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  1. #1
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Pet Peeves! noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Pet Peeves!

    What annoys you most?

    - Bible-Thumpers who always insist on praying for you
    (Especially when you happen to be their server in a restaurant and then they -don't- tip.)

    - My siblings. For various reasons.

    - The kitchen being dirty (and subsequently, having to clean it up)

    - My Ex.

    - Stupid People

    - When people get to talking and block whatever I need to get to in the grocery store with no regards to me standing there waiting.

    - Being short (sometimes it's annoying. Not always.)

    - Getting recognized in public either by former co-workers or classmates that I never liked/got along with in the first place and they're like 'OMG! It's so good to see you!" ... Bitch please. It wasn't good to see you back then, it ain't good to see you now. Go away.

  2. #2
    Sir Prize Pet Peeves! Sinister's Avatar
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    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
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    -Having to stop what I'm doing, take time out of my day and talk to people I do not know.
    -Having to stop what I'm doing, take time out of my day and talk to people I do know.
    -Having to drive to somewhere just to speak with someone
    -Having to talk with someone on the phone
    -Miller, Busch and Budweiser and any alcoholic beverage with the word "light"
    -Disk-Locked Content
    -First Day DLC
    -NYMs, Yankees and Oakland A's
    -Euonymous fortunei, Poison Ivy and Box Elders

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  3. #3
    TFF's Resident Messenger Pet Peeves! Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    - parents who do nothing to quiet their crying children. (Oh, he/she/it/they will tire or crying and go to sleep, will they? It's been an hour, do something!)

    - having a television on a high enough volume that it can be heard from outside. (Seriously, clean your ears or get a hearing aid! Oh no you didn't just shout "What?!" to me!)

    - making simple spelling and/or grammar mistakes (my 7-year anniversary of working at the newspaper is this Septempter.)

    - people who insist on waving at me from inside their vehicles as they pass me on the road, people who insist on blaring their horns at me inside their vehicle as the pass me on the road because they want to audibly get my attention and show that they know me. (Unless you are moving at a speed that matches mine or slower, I will not wave to you or acknowledge your existence. I can't recognize blurs of colored metal, or distinguish your car horn from all the other car horns - unless it plays a song or sounds nothing like the other car horns.

    - being unable to remember a person's name and match it with their face. Also, the inability to recognize a person's voice on the phone. (This one is something I deal with personally. No matter how I try and learn techniques to improve, this is one thing I will never get. There is just so much important information in my brain that I can't fit all the names, faces, and voices of non-historical figures)
    Social Group Endorsements, TFF Awards, and Other Accomplishments (Updated December 26, 2013):

    2011 TFF Member Elimination Game - 2nd Place

    TFF Adoption Agency
    Hot Shot - August 31, 2011 to November 18, 2011
    Draug Isilme - December 29, 2011 to February 27, 2012
    lovehearty42 - August 9, 2012 to November 4, 2012
    beatrix - September 4, 2012 to November 4, 2012

    Communist Theocratic Commonwealth of the Illustrious and Eternal Al-ha Empire and Crown Dependencies

  4. #4
    Chief Inspiring Officer Pet Peeves! Cyanist's Avatar
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    People who are holding something above my head (like, a cup of water, for instance)
    People who sprinkle dirt on my head
    People who jump on my bed/pillow with dirty feet
    Repeating commercials (tv/radio) - in all their forms
    Being told that my internet time is up.
    People who twist my toes while trying to wake me.
    People who try to wake me.
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

    The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:

  5. #5
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Pet Peeves! noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    I'm guessing you refer to those boys you call your Brothers? XD


  6. #6
    Consistently Average Pet Peeves! Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    People who are arrogant.
    People who are assholes.
    People who are condescending.

    Being likened to Harry Potter. I get told this all the time. Just for once i'd like to be known as something else.

    Whistling. Especially if it's tuneless.

    Crappy actors. I don't really watch many tv shows, just because a lot of the actors are crap or have over exaggerated characters.
    Currently Playing:
    Pillars of Eternity (PC)

    I play Magic! See what decks im playing or building here!

  7. #7
    #LOCKE4GOD Pet Peeves! Alpha's Avatar
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    People in general.

    Those dicks who play their music out loud on the train or bus. YOU'RE THE REASON NO ONE LIKES PUBLIC TRANSPORT.

    Tagging (as opposed to graffiti, which attempts to be more artistic). Oh, you wrote your name on the wall. How primitive. Now we all know you were here. Cool, 'cause we were all wondering where 'BEEZACRIPIT' got to.

    Hobos with a sign that says they have no income. Everyone is entitled to state assistance. It's possible to be homeless, sure, but the only way you don't have an income is if you haven't bothered to ask for one... so go ask for one?

    People who throw rubbish on the street, especially cigarette butts. One time I flicked someone's still-smouldering cigarette butt back into their car and then ran away.

    Hare Krishnas. Stop being so happy, you're bringing us all down.


  8. #8
    Queen Pet Peeves! Crescent's Avatar
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    1. Humans

    Honourable Mentions:
    Time between waking up and going back to sleep
    This not happening....yet.
    Interrupting/calling me when Im in the middle of playing a game and/or watching Dragonball Z.
    People who constantly feel the need to fill silence with idle chatter. Talk to the wall if you must.
    Animal by-products
    Junk, processed foods
    When one headphone stops working
    Seijuro Hiko not being my mentor/lifecoach
    Rare working for MS
    Square Enix Merger
    Graphics whores
    Friends/family pestering me to get a boyfriend as if everyone needs to be paired up
    Slimy predatory overcompensating sleazebags
    Said sleazebags hitting on me esp whilst Im on public transport and/or with my friends
    People's sense of entitlement
    My inability to invent a time-machine
    That time of the month
    Reaching my post limit on tumblr
    Low battery
    Finding a fanfiction of my rare ship only to find out they got the characters wrong/it’s poorly written
    "SephTi" and/or "VinTi" not being canon

  9. #9
    I invented Go-Gurt. Pet Peeves! Clint's Avatar
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    I hate traffic jams. The concept of a traffic jam is baffling to me, especially when there is no accident on the road. If everybody at the front of the line would just accelerate, there would be no jam in the first place.

    The WWE creative team when they run out of ideas, and ruin something good by rehashing an old idea. I'm a huge fan of wrestling, so I want to see good ideas which bring something unique to wrestling television. Casing point, in 2011, one of the headliners in WWE named Edge was forced to retire due to injury. He retired as the World Heavyweight Champion, which left the title vacant thereafter. At the next pay per view, a wrestler named Christian, who's also Edge's best friend, won the title. It was an exciting moment for WWE because Christian had been around since 1998, and was always overlooked and underrated. Two days after winning the title, he lost it to golden-boy Randy ****ing Orton, an extremely overrated wrestler who already had 8 unimpressive world title runs under his belt.

    Glasses of water when you decide to drink unfiltered tap water instead of from a Brita filter. Usually there will be little white particles floating around in the water, making the water look almost cloudy. How can water be so smug and so arrogant to think that if it decides to cloud, I won't find out about it? It's bullshit, and I believe that this issue has been consistently ignored in every political agenda.

    I also hate parades and marathons, because they block traffic and piss me off. If you want to run, or be in a parade, or watch people run or be in parades, you should just go **** yourself instead.

  10. #10
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christ Eastwood View Post
    I hate traffic jams. The concept of a traffic jam is baffling to me, especially when there is no accident on the road. If everybody at the front of the line would just accelerate, there would be no jam in the first place.
    Me too. I ****ing HATE traffic jams. I hate people driving slow. Every time I'm driving to or from Julie's, at least a couple times this happens. Probably doesn't help that there's road construction...
    Road Construction. Maybe it's necessary, but they need to cut it out!
    Jock itch. It's unpleasant.
    That guy. The one dude who talks a lot and needs to shut up, because no matter what it is, he is ignorant about the subject. That dude who makes everything about him, who acts like he's going through such hardship when I'm going through the exact same thing and am doing just fine with it because I don't suck. The dude who won't listen to any sort of criticism and gets defensive whenever someone does criticize him. Who goes "Woe is me!" when he inevitably gets in trouble, but doesn't stop to figure out WHY he is in trouble. The one who says incredibly inappropriate things to you about your former classmates, who you consider akin to your little sisters. The one who doesn't appreciate anything that is done for him and just expects it, like he's entitled to everything. The one you have no idea how he get here in the first place, but who you feel kinda responsible for because he's so much younger than you and and is in for a shitty life if he doesn't make it here...
    Girlfriends who won't wake up in the morning (jk <3)
    Having to go back to base after spending a weekend at Julie's
    People who are holding something above my head (like, a cup of water, for instance)
    People who sprinkle dirt on my head
    People who jump on my bed/pillow with dirty feet
    lol, those all sound like fun things to do to you now Or possibly the next nearest person... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  11. #11
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Pet Peeves! noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    People making smacking noises while eating. My bf is doing it right now, and Ive already asked him to stop, but he keeps doing it. I'm thisclose to snapping his neck. It's gross and annoying as f*ck.

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