I'm not following that banter anymore :lol:.
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I'm not following that banter anymore :lol:.
I'm a huge Fan.
The only thing that really freaks me out is speaking, or even being in front of a large group of people. I thought that working as a waitress would help that, but when I got up to speak at my sister's wedding I nearly passed out I was so nervous. Lights dancing, shivers, sweaty palms...all those things. It is very embarrasing, but I can't help it. Maybe one daythis irrational fear of mine will be gone:ohno:
My phobia is kind of odd... I HATE segmented animals, like: woodlice, and (heave) centipedes, and (HEAVE!) trilobites... They make my physically sick. I hate the way their bodies move and writhe around, they're disgusting, blergh!!
I have 2 real phobias. The first is Thunderstorms. I had a bad experience as a child in a thunderstorm, and everytime there is one, I can't stand it. Thank god for headphones.
The other is a wierd one. Cows. I cannot stand cows. Again, I had a bad experience with cows, and they just freak me out.
Im just plain confused
Im claustrophobic and I have a fear of fans. I have no idea what's not to get
Imagine it lived in your pillow and crawled into your ear at night
Eww, me no likey the centipedey :(
I feel nauseous now :(
I hate ear-wigs too :(
Freaky little things aren't they. I will be cringing well into next week. I'll take a couple hours on stage anyday if it means keeping those things out of my ears :shake: *shudders*
Sorry haha had to be done...
mmm earwigs...
He's rotten to the core and proud of it, I hope he enjoys his sleep because the rest of us wont be getting any. So cruel:ohno:
You can feel it in your ear right now can't you... you can hear the rustling of its skin as it lays eggs in your ear.
I wear earplugs to bed
I fear death and small, dark spaces. I'm also afraid of feminists, but I'm a pretty hardcore feminist myself. I puke blood every time I look in the mirror.
well thanks :p I don't go around bitching about everything, I just get mad when I'm trying to play xbox live and guys get their panties in a knot for me not being in a kitchen lol. But it's rewarding to know I'm better than them at killing zombs, they're always in denial :p
:shake: You, sir, are eeeeevil!! My skin is creeping after scrolling over that pic!!
A spider ran up my curtain at the same time that I was reeling, and I think I may have had a small heart attack, or be in the desperate need of a fresh pair of pants... or both... :lol:
Speaking of things attacking your ears at night. You've reminded me of another hatred of mine: moths. The larger and fuzzier the body, the worse they are!! I don't care what anyone says about the buggers being "blind", they go for my face like crazy. Hell, I must be glowing, or something! I've had a moth in my ear THREE TIMES now. Once while I was sleeping...[insert pool of vomit here].
Spider update: the dirty little bugger returned mid-post and ran all over my pillows. He met his match with a large can of hairspray. My only wish is that now I can sleep safely without him crawling up my nose, or chocking to death on my hairspray toxic pillows...
You do know that you eat at least 7 spiders in a year. They're everywhere. Just be glad you don't like in Australia. Ooh man, those spiders are huge.
I found another fear of mine. It's a bit cheesy and probably childish, but I have a fear of falling in love. Love causes people to do crazy things.....It has to do with another thing in my past....I will not explain it here.
As for your earwig problems, you do realize that earwigs are relatively harmless to humans, right?
Yes, sponges :O
They are fuzzy, and wuzzy, and c'est horrible :(
I dinnae like 'em at all like :(
They are also filled to the brim with all kinds of nasty germs, you can't EVER forget about the germs. So gross!!!!