A few of you have noted on my page about a recent (morning of September 4) earthquake in the southern New Zealand city of Christchurch. It was 7.1 on the Richter scale (0.1 larger than Haiti), but somehow no lives were lost. The recovery and rebuilding is underway, and we declined US military and UN support, as those resources would be better utilised elsewhere. Here is a picture from Christchurch:
It has a number of people thinking about how they could be more prepared for a disaster, especially an earthquake. My own city is incredibly vulnerable to an earthquake. Any building decision in some measure has to incorporate that hazard, and we are constantly reminded to be prepared. I've memorised the requirements they say people need: enough food and water for three days (3l per person per day), and so on, after hearing it so frequently.
But strangely I'm not worried too much. Natural disasters, to me, 'don't happen here'. That seems like a silly reaction, especially given recent events, but it's honest. That's not to say I'm not prepared. My family has put together a survival kit, with a great deal of water, a tent, blankets, medication, a gas cooker, food, and so on. My girlfriend and I have even arranged a meeting place, in the event of a natural disaster, to try and reach for some time each day subsequent to an event, until we have met up -- i.e., we will try to be at place x for y hours each day, until contact is successful.
But the reality of a natural disaster should strike us all. They happen. They're real. They will affect us. I mean, these next two pictures are pretty ominous for my own livelihood:
I live on a damn plate boundary...
...criss-crossed by numerous, active faultlines.

They say to be prepared for a 7.5 earthquake in Wellington. I'm not sure if it's even possible to be fully prepared for such an earthquake.
So, a few questions for discussion.
Are you concerned about natural disasters in your area? What kind of disaster/s?
Is it possible to ever be fully prepared for a natural disaster? What have you done, or what will you do, to be prepared?