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  1. #1
    Sir Prize The Most Fear... Sinister's Avatar
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    The Most Fear...

    In your life, when have you been the most frightened? You know those moments when you're alone and you see something in the corner of a dark room and you find it's only a chair or etc... Or perhaps you had a near brush with death? Maybe it was on an amusement ride or from a scary movie?

    But what was your most frightened moment?


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  2. #2
    Registered User The Most Fear... winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: The Most Fear...

    Mine was when I was preggers with my 1st baby, everything was perfectly fine all the way through until my due date. I had felt no movement since the night before. I was petrified that my baby had died, was a total wreck, shaking, crying. thankfully everything was alright and she was just having a lazy day. Might not sound like much too alot of people but any woman who has had the same experiance could tell you how horrifying it is to think your baby has died. Seriously the scariest day of my life.

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  3. #3
    Registered User The Most Fear... kupo's Avatar
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    Re: The Most Fear...

    Quote Originally Posted by winterborn86 View Post
    Mine was when I was preggers with my 1st baby, everything was perfectly fine all the way through until my due date. I had felt no movement since the night before. I was petrified that my baby had died, was a total wreck, shaking, crying. thankfully everything was alright and she was just having a lazy day. Might not sound like much too alot of people but any woman who has had the same experiance could tell you how horrifying it is to think your baby has died. Seriously the scariest day of my life.
    mine is quite similar to this actually. i went to my appt at 37 weeks in the morning. my baby had not moved much the previous night/evening even when i would eat or drink something sweet. this was really odd considering that he was always moving around. when they did an ultrasound the doc just said 'hmm....thats interesting. come with me'. he went to the front desk and had the receptionist call the hospital to say i was coming in for another ultrasound. i had the other ultrasound done and with 3 docs in the room with me. now at this point im confused as all hell. it turns out my amniotic fluid was decreased significantly to almost nothing and that it was much safer for the child to be born witin the next 24 hrs (at this point i really only looked approx 4 months preggo...i was small). that whole day scared the metaphorical poop out of me. the day after he was born the doc came and talked to me and said that given my situation (found out i was preggo at 20 weeks...yeah it happens.) i was extremely lucky that he didn't have any lung problems

    ....and all this happened during the week before my finals lol.
    Last edited by kupo; 06-23-2010 at 03:10 PM.

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  4. #4
    Glowing Ball of Awesome The Most Fear... Ashura's Avatar
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    Re: The Most Fear...

    My most fear would be when I was in my basement and my old house was being torn in two. Yeah it was an extremely powerful tornado and my family was at a funeral, so that was a pretty sad day. I just stayed as low as I could, I also thought I was going to get sucked from my basement, haha. I thought it was over for me, luckily it wasn't. When I went outside I saw nothing but large trees laying in the road helplessly, and some smashed into other houses, It was tourist central. That was probably the scariest day of my life.

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  5. #5
    Registered User The Most Fear...
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    Re: The Most Fear...

    My most frightening moment was the time that my older brother, his friend and I went exploring through a cave at Devil's Den State Park. I think I was 11 at the time, and my bro and his friend were 13. Anyway, there were only two flashlights between the three of us, and I got to hold one of them. After a while of exploring, my brother tells me that his friend should hold the flashlight instead of me, so I gave it to him. We walk a little further in the cave, and then suddenly the two rushed ahead of me and left me in the dark. I couldn't see anything, and I started to panic. I also started to hyperventilate.

    Anyway, there was a group of other cavers who were a little ways behind us, and when they saw me, they brought me back to the entrance of the cave and made sure I was alright.

    So that's probably the most afraid I've ever been. I've never had a panic attack before or since then, and I never want to experience one ever again.
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  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The Most Fear... Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: The Most Fear...

    Well, I do seem to remember one particular moment, not gladly though. It's something I'm not really proud of, it's due to my own actions that I was afraid like never before.

    On the first year of college there's a subject many students have problem with, nothing major though, the subject itself was of no importance, in fact you gain the lowest amount of points for passing it. It's wasn't that horrible either, nothing impossible, though the only way to pass was to have a little bit of luck, it may sound strange but you had to rely more on luck than anything else. As usual, luck wasn't really keen of me and my friend, since it wasn't a major subject we dragged it through the year, though the moment to face it once and for all finally appeared.

    Night after that the same friend called me to pop to his house, he said it was something important. I was intrigued so I drooped by, I couldn't believe my own eyes, but in his hands there were two exact copy's of tomorrows exam. Apparently he managed to steel them, I never asked how he did it, maybe I just didn't want to know, but he had two pass tickets in his hands. First we discussed about the risks coming from such actions, I feared someone might notice the exams were stolen. Finally we decided to fill them and try our luck, after all the entire exam system for this subject was flawed and it wasn't a major subject, still, the risk was there, but, nothing ventured nothing gained as Delboy would say.

    Before the exam even started I was sweating like a pig, I was afraid to be honest, I even thought of quitting multiple times. I was still thinking what to do even tho the exam started, after a while I just said "what the heck" and I swamped the new one with the one I already filled, they looked exactly the same which meant he stole the right ones. I waited for about an hour before I gave the assistant my exam, I went out and my friend followed me soon after that. We were siting in front of that damn college for an hour, no one said a word the entire time. One of our college also came out soon after that, we weren't really happy with what he had to say. Apparently the assistant noticed something wrong with the exams, she even called the dean, I was never more afraid in my entire life. I panicked, luckily my friend was more clear headed, he said we should use our remaining time to come up with something convincing instead of panicking. Million things went through my head, still I couldn't come up with something dean would fall for it.

    The results finally came out, faster than usual I must say, I thought we were reason for such rush. As we were getting closer to the main board my feet were more and more heavier, I was expecting to see our names in big red letters saying we should report to the dean, the results were surprising, miracle. I almost shit my pants when I saw the C I got, my friend also passed, barely, he got D, which was strange as we filled the exams almost the same, but neither one of us was complaining. Honestly I couldn't believe my own eyes, my friend was poking me and I was poking him just to check if it was a dream by any chance, that was the easiest exam in my entire life but also the worst experience. I still remember that feeling I had in front of the college, the expectation for the worst, time was passing so slowly I though a minute was an hour, not to mention the fear that haunted me, I still don't know how was I able to reach the main board, I actually don't remember how I got there.

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  7. #7
    Bananarama The Most Fear... Pete's Avatar
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    Re: The Most Fear...

    I've had a gun pointed at me before, which was pretty scary.

    Sheer terror has to be 9/11 though. My mom, dad and aunt all worked within blocks of the twin towers, and my aunt was IN the North tower (she made it out OK). I was stuck in school until about 2pm with no way of contacting any of them until I got home. The thoughts racing through my mind, as well as the radio reports (the school wouldn't allow teachers to put the TVs on) made for an incredibly harrowing experience. Just imagine, thinking both parents could be dead.

    ****ing scary.
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