Honestly, my "waking up" routine involves me just getting up, go to the bathroom and shower and then eat and brush them teeth and then I'm done. Of course I get dressed too.
How long does it take you to get your ass out the door/moving in the morning, and what do you do before you get your ass out the door/moving?
For me, it varies. I could be ready to leave in about 20 minutes after I wake up-long enough to take a shower, get dressed, and eat something-but I prefer to have at least an hour to sit around. In fact, two hours is heaven. Much more than that, though, and it gets really hard to go, heh.
In the mornings that I have to get up, I brew three cups of coffee (more like six, but my cup takes two measured cups) eat some pop tarts, drink a glass of milk, then either look at the internet, listen to the radio, or watch some show, whilst I drink anywhere between one and two cups of the coffee (usually don't get to the third.) twenty or so minutes before I gotta leave, I take a shower, get dressed, do my hair, then am out the door. The days I have longer, I sit around even longer, drink that last cup, read the bible/pray, and occasionally use my little 20 lb. weights for some arm workouts.
That's me. What about you? Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Honestly, my "waking up" routine involves me just getting up, go to the bathroom and shower and then eat and brush them teeth and then I'm done. Of course I get dressed too.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
1. Wake up in the morning.
2. Feel like P Diddy.
3. Put my glasses on, I'm out the door so I can hit the city.
4. Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack.
Cuz when I leave for the night I ain't comin' back.
Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."
Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
I'm usually rushing around no matter how much time I give myself to get ready, something always puts a delay on me getting out lol.
It all depends on what I got to do and how early I have to go out, but I never leave on time.
My TFF Family
My FFVII addicted nephew: Secret weapon
My Bullet lovin half wolf cousin: Raider
My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco
I absolutely can't stand being rushed, because I feel like if I don't get ready properly in the morning I'll look and feel like crap the rest of the day.
The only thing that takes a while is my hair, normally I do my hair a day before ( I straighten It )so I don't really have to do anything to it. If I just let my hair down in the morning it looks like I spent hours curling it and in actuality I didn't even have to brush lol. But when I do have to do my hair it sucks.
Other than that, figuring out what I want to wear is the second longest but I do that the night before too^^
I don't mind being grumpy getting up really early to get ready if I know I need time, its better than getting up grumpy and late anyway![]()
Technically mine would be an evening routine thanks to my sleeping patterns, but the usual is: Get up, stick dressing robe and slippers on, stretch, check the mail, make something to eat and then have a shower before getting dressed. If I'm not working a day shift I'll just laze around or do some reps with my barbells or some basic exercises like situps, if I am working one I'll grab what I need from my work backpack (for day jobs it's usually just security notepad, a handful of pens and my security license) as well as my phone, wallet, keys, smokes, zippo lighter and a couple disposables for the offchance my zippo runs out of lighter fluid.
All in all the whole process can generally be done under an hour unless I cook something that takes a while to be ready in which case it can easily take a couple hours.
victoria aut mors
If I ever actually have to get my ass up in the morning and be somewhere, it usually takes me a little under an hour to be done up properly, or at least to where I feel I look presentable enough for the world.
When I wake up (after hitting the snooze button ~5 times before actually getting out of bed...), first thing I do is brush my teeth then get dressed. After that it's makeup and hair. Makeup takes the longest, but I've gotten to where I feel comfortable enough just putting on a little bit, so it doesn't take as long as it used too. For my hair, I usually settle on a ponytail, but I do straighten my bangs with a flat iron, just so I look like a put a little bit of effort into my hair.
I always eat breakfast, but it's usually something quick like cereal or a banana and toast. Coffee is a no-go for me. Blech...I can't stand the stuff. I drink tea if I feel that I need some caffeine in my system.
Click at your own risk.:
If I just have to worry about caring for my routine, 20 mins.
However, most days I have to help my siblings so really it's about 40 minutes, taking 5 to wake up my sister and then 5 to get my brother up and help him if he needs anything as he's a bit younger, otherwise I go back to sleep for 10 minutes![]()
I shower in the evenings, so I skip that in the morning, then basic crap, brush teeth dress like a human, pack my items, then get out the door. I'd like to have a cup of coffee errday, but I'm pretty sure if I tried to take dad's he'd slay me. So I just grab some for 50 cents from the honor system coffee pot at school when it's available
CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle
wake up
roll around for abit resenting having to get out of the warmth, accept that I have to get up, go for my morning wee, locate some socks
trudge down stairs with a face on me, grumble a good morning at the kid, switching the pc on as i head to the kitchen
Flick the kettle on, round of toast in the toaster, feed the cat, feed the fish, butter toast, stick another round in for me
park my arse at my pc, check me emails and FB while i have my brew and breakfast
Then off to brush the teeth/shower
1. wake up
2. stretch
3. excersice: cardio, yoga, meditation
4. shower, clean, etc.
5. go to the coffee shop (what i do depends on what i feel like)
- read
- draw, write, compose
- do work
Originally Posted by Wintermetal
current games playing:Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Assassins Creed Revolutions
Saints Row: The Third
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3
Fallout New Vegas
Wake up
Roll out of bed
Drag a comb across my head
Find my way downstairs and drink a cup
Look up, notice I'm late
Find my coat, grab my hat
Make the bus in seconds flat
...Actually, that's not far off. I do shower in the mornings. And I sit and have tea, make some breakfast for myself. I wake up early enough to do all that, in theory, but I still manage to kill enough time to warrant rushing out the door once I realize what time it is. And depending on the day, I try to have my early morning exercise. Uh... I do have a basic makeup routine that doesn't take long. And my hair pretty much dries well on its own. Take care of my dog. If I have time, play guitar.
I don't know, nothing really unusual.
Read more.
TFF Awards:
"I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."
. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.
Ah, yes. My morning routine. Usually the need to take a dump wakes me up. When I'm in the bathroom taking a dump, I'll pee as well. I will also wash my face, brush my teeth, and dunk my head in the sink to get rid of bedhead. Then I will go back to my bedroom and get dressed in clothes. After, I will walk downstairs utilizing my legs, and usually forget to eat breakfast before I leave for school, which I always regret an hour later when my stomach won't stop growling.
I take about 25 minutes to actually get to the car in the morning. I usually wake up at my last alarm and run with it.
Here is my normal routine.
1: Wake up and say "oh shit"
2: Jump out of bed throw some pants on and head to the porch for a quick smoke.
3: Come back in a get cleaned up
4: Feed the baby and change him
5: Wake Breyen up and take him to the bathroom and get him ready
6: make sure everything is in the diaper bag
7: Load the baby into his seat
8: grab my lunch and a pop
9: get the boys to the car and strapped in
10: hit the road to take them to the baby sitters.
11: stop at the store to get another pack of smokes and possibly a drink
12: get to work with about 10-15 minutes to spare, any less then this and I feel late haha.
I spend the next few minutes of that 10-15 minutes smoking cigarette number two and trying to actually wake up haha.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards:
My morning usually starts around 5 am. I wake up, and get my gyms clothes on. Then I go to the gym. Simple as that.
Wake up around 6:15
Have "breakfast," which is usually a few swigs of Kefir.
Put clothes on
Get gym clothes into a bag
Leave the house by 6:45
Find my car
Get to work by 7:15
Hop in the F-350
Figure out where I'm going for the day
Hit up 7-11 for coffee and a bagel
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I try to wake up before Claire does.
Normally I'll go downstairs, make a cup of coffee and putz around on the computer until she starts getting cranky with being in her crib. She gets changed and then we come downstairs and have breakfast.
We generally don't have anything pressing that we need to do ASAP in the mornings.![]()
Can't say I miss waking up early in the morning every single day, now that I'm on college my schedule allows me to sleep longer for the most days in week, which wasn't the case when I was in elementary and highschool. My routine hasn't changed that much over the years, I usually wake up before the alarm even sounds off, strangely, but almost every time at 06:15, make my bed, pee, take a quick shower, brush my teeth, do something with my hair, make my self something to eat, something quick and easy, get dressed, pick up my stuff and I'm ready to go, all in 45-50 min.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
It's always interesting to see how different people are. Many people take showers/baths at night as a way to relax and wash away the days problems. Then there are those who take a shower to wake up. Well I fall into the former, so that is one less thing I have to do in the morning.
First off, I deliberately have my alarm on the other side of the bedroom so I have to get up to turn it off. After that I can get ready in less than half an hour. I have to make my lunch and tea( coffee is disgusting ) and eat breakfast at the same time. Then it's off to the bathroom for hygiene needs and out the door I go.
The only thing that slows me down getting to work is the gate guards. Depending on who is working the gate at work or if I get randomly picked to be searched, getting to work at a given time is next to impossible. Luckily as long as we show up between 6AM and 8:30AM and work 9 hours, it's all good. So in that aspect, having to deal with the gate guards is worth it.
Exactly me. I could be up and out the door in twenty minutes. My morning wash can be done in way less than ten minutes, provided the bathroom is free when I need it, and clothes are easy to pick out because I have a fairly basic wardrobe when it comes to everyday clothing. Not one for make-up, unless I'm in the mood to bother (which is like... never). Quick slice of toast, final check to make sure I have everything I need/want (phone, iPod, keys, money, bus pass, feminine products...), and I'm gone.
However, I enjoy just taking my time in the morning. I like waking up, making the bed, putting jam on my toast (as opposed to just butter), making tea and waiting for it to stew properly, checking e-mails, taking a nice and slow hot shower, sitting in my towel for a bit while I eat/check e-mail, pulling out more attractive forms of clothing from my wardrobe, etc. Also, I have more time to check to make sure I have everything I need (seriously, the amount of times I've forgotten my lunch money...), and that my teeth are properly brushed (clean mouth = happy Gemma). When I was at college, I had to be in at 9am on a Monday and Thursday, and I'd wake myself up at 6-6:30am just so I could take my time. I feel like I have a better day in the end, because when everyone else is still waking up, I'm already awake and in a good mood.
If I rush before 9am, I crash an hour or so before lunch time, wanting my bed and some food. Then I get headaches, and then I'm not in a good mood. Taking my time stops me from ripping off people's heads.
Haha... sometimes I do both...Originally Posted by Merlin
I like being clean...
My TFF Family
My FFVII addicted nephew: Secret weapon
My Bullet lovin half wolf cousin: Raider
My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco
I totally agree with you
I dnt waste me time showering in the morning when it can be done at night, people act like your rolling in dirt or something while asleep so its mandatory to bathe in the morning.
I prefer to bathe at night, cause thats after the sweat, tears, and blood of the day have come. And then I can go to sleep, fully refreshed.
But anyway, back to the morning routine.
I wake up around 6:30
Brush teeth, change, and eat an apple or orange before heading out the door.
I usually sleep for an extra 15 mins while on the bus to school xD
Then at school I eat my real breakfast before class =)
Final Fantasy and Samurai Champloo FTW!!
wake up @ 6:30 (after hitting the snooze button 3 times), get myself and the kiddo dressed and fed, make lunch, then usually out the door at 7:30.
"With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier
final fantasy xiii-2
pokemon fire red
Lol I hit the snooze button a couple times myself xD
Final Fantasy and Samurai Champloo FTW!!
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
Lol I don't drool or sweat unless im sick, thats when I take shower in both morning and night. And I have very short hair (practically bald lol jk)so there no need to worry about that
And if you take a shower out night, you won't have dead skin cells on your body when you got to sleep to begin with.
It actually doesn't make much difference since skin cells are continuously dying/dividing
Final Fantasy and Samurai Champloo FTW!!
Your hair always falls out, no matter how short it is.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
I wash my head everyday, so the hair that falls out is just clean hair then =P
The closest thing to a bath that I take in the morning is washing my face with water to help wake me up
Final Fantasy and Samurai Champloo FTW!!
Gotta shower. Showering makes me feel clean and wakes me up at the same time. Best feeling ever to start off the morning. Eat a snack and gtfo to where I need to go.
Wake up
Shave / Get on PT Uniform
Home to Shower / Brush Teeth
Out the Door