How often do you find yourself at the movie theater? Just a few times a year at movies you're really excited about while you wait for most to be available through "other means"? Or are you at the theater every week just for the sheer fact there's nothing else to do where you live? Do you go alone to the movies? Dates only? With a big ass group of friends? There are tons of things to discuss about going to the movies, SO GET TO IT.

I'm at the theater only for movies that I'm really amped to see. There are movie makers (not really actors, but directors or writers) that I have to see everything they do in theaters. For example (and let the bashing begin) I can't help but love M. Night Shyamalan. After saying that I will follow it up with yes I did see "The Last Airbender" and no, it was not good (I blame the studios). Tarantino and Ridley Scott are two other filmmakers that I just adore. When I got to the movies I often go as a date with my fiancée, but sometimes I prefer a big ass group of friends. Like, for example, when I went to see "Snakes on a Plane" opening night. I got together like 10 friends, we all got quite high, and we went and enjoyed one of the most amazing movie experiences I've had to date. I think the only movie I enjoyed more than that in theaters was seeing the remastered version of "Alien" on Halloween many years ago (that movie is just amazing).

One last thing, God Damn the movie industry for slowly phasing out Cherry Coke from the soda selection for the likes of Coke Zero. Do they really need two different diet products available? I mean for **** sake I want my Cherry goodness with my immensely buttery popcorn. IT'S JUST RIGHT.