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Thread: Nacmo Gun LCD screen

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Nacmo Gun LCD screen Rowan's Avatar
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    Feb 2011

    Nacmo Gun LCD screen

    Ive been told the old namco guns wont work on lcd screens due to the way the guns register light on older CRT tube televisions. I was wondering if anyone knows of any modifications I can make to the fun in order to get it to work with LCD screens. I realise I'm really reaching here.

  2. #2
    I'm DYING to see you! Nacmo Gun LCD screen ViviMasterMage's Avatar
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    Manchester, UK

    Re: Nacmo Gun LCD screen

    What games are you trying to play with said gun? Which console is this for? The PS2?

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  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy Nacmo Gun LCD screen Rowan's Avatar
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    Feb 2011

    Re: Nacmo Gun LCD screen

    Its the original Namco guns with recoil that you would find in arcades, but with the proper adapters for ps1. Trying to play games like time crisis and point blank. I can assure you that the guns are fully operational. Its just that they are designed to work with crt screens and the image on LCD is displayed differently.

  4. #4
    Hewerya love...? Nacmo Gun LCD screen seanb's Avatar
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    Apr 2011

    Re: Nacmo Gun LCD screen

    Sure they won't work?
    I thought it wouldn't matter since you have to calibrate it at the start of time crisis, im probably wrong though.
    Have you tried it yet on the lcd?... i have one, could give it a go

  5. #5
    Boxer of the Galaxy Nacmo Gun LCD screen Rowan's Avatar
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    Feb 2011

    Re: Nacmo Gun LCD screen

    I havnt tested yet. Could you give it a shot(lol) and let me know? The reason I purchase them is because I'm trying to acquire rare gaming equipment before it dissapears from existence.

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