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Thread: Pet Characteristics to Owners Thread

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  1. #1
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    On a Journey To the Promised Land

    Pet Characteristics to Owners Thread

    Hey all, does anyone here have pets? Well, I do. I have 2 Cats and a Dog. My oldest cat named C.J has been with me since 1997. My Dog named Noah, joined our household back in 2003, and my youngest cat named Kilala was a stray I found back in 2005. Now to the point, has anyone ever noticed changes in their pets behaviors? I have reason to believe that the longer our pets are living with us, the more they start to gain and copy our behavior pattern and routine. For example: My oldest cat C.J waits outside my bedroom door every morning, and follows me downstairs to the kitchen. He knows that each time I stand in front of the sink I start to yawn, and now each time I yawn, he yawns! Each time I'm about to open the refridgerator had trys to stand on two feet and try to open the fridge door! I think that the longer our pets are with us, the more they pick up on our habits and behaviors. What do you guys think? And do any of you have pets that "copy" you?
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

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  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom
    Now to the point, has anyone ever noticed changes in their pets behaviors?
    I don't know the exact psychology, but I am sure they do.

    I often pet my dog when I am on the desktop, and I used to have to call her over. Now, instead, she goes to where my hand is dangling. I have tried to teach her about good movies, but she can't sit through a 3 hour Oscar nominee. At least, not yet.

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