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Thread: Marilyn Monroe

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy Marilyn Monroe Rowan's Avatar
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    Marilyn Monroe

    To my understanding, was a cruel, cheating drug abuser who in no way should the young females of our generation be idolising. Sorry this is so short, but am I wrong? Someone with more information please inform as to why she is worthy of being idolised as well as reasons she is not to be idolised.

  2. #2
    I invented Go-Gurt. Marilyn Monroe Clint's Avatar
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    She is worthy of being idolized because she could be paid to take her clothes off... apparently. That's the only reason I could think of why people idolize her. She isn't a fashion icon, because she wasn't wearing clothes, so I'm assuming that young females of our generation enjoy looking at smut from the 1950s.

    She should not be idolized because she was unfaithful in her romantic relationships, took off her clothes for money, and was so much of a drug addict that she died of a drug overdose. Not to be mean, but she set a good example of what kind of a woman not to be. Maybe that could be her legacy. People could learn to do everything opposite of what Marilyn Monroe did. You know, and have a little bit of respect for themselves.

  3. #3
    #LOCKE4GOD Marilyn Monroe Alpha's Avatar
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    She was only paid once to pose nude; and it was $50 when she was struggling to find film work in her early career. But even if she did accept more money than that to strip naked, good for her, it's her body. If I was that stunning I'd probably do the same.

    I think she is idolised for being a beauty icon. Most people have the mental capacity to see the good in people even if they weren't paragons of virtue. No one's perfect after all.

  4. #4
    Boxer of the Galaxy Marilyn Monroe Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    Most people have the mental capacity to see the good in people even if they weren't paragons of virtue. No one's perfect after all.
    She is idolised for beauty, yet everyone quotes her like she was someone remarkable and unique. What is unique about her and why are people so adamant that she is the type of woman to live upto? There are thousands of beauty icons, but why her?

  5. #5
    I invented Go-Gurt. Marilyn Monroe Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    She was only paid once to pose nude; and it was $50 when she was struggling to find film work in her early career. But even if she did accept more money than that to strip naked, good for her, it's her body. If I was that stunning I'd probably do the same.
    Once is one too many. I did mention self-respect in my comment, right? If she wanted a serious film career, she should have tried harder. Taking a short cut by posing nude does nothing but make a mockery of your character.

    She was a hard worker, too. She wanted to have a film career, and then when she finally got it, she failed to remember her lines, and she would no-show her filming schedules. Not to mention that having an affair with a married man is disgraceful. He was the president of America. She knew damn well he was married, yet she consented to it anyway.

  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Marilyn Monroe Xanatos's Avatar
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    Kids be stupid.

    Honestly, I'm not sure why people idolize half of celebrities they do, I understand one may appreciate their talent, films, music and whatnot, but to idolize them as a person you literally know nothing about is beyond me, for all we know that person might actually be the biggest asshole in existence which celebrities often are.

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