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Thread: A Merry Christmas

  1. #1
    Chief Inspiring Officer A Merry Christmas Cyanist's Avatar
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    A Merry Christmas

    Twas the day of Christmas and - oh, never mind, I'm too happy to go formal. OMG!!! This is the best Christmas I've had in a long time and I just couldn't wait to share it with y'all

    Okay, so I woke up at dawn - which is not normal - to the voices of my brethren having a watercooler moment (which we used to do all the time, all four of us hang out and talk about anything and everything - from bad movies to serious issues like what's for dinner) Anyhow, I've been so busy with school stuffs that we hadn't had one in a while. Today we talked about one of the worst films ever that they made me watch yesterday, which was certainly Steven Seagal's worst film... I think... "Flight of Fury" And then we started taking turns playing some Super Mario Bros. 3 (which I'm pretty awesome at, if I do say so myself). And then I gave my little brother his Christmas present that I've been hiding for over a month just out of plain sight - LOL, he's such a jerk and never cleans anything, so of course he wouldn't find it It's a high-end PC. An HP Pavilion Elite e9200z, that I only paid ten bucks for at a second-hand store! Love those places Anyway, the look on his face was complete exuberance, which is amazing for him, he's usually such a sour kraut. That got the rest of us excited, and it's been buzzing around here ever since. So, I've got the turkey in the oven and have maybe fifteen minutes to snack on some Chocolate Chip cookies before I have to start the mashed-potatoes.
    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Oh, how did yours go?
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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  2. #2
    I invented Go-Gurt. A Merry Christmas Clint's Avatar
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    I'm still waiting for the day when the turkeys revolt and put humans in the ovens. Maybe next Christmas. Christmas is always okay, except if you're spending it with religious people. As if it's a Christian holiday. A Christian holiday that precedes Christianity by a few thousand years. There is a pretty big Christian holiday coming up, though. Epiphany is on January 6th.

    I like when Christmas is over, because that's when Kwanzaa starts. Celebrating African heritage in African-American culture. I am not African-American, but I always appreciate celebrations of culture.

  3. #3
    Certified tech, come at me! A Merry Christmas SuperSabin's Avatar
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    You scared me there for a minute Cyan about the high end pc thing, I looked up the specs and they are good enough. I thought you meant like a modern-modern high end pc, but that is still pretty good for a gift to your brother. I have underwent two christmases so far, christmas with my extended family is usually number two on the list and it was great catching up with them, keeping up with what they are doing these days, and having a lot of food.

    Soon, very soon, our family will be playing the gift game/white elephant gift exchange thing.
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  4. #4
    Chief Inspiring Officer A Merry Christmas Cyanist's Avatar
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    Yeah, sorry. I guess it's prolly the high-endest you can get for $10 tho And he's already setting it up to play Arch Age

    White elephant...?
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I went to an ihop for lunch and then played video games. Didn't do anything exciting really.

    But Cyanist sounds like the best person to be around. She's giving awesome gifts.

    Next year!!!!!!
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  6. #6
    Merry Christmas and Kim Jung day!

    I'm still waiting for a theater release here in Canada...
    Last edited by Odin1199; 12-27-2014 at 12:14 AM.

  7. #7
    Chief Inspiring Officer A Merry Christmas Cyanist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Goddamn Clint Eastwood View Post
    I like when Christmas is over, because that's when Kwanzaa starts. Celebrating African heritage in African-American culture. I am not African-American, but I always appreciate celebrations of culture.
    Any excuse to hang and pig out with the fam is good with me
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

    The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:

  8. #8
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. A Merry Christmas noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Christmas was okay.

    I got to spend a night with my bf's sister & her family. It was nice. They're very sweet.

    And the rest of the week I was with my dad & family. It kinda sucked though cuz my brother & his wife live with my dad right now, so my sister & I got a hotel room together. I didn't get much time with my dad at all. My sister "couldn't handle" being in the RV for too long & my brother was always hanging around. It sucked. My dad & I are super tight.

    Leaving was really hard. We both cried a lot, he handed me $100 (he's always slipped me cash whenever one of us has to leave.. Ever since I was very small), & then I bawled my eyes out all the way back to NY. I told my dad that after we got home & he said "Me too. Goodnight."

    My Parker used her allowance to get me a Pandora charm for my bracelet & my sister got me a new purse. It's Jessica Simpson & I'm not totally in love with it, but it'll do for now..... Until Jay gets me the Michael Kors bag I want.

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