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  1. #1
    黒い翼の天使 chocolate lover yuki's Avatar
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    chocolate lover

    and who dosent love chocolate

    for my self im obssesd with it
    i drink it with milk or with out
    i eat everything that has chocolate in it...
    i eat it with fruits,water mlon,almost any food..
    i add it to my coffe , sandwitches.
    or simply by spoon ..

    its the joy of life for me

    what about you people.
    are you a choco lover whats your favorit type and how do you eat it ??

  2. #2

    Re: chocolate lover

    Quote Originally Posted by yuki View Post
    and who dosent love chocolate

    for my self im obssesd with it
    i drink it with milk or with out
    i eat everything that has chocolate in it...
    i eat it with fruits,water mlon,almost any food..
    i add it to my coffe , sandwitches.
    or simply by spoon ..

    its the joy of life for me

    what about you people.
    are you a choco lover whats your favorit type and how do you eat it ??
    That was strangely sexual

    I like chocolate but dark is my favorite. People complain and say it's bitter but that's because they don't buy the right kind % wise.

    I remember my friend bought some at the bookstore at school and she didn't realize it was like 80% pure cocoa or something. It was so bad, it wasn't bitter but tasted similar to soy sauce in solid form @_@

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  3. #3
    The Persistent Flourish chocolate lover Alice's Avatar
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    Re: chocolate lover

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    I remember my friend bought some at the bookstore at school and she didn't realize it was like 80% pure cocoa or something. It was so bad, it wasn't bitter but tasted similar to soy sauce in solid form @_@
    That sounds absolutely horrible.

    I've been having more chocolate as of late, although trying not to overload. I just haven't been having enough since I was a little kid. One of those things I grew out of. Although, I'm kind of amused by that, it's the first I've heard of growing out of chocolate.

  4. #4
    The Lone Dagger chocolate lover Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: chocolate lover

    I gotta say that I love chocolate and I'm not discriminatory towards any kind of chocolate. I like milk, dark, white, semi-sweet, whatever you can think of if it's chocolate I'll probably love it. Except for that cocoa powder one you had said Gypsy bc I've heard Cocoa in it's natural state is very very bitter.

    Just put chocolate on anything and it immediately gets better, the perfect dessert and condiment all in one lol

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  5. #5
    Bananarama chocolate lover Pete's Avatar
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    Re: chocolate lover

    I rarely have chocolate. It's good and all, but I feel like if you have crap like that all the time, it's not good for you, and it won't be as tasty.


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  6. #6
    Registered User chocolate lover winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: chocolate lover

    I love chocolate I eat it all day everyday, choccy bars, chocolate biscuits, chocolate chip cookies even the Muller Light yogs, vanilla with chocolate sprinkles

    Milk chocolate is the best!!

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  7. #7
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: chocolate lover

    I like all kinds of chocolate. I don't eat it often, so it's always pleasant when I do have some... for some reason, it tastes better to me if I don't have any for a while. Kind of like I feel as though I missed out on something. ^^;

    Right now, as in lately... I've not been in the mood for chocolate. I think it's the heat; it just tastes sickly in summer. Also, it really sucks when you buy a chocolate bar that has half melted and been cooled over and over again in stores, and it looks and tastes horrible.

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  8. #8
    Registered User chocolate lover
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    Re: chocolate lover

    Love me some chocolate!!!!

    Well, okay. I love most kinds of chocolate. I'm actually not a fan of white chocolate, or the kind that has the weird colored filling in it. You find that kind mostly in those boxes of chocolate that you get for Valentine's Day. I try my best to avoid eating that kind...

    My favorite is dark, and I'm the only one in my family that likes it. So that means if they get some for whatever reason, it usually winds up in my possession, and ultimately in my belleh. I only really eat chocolate in candy bar form, or as some kind of cake or ice cream. I don't usually dip stuff in chocolate, but I guess I do on rare occasion.
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  9. #9
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! chocolate lover Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: chocolate lover

    I actually have a friend who doesn't like chocolate, but since she's been pregnant, she's actually quite enjoyed it. Her fiance is really diasappointed as that means his chocolate is no longer safe.

    As for me, I don't go out of my way to get chocolate, but if it's in the house, it's usually gone. I short-cut through the hospital on the way home, and tend to grab a Boost bar (biscuit and caramel covered in milk chocolate) from the vending machine.
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  10. #10
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: chocolate lover

    I am in an unfortunate position. I *love* chocolate (particularly coconut chocolate), but with the repairs to my teeth, (as much as I love working security, it does have some real downsides), half the time eating them stings like you wouldn't believe.

    Half the time it doesn't though, and when that's the case I became glad I took the risk.
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  11. #11
    Crash Boom Bang chocolate lover Lily's Avatar
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    Re: chocolate lover

    I don't eat it as much as I used to do, I still love it, but I can easy go without, I prefer savoury foodstuffs really

    Though, nothing beats chocolate at the time of month, but even then I don't always have it anymore. I think I like it best when it's in ice cream (Ben and Jerrys chocolate fudge brownie or Phish food is just immense) I just like really cold chocolate, if Ive bought a bar, and I'm going home, I'l throw it in the freezer for 5/10 minutes so it's hard

    Unless its summat like a twix, i like dunking them in my cups of tea

    chocolate buttons are ace freezing cold

    fabulous, I want chocolate now and I'm on a diet ...ugh ]:

  12. #12
    Arachnie Suicide chocolate lover ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Re: chocolate lover

    I am lactose intolerant, but I absolutely ADORE chocolate. So much that some white chocolate is just about worth feeling disgusting/possibly throwing up in the twenty-four hours afterwards.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  13. #13
    Registered User chocolate lover
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    Re: chocolate lover

    some would say i like chocolate a little too much... i say i eat enough of it to stay happy

  14. #14

    Re: chocolate lover

    I actually don't like chocolate that much. I used to love it, but i have a tendency to get sick of things really fast. So now, the only chocolate-related thing i still enjoy eating is oreos, which i don't think will ever cease to be one of my favorite snack foods(:

  15. #15

    Re: chocolate lover

    I haven't had chocolate in so long...I had skittles for the first time today in a year ^^ But chocolate...I

  16. #16
    .............. chocolate lover smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: chocolate lover

    I absolutely love most chocolates, apart from the really rich dark chocolates. Despite always having really sensitive teeth I always eat great quantities of the stuff. Even finding out that every chocolate bar has a minimum of 3 insect fragments per 50 grams hasnt put me off.( And in case you were wondering the FDA has put the limit of 60 fragments per 100 grams as the absolute limit for consumption).
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