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  1. #1
    Sir Prize The Most Embarrassing Thing... Sinister's Avatar
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    The Most Embarrassing Thing...

    My parents were very embarrassing, but finding that chief shining moment to bring before you is a chore. But I think I know it...

    How about all of you? The most embarrassing thing your parents did? (NOTE: This is in reference to every day things)

    My example:

    My mother was a den mother... I.E. Cubscout and Boyscout den mother. Thus she sang things like "Kumbaya my lord"...ect... But the worst...

    Every morning at six or eight she would burst into my room and sing in falsetto, the following song:

    Waaaay up in the sky,
    the big birdies fly.
    While down in their nest,
    the little birdies rest.
    "Good Morning! Good Morning"
    The little birdies say




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  2. #2
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    If I had to limit my choices down to all of the things that imbarrased me as a kid, I would have to say the fact that my mom was a whistler, not so much in the way of whistling show tunes but in the really loud obnoxious way of a soccer mom. I kid you not we could hear that damn whistle from any where in our neighborhood. And on the soccer feild it was deafining. Some of the parents refused to sit by her because they knew it was coming and that it was so loud. But as I got older and got into high school soccer I came to realize this was her trademark (haha shoving two fingers into her mouth and screaching out a whistle a trademark, sorry rambling) and when the stands where pack it was actually kind of comforting to hear it because then I knew she was there and could pin point where she was sitting. This came in handy my senior year when I was never sure if she was going to feel up to coming to the games because she had surgery for Cancer at the start of my season and the recoverey time was 8 weeks. BTW she made it to the second week game..
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  3. #3
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    To be frank, my parents have never really been embarrassing.

    My mum is sort of like one of those humble-bumbly mum's who gets excited about the smallest things. "OH LOOK AT THESE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS!" was a popular choice today whenever we drove past a house with anything up. Still, I don't find that embarrassing. It's just her way.
    As for dad. Not really. His years of alcoholism are embarrassing to me, but that's a given. He's mostly annoying now whenever he's in a mood now that he doesn't drink anymore.

    Mostly, I'm friends with my mum these days, and my parents have kind of let me go about my own thing for the last four or five years, considering I didn't abuse their trust or be a cockhead and decide to go out to clubs excessively, sleep around, do things I'd one day regret, etc.
    They're proud of me, so I have nothing much they could embarrass me about. (Unless you mention the times I've been walked in on with Andrew. Not sexually, thankfully, but near enough.) Mum's very happy to talk about us "eating each others faces off." Lulz...

    Despite that being somewhat irrelevent, my parents have a couple of annoying little quirks rather than embarrassing ones.

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  4. #4
    Aww yeah! The Most Embarrassing Thing... Wolf's Avatar
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    Well, my dad wasn't really that embarrassing to me my whole life. But my mom sure was. She made my elementary school years embarrassing because she used to be a substitute teacher and a teacher's aide at my elementary school so all the other kids would always say stuff to me back in the day about it. Otherwise nowadays it isn't so bad, and back in the day I eventually learned to accept it.

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  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    My parents don't embarrass me! I embarrass them! (And myself. Heh.) I'm the kind of weirdo who laughs at the things his parents do that would embarrass other people. Like a dad who's old and grumpy, who doesn't communicate very well sometimes, and sometimes says some ridiculous stuff in front of his children's friends. It doesn't embarrass me; I didn't say it. He's only embarrassing himself.

    Like one time, he woke and started yelling at me for no reason, and then he realized one of my friends was there, and was like "...Oh! Ha ha, I didn't know you were there..." Or another time, there were some guys over who were originally friends with my older brother, but who were now kind of friends of the family. My dad doesn't like one of them, so as he was walking to bed, he asked my mom, "Why don't bring some young women over for me to enjoy?"

    I can remember instances of when my dad embarrassed my sister, much of the time by talking to people he didn't know very well, or just saying things he maybe shouldn't have said. Like one time in the small town of Glen Ullin, ND, there were these elderly ladies walking by, and he said to them, "So yer still alive, huh?!" Or another time, he was driving my sister home, and some kids her age were messing around at the end of the road. One of them threw a fire cracker onto the top of his car, and he apparently asked them, "Okay, who has the gun?"

    My mommy never does anything embarrassing, though; she's perfect (I'm such a momma's boy...) Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  6. #6
    You guys are lucky..My parents have embarassed me so often, especially when I was a kid. I used to write in a diary w/ch basically consisted of me cursing my parents whenever they pissed me off. Well, my mom isn't the type to respect my privacy so she read it and got angry at ME and I was the one who was embarassed. Gotta love the irony in that.

  7. #7
    Registered User The Most Embarrassing Thing... Yesha's Avatar
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    The most embarrasing thing my mom did was.. when we had a famiLy party.. Last Sunday.. everyone asked my mom to sing.. then she grab the mic and sang the "Power of Love by CeLine Dion" in a high voice w/ fuLL emotion.. wow.. I kept asking her to stop.. but she didn't! And then one time.. when we were eating she did toLd our reLative who my crush is.. and stuff.. it's so embarrassing! But.. I just pLayed it cooL.. hahaha! :-) My mom is mostLy perfect in stuff (not singing).. but anyway.. I Luuuuv her.. My dad never embarass me.. he is the siLent-type.. he don't Like parties so he stayed at home reading newspaper or watering his garden.. LoL! He aLways heLps me on my homework!

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  8. #8
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Yesha, your mom doesn't seem embarrising, she seems fun! I want to party with her.

    Ok now for story two, my father.

    We where sitting at a mexican resteraunt. We consisting of me, my dad, and my wife who was pregnant at the time. When the Mexican waiter came to take our drink order, he clearly said "what would you like to drink". He was obviously very Americanized and had absolutly NO accent. In turn my dads responce was "What did you say, speak English!" I told the waiter to bring my dad a beer, "Thank god you could understand him" was his responce.

    After a few minutes the waiter walked back up and my dad ordered chips, salsa and queso,
    waiter: "ok sir I will bring that right out"
    dad: " Did you understand me I said queso, I don't understand the words coming out of your mouth"
    waiter: "do you need a refill?"
    dad: "QUESO!"

    So from this point on I decided to take the lead and tell the waiter what he wanted, by the way did I mention he (the waiter)spoke English better then I?

    So my dad turned his attention twards my very beautiful and very pregnant wife.

    Dad: "When are you going to have that boy?"
    Rachel: "Should be in a few weeks"
    ::Waiter walks up behind and is serving a table behind us.
    Dad: "Well you need to hurry the hell up and have him or he is going to burn in that oven, if he waits any longer he will be darker then that mexican kid that is trying to talk to me all mexicanish."
    ::Waiter walks away in shock::
    Dad: "Hey get over here I want some B....E....E....R...., beer do you understand me and some more queso, do you understand me? Beer and Queso!"

    So yeah I could get more into this but I will not, because next it comes to him insulting the very large african american man sitting behind us.
    Last edited by Meier Link; 12-14-2008 at 08:31 PM.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

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  9. #9
    Air from my lungs. The Most Embarrassing Thing... Violet's Avatar
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    My God, Meier. Your dad sounds like mine, cept mine isn't as public about it.

    As for me, my parents have embarrassed me on several occasions. The most recent time was when I went to a fancy steakhouse restaurant called Ruth's Chris. The table was covered in white cloth and had all the plates and wine-glasses arranged properly. My dad was drunk after a couple glasses of wine(he had bypass surgery, so his stomache is smaller and can't handle as much liquor anymore). While we were waiting for our food, he ended up spilling his cup of water ALL over the table cloth -_-. So, the waiter came and called some guys to replace everything. My dad said "Sorry, she's just really clumsy these days." He was putting the blame on me T_T. So I made sure they knew it was him that spilled it.
    He was talking really loud after that. We all had a really sharp steak knife and my dad said slightly loudish "Ann shouldn't posess such a sharp knife. It makes me feel nervous. Who knows what goes on in her mind." sarcastically. I would've laughed if he wasn't trying to get a bad reaction out of me.

    So yeah, that's the end of THAT story. He drove us home at night, too -_-. I'm amazed we didn't get in a car accident.

    My mom on the other hand has embarrassed me mostly in stores. She puts on this overly friendly hesitant face for other people. When she makes a mistake, or is nervous, she'll let out this weird giggle ><. Last time in this warehouse store, she was looking for a specific DVD with classic Christmas cartoons on it. She didn't see it on the shelf, so she bent down and pulled out one of the storage boxes and opened it up to see if the DVD was in there. People were walking by looking at us while I was telling her that we shouldn't be ripping through the store's packages. The DVD ended up not being inside it, so she replaced everything and put it back. I ended up making fun of her the rest of the day every time she couldn't find something, like "Maybe we need to open up this box, too!" etc.

    Not to mention, my parents have pretty poor luck. They're the people who make last minute decisions before deciding where to go for vacation. Like.. let's say it's the beach. We go to the beach, and it ends up being packed(no room for us). So the entire vacation ends up being destroyed because we were a few hours late. It's sort of like a Chevy Chase adventure.. or a Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.. very annoying, indeed.

  10. #10
    Courage, Character, Confidence. The Most Embarrassing Thing... Lunasa's Avatar
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    My mom wasn't too embarrassing in general, but MY GOD. I'm not sure what it is with older women and talking about their daughter's mini-boobs or their first periods, but I was the first to officially develop in my family and she told anyone and EVERYONE who would listen. All of a sudden I was getting these looks that made feel completely violated. I mean, I couldn't give damn who talked about it now, but when you're young and new to these sorts of things, it's very mortifying.

    Other than that, my parents are VERY chill and pretty cool in my opinion, because they both have this wickedly dry, hilarious sense of humor that all college women and men seem to be devoid of. And since that's my brand of humor, I can't say I was exactly entertaining the masses, so to say, because they took it to heart. Not my parents though. Can make fun of 'em and they make fun of me. It's a sort of banter we have in our wittle family.
    Last edited by Lunasa; 12-15-2008 at 07:43 AM.

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  11. #11
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    My mum + Peal and Dean Advert in the cinema = slide down chair so no one can see you.

    Seriously... I don't know how many of you have seen the Peal and Dean advert at the cinema, but I can tell you if you have an old school mum, it is really embarrising. Every time the bloody thing comes up on the screen, she starts dancing in her seat! To get over the red face of it, I end up doing it with her - it kinda... helps. Fun, but totally wrong.

    My nans eatting habbits are a little gross. She likes eatting with her hands mostly, which I respect the fact we are human and such, and we weren't really ment to use a fork, but for ****s sake! Its... gross. :S

    When me and mum go shopping on a hot, busy day, she can get pissy ever so easily with everyone. She can get scary. Even when she might be that tiny bit in the wrong.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

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    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  12. #12
    Besides all of the stupid stuff I've done as a kid, and am still doing to this day, it has to be my dad whistling and singing to songs; and a lot of the time, he doesn't even know the words, or has never even heard the songs.

    That, and how he, many times, makes jokes at my expense when we are around people. Right in front of me, too. I've told him that they are not funny, and that some of them, depending on the joke, do hurt, but he just says that he's just kidding or joking.


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