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  1. #1

    Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    Does anybody know any home-remedies for naturally whitening your teeth without going to the dentist or buying whitening kits? I drink a LOT of Red Bull, and smoke also, which has left my teeth not yellow, but "not as white", if that makes any sense.

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  2. #2
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth? Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    Baking soda, straight onto a wet brush, is supposed to remove stains from your teeth. It tastes nasty, but it should do the trick. The sodium bicarbonate in it reacts with any yellow, and dissolves it.

    Any 'smoker's' brand toothpastes should work reasonably well as well.
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  3. #3

    Re: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    Semen. It also helps with your daily protein intake.

  4. #4
    Banned Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?
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    Re: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    Semen. It also helps with your daily protein intake.
    I know that's true about the protein part, but does it really whiten teeth?

  5. #5
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rose312 View Post
    I know that's true about the protein part, but does it really whiten teeth?
    It does, because of the floride that is in the semen. Shocking, but true.
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  6. #6

    Re: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    Talullah beat me to the baking soda one, but also using Listerine or peroxide keeps your teeth white.

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  7. #7
    Death Before Dishonor Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    Brush em with baking soda, then rinse ur mouth with diluted peroxide. I have been doing it for years now, and my teeth are great...

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  8. #8
    Registered User Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?
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    Re: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    You can swish some Hydrogen Peroxide around in your mouth after you brush your teeth and it will whiten them over time. It's not the most tasty, and it can make your gums tingle, but it does work. Make sure that you do not swallow though. You can also use a Q-tip and dip it in the Hydrogen Peroxide and it will work that way.

    If you can find a toothpaste that is made with baking soda, I would actually recommend that. Like Tallulah said, baking soda does work, but it's quite nasty. It's better to find a toothpaste that has the taste masked by mint flavor or cinnamon, whichever you prefer.
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  9. #9
    Banned Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?
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    Re: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    Ya, the only way I know of is the Hydrogen Peroxide way. I do that about 2 times a week and I have pretty shiny teeth...besides the fake one lol.

  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    Ahh, the power of baking soda. You can just about use that for anything.

    One thing that doesn't work - whitening tooth pastes. They either don't work, or you need to be very patient with them. I'm guessing they could help with the whitening along side the baking soda and Hydrogen Peroxide, and to kill the taste and give your breath a nice minty smell though.

    At the same time, limit your cig and RB intake - your teeth will only get whiter if you reduce what's already yellowing them. It's healthier too. xD

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  11. #11
    Registered User Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?
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    Re: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    ^ Fluoride doesn't whiten teeth, but it does make them stronger and helps prevent cavities.

    I never heard about semen whitening teeth in my life. I really don't think it's true, and honestly, it sounds like something a guy would come up with so he could get some oral action.
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  12. #12

    Re: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    It's 100% true. Semen whitens teeth, and prevents gingivitis. It also helps in restoring electrolytes to your body if you're hungover.

    It also provides a small dose of your daily calcium to help keep your bones strong. This is especially good for women to help prevent osteoporosis.

  13. #13
    Bananarama Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    Now, what you should do is go and get some Clorox bleach. Just chug that shit and you'll never have to worry about white teeth again.

    Or baking soda and peroxide. That's what I use when my teeth aren't as white, and it works pretty well. It's all my grandma uses, and she's 93 with all her real teeth!
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  14. #14
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    Targon works wonders, it is a mouth wash for smokers. I have used it quite a few times in my life and it helps out with the discoloration from smoking. It is the best thing I have found to rewhiten my teeth after years of smoking.
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  15. #15
    Air from my lungs. Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth? Violet's Avatar
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    Re: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth?

    Enough with the talk about semen.. really now.. who's going to start collecting cups of semen just to whiten their teeth? I remember hearing young 14 year old boys giggling and snorting over the idea, and telling their girlfriends. Harhar. Oh yeah, and apparently it also cures cancer too.

    Anyways, I've heard lemonjuice works, but it damages your enamels. You have to be careful with the things you use to make your teeth white, because some can damage the enamels and make your teeth weaker. I'd avoid crest strips.
    Last edited by Violet; 02-28-2010 at 08:14 PM.

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