So, is it just me, or do girls (or some cases) look 10x more attractive with an instrument in hand...when they can play. Singers too...though it's more like "OMG, I'M IN LOVE" more so than *boner*
So, is it just me, or do girls (or some cases) look 10x more attractive with an instrument in hand...when they can play. Singers too...though it's more like "OMG, I'M IN LOVE" more so than *boner*
I agree. Though it depends on the instrument, in some cases.
Like, it's really hot when the BF plays guitar (he taught himself. And he has an Ibanez acoustic), but I don't think it'd be so hot if he were to break out a Tuba or a Trombone and start playing one of -those-. heh.
Lol Definitely not just you. For me its not so much the guys but the girls I think that are so much more attractive when they play a musical instrument like the violin or the piano or the flute. For guys its a long sword XD Speaking of women playing violin...
Women who play bass or violin get bonus points in my books. Ooh yeah.
I play the Piano, but it has never made me more sexually attractive. Rather it tends to have the opposite effect. Plus, seeing I stopped after learning how to play Hungarian Dance No 2, Moonlight Sonata, Fur Elise and rage-quitting Little Fugue(piano adaptation) I never got a record deal, went on world tour or achieved bra-dropping groupies.
15 and under, didnt play guitar. 15> played guitar and got into a band then chicks came. I knew it was because of the image because our music sucked.
I taught myself how to play by ear on Piano.. Just simple tunes at first on my mini Casio I got for Giftmas one year. A few yrs later, my parents put me in piano lessons and bought me this big ass pea green Upright Piano (the kind that has the mirror on the top). It was only $350 and played beautifully. I stopped after my piano teacher moved, though 'cuz I really liked her and didn't want to find another one. I found all of my old lesson books though, so I may get a full sized keyboard and re-teach myself. heh.
I also took up Clarinet when I joined the band in 7th grade.... In my hometown, you were allowed to join the Highschool's band in 8th grade if you were good enough. heh. Someone stole my clarinet though.
And I taught myself how to read tabs for bass guitar. I remember none of it now other than a few riffs from some songs. woo. Nothing complicated, though.
I got grade 5 finished in piano, but quit. Now I want to continue. Too much into N64 at that time and I was just in high school, so yeah. My mom and my aunt can play anything by just sight reading and playing on the go and it'd be cool if I could do the same as well. Grade 6 and up is where the fun and difficulty will get better.
I think people like to see other people being passionate and enthusiastic and good at something. Musicians and entertainers in general happen to do their thing in front of you, so you see them do what they do best.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
Ragna nailed it. It's all about passion, and different strokes for different folks. Music is a big one for a lot of people though. Kinda wish I stuck with playing the Violin and Sax post high school, but meh they dont have the same panty dropping effect that playing a guitar does.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Not so much, I don't really care unless their playing music, I supposed it's a shared interest and such.