View Poll Results: Typing or Writing?

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  • Typing

    12 70.59%
  • Writing

    5 29.41%
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  1. #1
    A Plain Old Derp One or the other Padraic's Avatar
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    One or the other

    For any people who have to write/type on TFF (that should cover everybody ) when making any type of text, do you prefer writing or typing.

    If writing Pen or Pencil

    If typing favorite Font+Size

    I prefer writing myself because it just feels more like the story can be procesed more and all feelings are shooting directly onto the paper. I know spelling is easier on a cpu but, I don't find it as Authentic...
    Last edited by Padraic; 10-14-2009 at 09:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus One or the other Victoria's Avatar
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    I mostly prefer to type, but I will do the other when I can't bring my laptop with me.

    I use pencil for the most part, so I can erase easily.
    And my favorite font that I use is size 10 times new roman.

    ...Nothing else to discuss. >_< (God this feels spammy.)

  3. #3
    I used to write really well back in like...4-6th grade. Really neat, etc. Then it got to the point where I had to take notes really fast in certain classes so my handwriting went to shit. Then my typing got faster than my writing, by far. I feel like I can write out my ideas as fast as I can think them with a keyboard, and I just get frustrated with pen/pencil because I can't get my ideas down fast enough.

    Keyboard ftw.

  4. #4
    Tsuna Feesh One or the other Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    After a while of writing, my fingers start to hurt, and I need to rest them a bit before continuing. I don't have that problem with typing; I can type endlessly without wearing out my fingers.

    But I will admit that it's more useful to write when you are doing an essay. When you edit it, you can visibly see what you edited from and what you edited to. I mean, you can indeed use a strikethrough while typing, or highlight and change the font color, but I think a piece of paper is easier to spot the places. Still, I'd rather type out a draft first and just edit that with pen instead.

    The primary reason that I like typing is that it's faster. That isn't an opinion, it's a fact. Typing is far faster than writing, and sometimes when I write too fast, I can't even read my own handwriting. Typing, I don't have that problem, thankfully. Speaking of which, I like to use the Courier New font the most, with a font size of ten.

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  5. #5
    A Plain Old Derp One or the other Padraic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fate View Post
    The primary reason that I like typing is that it's faster. That isn't an opinion, it's a fact. Typing is far faster than writing.
    Fate I very much think that someone well over the age of 60 would be abl to write much faster then they type... same with some our age. Though you win for a baby's perspective... and I hate my keyboard because everything is so crammed (like my writing ) so when I try to type fast I often just skim the keyboard ir hit the wrong key... very frustrating... I even write faster than I type... thats because I've been writing stories since before I knew how to read so I think your statement is an opinion
    Last edited by Padraic; 10-14-2009 at 09:28 PM.

  6. #6
    I do what you can't. One or the other Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fate View Post
    The primary reason that I like typing is that it's faster. That isn't an opinion, it's a fact.
    Hahahahah. I just imagined writing faster than I can type. That'd be awesome.

    I prefer typing for 90% of things. There are a few (very few) exceptions:

    Everyday lists/notes. I don't always have a laptop with me, I can't always look and see what I have typed up somewhere. I write a little note, I put it in my pocket, and I can bring it out whenever the hell I want to look at it. Otherwise, I would either have to carry a laptop around wherever I go, or I would have to print out everything, which would suck.

    Personal letters. No, not emails, kids -- I'm talking about letters. In envelopes. With stamps. What you might call "snail mail". Professional letters, of course, will look much better if printed out. Personal letters, however ... they just feel much more personal if they're written instead of typed. More emotion and feeling is conveyed through a pen than through a keyboard. And the simple act of writing a letter means that it's important enough for you to make personal and spend time doing. Typing a full page takes, what, fifteen minutes? Five, if you know what you want to type? Hand-written letters take much longer. It means you're not trying to rush through it just to get it done -- the communication, and thus the recipient, is worth the extra time and effort.

    As have been mentioned: Class notes. I can type all day and not remember a damn thing of what I typed. When I write it, I have to think about it, and I remember more of it. Plus, I can put emphasis on what I want, etc. I also paraphrase and abbreviate a lot. Even short words -- for example, in high school, I started shortening "energy" to "NRG".

    When I type something that needs to look good, I usually just go with the classic Times New Roman. When I'm on MSN or something, I'll usually go with Comic Sans MS, bold, 10-point. Usually green.
    Last edited by Sasquatch; 10-15-2009 at 01:14 AM.

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  7. #7
    Lady Succubus One or the other Victoria's Avatar
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    Actually it's not opinion. You just need practice, really. And you need to learn how to read before you can write. You said yourself a while ago that it was just scribbles.
    ...That's not writing. That's scribbles. =P

    Get a different keyboard if the one you have is too crammed, haha.

  8. #8
    A Plain Old Derp One or the other Padraic's Avatar
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    True it was scribbles but still a form of writing nevertheless... I can type fast, its just I write faster because I've grown up around writing and have always prefered it. and my keyboard is french so I'm learning

  9. #9
    One or the other Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    I can type roughly 80 words per minute at roughly 98% accuracy, anyone can read it, and I can pretty much do it for an unlimited duration (hell, I work 9-10 hours a day writing code).

    I can write roughly 10-15 words per minute with about 100% accuracy, almost nobody can read it, and after an hour my hand starts cramping up.

    This is about as much of a no brainer as it gets. Typing all the way!
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  10. #10
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    It's funny because no one in my "college" takes notes via computer. Ever. I'm usually the only one sitting in class with my netbook out clicking away during lectures.

    When I do actually write notes (I have to do a lot of flow charting in IT) I do it in pencil, because if I make a mistake I'd rather be able to erase it and redo it, and a lot of times when I'm doing a network layout and assigning IP addresses I realize a mistake in the subnet mask or address range so I have to go back and fix it...

    With typing, I don't have much of a preference. I usually do about 12pt font Times New Roman I suppose, as it's the standard for writing most papers anyways.

    My word processor of choice depends on the system I'm on, but I like MS Office 2007 over, for some reason. =\

  11. #11
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Type writer. The clacking sound just gets to you. and the SHIIIIIING! Best feeling ever imo.

  12. #12
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Type writer. The clacking sound just gets to you. and the SHIIIIIING! Best feeling ever imo.
    I used to own a type writer. It was so much fun, and the noises it made were great (SHIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!)! But that's just the thing... sometimes it made too much noise.

    But either way, awesome machine.

    I prefer typing because it is faster for me, and all the work I do is done using a computer. Unless I'm taking notes in a lecture, but the notes only help me to type up an assignment later.

    My handwriting has changed a lot due to me typing more too. Notes are done quickly, and when I'm in a real rush, they can be hard to read. If I take the time write with pen and paper, it's still neat though...

    And I write my essays/assignments in size 12, Times New Roman. When it's something for me, like a story or passage or whatever, I usually drop down to size 10. It helps me write more...
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 10-15-2009 at 05:33 AM.

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  13. #13
    Shake it like a polaroid picture One or the other RagnaToad's Avatar
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    It really depends on what the final product should be.

    If it's just a little note to myself or a little list I'm going to put on my wall, I rather write it down than going through the effort of typing it up and printing it out.

    During classes, I prefer writing too, because I don't like to bring an expensive thing like a laptop to college, but also because you can write a lot of stuff easily on any location on your paper. I think it would take more time to type that out, inserting arrows and the right amount of tabs etc.

    But when something like an essay is due, I type it up. A full text is way faster to type than write.

    Also my hand writing is pretty awful at times. Certainly when I have to write down a lot of stuff at a fast pace.

    So I prefer typing because the final product is cleaner and readable to everyone, but that doesn't mean I don't write anything down with a pen.

    EDIT: My favourite font used to be Times New Roman, but recently I switched to Calibri.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 10-15-2009 at 05:13 AM.
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  14. #14
    If I could have a laptop with me during those essays that I have during English class, I'd be so much happier. I can't read my own writing when I hurry or rush (which is a lot of the time) so I kind of hate my writing. The only time I actually want to write something out by hand is when it's in Spanish or I'm taking notes directly out of a book. Typing is just so much faster and easier to edit. I can save my time, and keep my right forearm from getting anymore of those nasty cramps that pop up out of nowhere when I'm in the middle of those fun little essays at school. >.>

    I was a big fan of Vrinda 12 up until middle school, where teachers specified Arial or Times New Roman. Now I use Arial 10 for everything unless I'm told to use TNR 12.

  15. #15
    Registered User One or the other Yesha's Avatar
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    I Love writing.. yeah, maybe because I'm stiLL a student.. I Love taking notes.. so, in the end.. aLmost aLL of my cLassmates wants to borrow my notebooks.. LoL! Anyway.. yeah.. my handwriting isn't a mess but I'm not saying it's great.. weLL.. I aLso Love typing.. but.. not aLways.. :-)

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  16. #16
    I prefer writing about 95% of the time. Any paper I have to do for classes I have to write first, and then I copy it into a word processor. My roommate yells at me all the time about how much more efficient it is to just type it out, but I can't think properly when I'm just staring at an empty word document. I would much rather devote serious thought about what I'm writing (regardless of its topic) than just worry about my word count. Plus, I like the look of my handwriting
    I always write in pen. I'd much rather have tons of scratch outs than to have to erase constantly.


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