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Thread: Looks or Personality?

  1. #31
    I will finish the hunt Looks or Personality? Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    I find love to be both sexual chemistry and toleration for a person. I tend to like people that take time with me. We have a great date, we eventually have sex, we begin to open up, we say "I Love You", we talk of our futures, we move in, we get married, etc. In my head...that's the way it has to work. I can't be with someone if their family or friends don't get along with matter how lovely the guy is. Just for the fact I don't want to deal with bull for the rest of my life. I hate non-smokers, people who can't drive, religious freaks, people whom are not tolerant of other people's cultures or beliefs, those who insist on being happy all the time, bad tempers, cheating, immaturity, and dis-honest blokes.Oh, and I can't be with someone who uses heavy drugs and drinks alcohol constantly more than three times a week in large quantities. If none of those apply, you are at the very least cute (meaning I would "do" you), and I can tolerate you than it's love to me. It's very rare all of those fall into line. Even now I can't say I am with someone who fits this description perfectly, but somethings outweigh others. There is no such thing as "true love" in my eye's between two strangers; unless it is that between a mother and child.
    Last edited by Cheesevixen; 03-02-2009 at 09:04 AM.
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

  2. #32
    Looks or Personality? Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    I would disagree...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesevixen View Post
    I find love to be both sexual chemistry and toleration for a person. I tend to like people that take time with me. We have a great date, we eventually have sex, we begin to open up, we say "I Love You", we talk of our futures, we move in, we get married, etc. In my head...that's the way it has to work. I can't be with someone if their family or friends don't get along with matter how lovely the guy is. Just for the fact I don't want to deal with bull for the rest of my life. I hate non-smokers, people who can't drive, religious freaks, people whom are not tolerant of other people's cultures or beliefs, those who insist on being happy all the time, bad tempers, cheating, immaturity, and dis-honest blokes.Oh, and I can't be with someone who uses heavy drugs and drinks alcohol constantly more than three times a week in large quantities. If none of those apply, you are at the very least cute (meaning I would "do" you), and I can tolerate you than it's love to me. It's very rare all of those fall into line. Even now I can't say I am with someone who fits this description perfectly, but somethings outweigh others. There is no such thing as "true love" in my eye's between two strangers; unless it is that between a mother and child.
    (ignore the title)

    I agree. That's what love is. It is a compromise. If you can get over the fact that the person does not smoke, one who has not had the time to learn how to drive, and help someone to become a bit more mature and not fly off their handle because you love them, then you are doing this corrupt and confused world a service; people will look at you and say "What does she know that I do not?" If you can't get past such unredeeming qualities than I hope you can find an inspiring way to improve the world to the point where no one does that: I simply tell you "Good luck with that".

    Two strangers may not experience "love at first sight" like in fairy tales and such, but everybody should know that and I feel great simpathy towards those who do not. Love takes time; it takes bonding time to get to know the person's true colors. If someone avoids you or stand you up it's obviously because they don't wish to share their troubles with you and refuse to compromise with you. At that point there is no way for anything to work between you and that person.
    Last edited by Exxdeath666; 03-21-2009 at 06:01 PM.

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  3. #33
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    For friends - looks don't matter just the personality or how you got things in common and/or got a long pretty fine.

    For that special someone - I think it would depend on the person. I've seen people who eventually fell in love with their best friend or one of their friends - meaning, the physical attraction wasn't there initially.

    In my case, I was physically attracted to my husband when I first met him but that was just the spark the ignited the flame. In the end, it's how compatible you are that really counts. You don't have to have the same interest in everything. Although it's hard to explain how it happens, sometimes you just meet that person that really seem to fit you like a perfect glove.

  4. #34
    Looks or Personality? Chickenballz's Avatar
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    I like boys with slender hands and girls with reassuring backs. A light fragrance will do and a musical voice will surely be pleasing. As for taste...this world holds many delicacies; shall we try to savor it all?

  5. #35
    Aww yeah! Looks or Personality? Wolf's Avatar
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    I think personality is the more important trait of the two, but I also think looks matter to some extent too. Personality is important to me because I want to be able to be with a girl that I can comfortably talk to about anything and joke around and laugh together with and looks matter to me also because I don't want to end up dating a girl who doesn't clean herself up and has personal hygiene at the end of her to do list.

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  6. #36
    i really think that personality is most important because you could like someone who looks really good but is a total jerk.

  7. #37
    persona user Looks or Personality? foster kid's Avatar
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    i think that both are important but personality and how well you enjoy each others company are most important. if they are sexy then thats a bonus.

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  8. #38
    Arachnie Suicide Looks or Personality? ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Depends on the gender.

    I know, it sounds sexist. But I'm physically not attracted to men, and I am to women. Yet I do find that I am more emotionally attracted to men. So, there's my answer. >.<
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  9. #39
    The first thing I look for is if they are attractive or not. That doesn’t mean they way they look entirely. It means that if I take on look at them and I feel something stirring inside of me then I will go and say hi or something.

    I also look for the personality after I go and say hi. If there to annoying or joke around to much and don’t know when to stop and control themselves then I will just turn around and walk away.

    So if your asking me then I would say that I kind of go for both one way or another.

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