While I was making dinner (or am making dinner, as I'm sauteeing chicken and mushrooms right now), I considered making a thread about people's most recent meal. What did you have for lunch, etc. Just like we have threads for what people are listening to, watching, what game they're playing, yadda yadda yadda.
But then I considered the title -- "most recent meal" would be better suited as "last meal". But "last meal" would imply the last meal somebody would ever eat. So I figured, why don't I make a thread about that instead?
So here it is.
If you knew you were going to die, what would be your last meal?
Something simple? Hamburger, or pizza, or spaghetti? Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
Or would you go with lobster and filet mignon, wine, and more?
I really don't know, myself. I'll think on it.