Soooo, I think this was done before but I haven't seen it around lately.

What do you use for your phone ringtone and/or text tone? I just found out a way (with Verizon Multimedia phones) to use custom sounds rather than paying 3 bucks a pop from Verizon, so I made up a ring tone and a few text tones for myself, and since I just got my new Samsung Rogue (for free!) from Verizon, I figured I'd go the free route.

My main ringer at the moment is the first bit of the solo from Stairway to Heaven, maybe a bit cliche, but I used it before and I've never heard anyone use it, and it's one of my favorite solos, sooo it works for me.

When I had phones that allowed me to create ringtones (way back in the day of MIDI ringers w/ built-in composers on the phone) I used the Zelda secret beep for texts, and now I have an MP3 of it from Ocarina of Time, so that's one of my text tones.

The other text tones are some R2D2 beeps, the murloc grglgrglgrgl, and a wookie roar.

Trying to think of some geekish ringtones, so I'm hoping this thread will give me an idea, getting a little worn out of 4+ years of Stairway as a ringer, lol.

So, what do you guys use?