Everything you are saying is like a precursor to a conversation about how you became a lesbian. Nothing wrong with that, just calling it as I see it. It seems like your dislike, may I even say vehement detest towards the typically mature male stems from you being ignored or bullied by such men. Perhaps in the past they've taken no interest in you and its made you hate them. Whatever the case, you find solice in knowing that theres sensative guys out there who will coddle you and sing emotional songs that you can relate to and make you feel good. But here's some advice...
Go get yourself an alpha male, get a massive fkn ego, be a bitch to all your friends, start hating your parents, expect everyone to respect you, pretend like you're overweight when you're not, fish for compliments even when you know youve done a good job, dont value the people in your life and only care about yourself. Based on the way you are behaving now, its only typical of you to grow into something as cliche and lame as the afore mentioned abercrombie whore once someone of your deemed popularity gives you some attention in the playground.