Haha, I hate to make it seem like... whatever this will seem like...
But seriously. If you're a newer member, and you want to be part of the TFF chat, look up either Lover Boy's, Strong Bad's, or my AIM screen name and IM one of us. We usually get the chats going if people are online. And all three of us like bring new people into the chatroom.
Or hell, get some of the AIM addresses of people you're already friends with and invite them in. Start your own chat. If you keep the chatroom name as "tffchat," one of the older members may drift in and invite other older members.
This chatroom used to be a great way for newer members to get to know each other and older members.
Now only a few people still go in. I wish it was still as active as it was. So I'm reluctant to close this thread down just yet.