like I might come at you with an umbrella knife.
Wet butt.
Yellow stairs for yellow boots.
This is a very "me" face she happened to capture. I thought I'd share.
Even more of a "me" face. Even if it is blurry.
I pretty much had to do this.
This is right about the time my hair started to look toootally sweet. >.>
Anyway! There you have it until she decides to take more pictures or give me the black and white film prints.
^Lovely pics =] I wish it would rain more here, but sadly that only happens from April to like November.
Hazel: You're pretty ^^ I'm pretty sure you hear that a lot though ^^;
Well I'm going to try and get some new ones taken when I hang with a friend this weeked, that is if she has any days off of work...which I hope so. If not...I'll still try to get pics up.
Oceaneyes - Thanks! Nice to know somebody likes them, lol. And they aren't shoes! Speakers! ><.
It's always lovely to see your photos, they're always amazing.
First one - Really scary look there, haha. I'll be staying far from you in rainy weather..
Second one - Wet bum's what you get when you sit in wet grass, m'dear. Nevertheless, you look pretty XD.
Third - Oh noes. I just hope you don't have two left feet like me.
Fourth - Matchings. Yays. And also I've just noticed in this one, is your hair darker? Or is it just the light cast from the umbrella?
Fifth/sixth - You faces indeed. Pretty you faces, lol.
Oh thanks Vampiric, you are very pretty too!! Pritty outfit too!
And thank you too, OceanEyes you guys really make me blush!!
Thanks, Hazel ^^.
I got bored, and there's a camera here.
What I do to my hand when I'm bored [not 'with', 'to'. ><]
Underside of my hand.
I look like shit tonight. Seriously.
So I'll photograph this room instead.
My printer, complete with wonky paper, stuffed dog and CDs.
Mouse, with Operator Please lyrics, an empty packet of batteries [My camwhoring goes through these kinda fast ><] and a bunch of other crap.
Foxtel book, with pen I scribbled myself with.
Where I'll be sleeping tonight, most likely.
About a third of our books.
What happens to the desk when I scribble on my hands and lean on it, and also why my parents'll kill me in the morning.
Nahh you don't look bad. You're alllwayys pretty =]
My friend cut my fringe and here is the result =]
It looks a lot better now because i've brushed and straightened my hair so I might take another picture later :).
Looks good, Cilla ^^. ... You know I think that, we had a whole conversation about it on MSN last night.
It suits you so well, lol. The cut, the colour.. Everything. You're just lucky with your suit-anything skintone, I guess.
... Still wanna change hair?
As always you look super-pretty, too ^^.
Oh! I have stuff!
Video of yours truly.
Me and my favourite dolly, more like this later.
Ahaha, that was both aesthetically pleasing and halarious. I was actually able to understand you this time, so it was much more enjoyable than that pancake video. No offense to Victoria or anything, but I think your current hair looks better on you than hers would. Thank you for the tour. =D
Priscilla, more than ever now your avatar looks like you. That is, by the way, a definate compliment to your avatar.
Yay, I'm understandable? Nice to know that my accent isn't that hard to hear ><. And I told Victoria, she didn't take any offence to you talking about her hair in that way, haha. Thanks ^^.
Priscilla, I should say that Jin's right, the resemblance between you and your display picture is just.. Uncanny. Seriously. You just need a hibiscus and some purple gloves XD.
Those couple of ones that refused to upload before.
Clicking here will take you to a recentish pic of me.
@Isthary: Looking good! those have to be the most beautiful eyes I've ever laid eyes on :cool:
A just taken pic of me.. I just took it for the heckuvit.
@Uke: Nice glasses. :D
@Vampy: Cool :3, dolls like that scare me though..they just do.
Ukebane - Very nice indeed ^^. Good picture.
Chef Boy - How can Victoria scare you? She's so sexy!
Cool photos everyone!
OceanEyes: You always have awesome photos of yourself, they are always unique and cool! You look pretty like always as well.
Priscilla: Your hair looks very nice! I wish I could cut my fringe nice like that but I have curly hair and it goes all frizzy whenever I do anything with it lol. You look great!
Vampiric Delirium: You always take a nice picture, you're very pretty and that video of you was cool lol. My Mum has some dolls like that too, she is obsessed with them I think but your dolly is aweswome. :)
Ukebane: Cool pic, it's good to see some fresh faces in here every now and then. The scenery is quite nice too, it reminds me of Lord of the Rings haha.
Ragglefraggle...I forgot to post my pic. XD
Here it is.
Also pics of the sky just now..the clouds look so weird
Also: 600th POST!!!! WHOO :D
Thanks, Setsuna ^^. I love my Victoria.
Chef Boy, how awesome. Those clouds are kinda.. Creepy, but really pretty. Good photos to capture it, too.
And I think that's one of the few clearer pictures you've shown of yourself, isn't it? I didn't realise your hair was really that dark, I always thought it was the lighting. It's awesome, though. *would kill for naturally thick, dark hair* ><
Its not really that dark..I think..
It's so hard to get natural lighting for a picture in my house..
Maybe one day.
Edit: Took a random pic..I like how it came out. :3
Edit: New pics. If your wondering about the eyes or random shots, the thing I was going for was the screen reflecting in my glasses, I thought it was kinda neat.
Reflection pics:
Ooh, cool pictures. The reflection ones are awesome, lol.
And proof you're a bunch more creative than me ^^. I just hold my camera up infront of the mirror and shoot.
I wasn't going to post another pic of me but why not? It won't hurt so here's me from Christmas time at our family party. Yes, I know I'm still pale but I'm not as bad now though. I dyed my hair too, I made it a lot darker and I really like the color so I might keep this one!
That's the only decent and recent photo I have lol.
Oh wow, I love that hair colour.
It goes with your skin really, really nicely. Although it's pale, it's absolutely lovely, and the dark hair just sets it off well ^^. The top [dress?] you have on there is great, too. Striking bright colours like that again, suit you well.
Very pretty ^^.
Thank you very much! I wanted to do my hair darker but not black so I found a color called 'Intense Plum'. I can't remember what brand it is but I got it from Big W lol. It's very dark yet it has a tinge of purple when you go out into the sun! I really like it, it's the first color I have really liked. Thank you for the lovely comments! Oh and yes, it's a dress that I'm wearing, I should have got a shot of my whole body at least but oh well. :D
Haven't seen a photo you you in a while - you look great! The dress looks great against your pale skin. As Froggie said, bold colours suit you and your skin's complimented not only by the dress but by your hair as well. ^^
ok before i get asked again, check it out yo!
thats me /\/\/\
me and my son /\/\/\/\
my son /\/\/\
/\/\ my son again, the lil lady killer /\/\
Awww, your son's gorgeous!! Zomg I want him. So koot! Lol. Seriously. Beautiful, beautiful kid. I Just wanna hug him ><.
And you're not too bad yourself, my dear friend =P.
well thank you on both. yeah im glad he looks like his mama hahaha
really he's just awsome 9mths, already walking, saying mama and dada, and hes sharp as a tack. crap i can go on for days.
I like taking photos too much lol. So now I have some more to share with you guys :D.Wow there is a lot more then I thought there would be. Oh well.