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  1. #1
    Sargeant Tastycakes Job Searchin' dustinpro's Avatar
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    Job Searchin'

    I'm currently unemployed and looking for a job online.
    I've filled out 20+ applications in the past two weeks and wondering if anybody has any advice for me.
    Also if anybody has any funny/horror stories about their own epic quests for gainful employment.

  2. #2
    Kiss with a fist. Job Searchin' Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: Job Searchin'

    That sucks, dude. Jobs aren't easy to come by now a days, I hope you find something soon. I'm sorry I don't really have any advice other than fill out as many applications as you can, which you've already done so props. However, I do have a semi-amusing story about my first job interview back in high school. I filled out an application for Safeway and was going to meet the manager for an interview. Apparently it's not acceptable behavior to laugh at a potential future boss when they slip and fall; they just mopped the floors and she fell flat on her face. I never really got to the interview...

  3. #3
    Sargeant Tastycakes Job Searchin' dustinpro's Avatar
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    Re: Job Searchin'

    Quote Originally Posted by Dranzer View Post
    That sucks, dude. Jobs aren't easy to come by now a days, I hope you find something soon. I'm sorry I don't really have any advice other than fill out as many applications as you can, which you've already done so props. However, I do have a semi-amusing story about my first job interview back in high school. I filled out an application for Safeway and was going to meet the manager for an interview. Apparently it's not acceptable behavior to laugh at a potential future boss when they slip and fall; they just mopped the floors and she fell flat on her face. I never really got to the interview...
    That story made my day(ouchies,not so Safe-way anymore).

  4. #4
    Memento RK Job Searchin' Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Job Searchin'

    That's how life is at the moment. The advice I have for you is to keep applying. Online AND in person. The harder you try, the most likely you'll succeed. On the flip side, be prepared for rejection. Times are tough all over the world right now. I wish you luck with the job search nonetheless.

    Most job stories are uber frustrating and confusing, but are all usually along the same lines of 'I ended up not getting the job because of ____'. Once, I was convinced I had the job. As far as I knew I was the best candidate. I had the chance to see who applied and I already knew their personality types and how they work. I was perfect for the job, in my opinion. I was cocky about it. Next thing I hear, they interviewed another round of people, and did not infrom the other candidates or myself. This pissed me right off. Next thing I know, they hired some random person and sent my a rejection letter a month later...What gives? I took a whole day off school for that interview and they end up hiring someone else entirely. I missed a test too, but ended up doing it later luckily.

    Another time, I had applied to so many jobs and eventually got rejected for all of them. I was about to call one of my previous employers which I absolutely hated, but they liked me and would have hired me back in a flash. I had the phone in my hand and I was looking at it when I got an e mail from my co-op advisor saying that there was a position coming up for a job I think you'd be interested in. A few minutes later, I got a call from the person who sent the e mail asking if I was interested. I immediately said yes. She also asked who else I think would have been interested, and I listed off a bunch of names for her to call (They were friends of mine and I knew they needed jobs as well). The job was an almost immediate hire and was everything I was basically looking for, including pay. I applied, got a response, aced the interview, and got a call the next day saying that I'd been hired. That was the best news ever. As a matter of fact, I'm still working that job as my co-op. They hired me back a second time because of a deal they had made during my first term with them. I'm not sure if it was fate, or pure luck. Either way I was happy.

    The point is to keep your head up and keep looking, no matter what odds are stacked against you. Something will come up that'll be perfect for you. It also takes a heck of a lot of patience and determinition. Good luck once again.
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  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Job Searchin'


    Unless, when you go to the place, and they tell you to apply online.

    But honestly, from being unemployed for a year. You need to go out and find a job, sitting on your computer applying online wont speed up the process unless you get lucky.
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  6. #6
    I invented Go-Gurt. Job Searchin' Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Job Searchin'

    Jobs are very easy to get. The best way is to create your own business and appoint yourself CEO. That way, you're your own boss. If you can't pull that off successfully, there's no hope for you.

  7. #7
    Death Before Dishonor Job Searchin' Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Job Searchin'

    As Loaf said don't apply online unless told to. I was a salary manager at a McDonald's in charge of the hiring. I was strictly told by my store manager that if someone was to lazy to bring in a paper app to us that we wasn't gonna waste our time. Now with my experience in management at several places I can tell you most places are shady, and will do the same.

    If you want a job don't be afraid to apply for the shit ones. Such as fast food, and so on. Alot of people these days tend to think they are to good for fast food, and end up unemployed for a while. I worked McDonald's for a year and a half. Made salary manager, and used that experience to get on a computer tech at a good company.

    If I was you what I would do is frequently go in everywhere you put in a app at and ask to speak with the hiring manager. Let em' know you put a app in and would like them to check it out when they have time. Those that are interested in you will take your name, and for sure look at it. Also make sure when you take a app in you at least talk to the manager you hand it to. It shows them you have some kind of interest in whatever it is they do. Don't take it in hand it to em' and walk off. I always took an interest in people that came in and personally talked to me.

    Hope some of this was helpful man. Keep your eyes on big chains. Taco Bell, McDonald's, and so on are always hiring for min wage workers. Also christmas is coming up so keep your eyes on places Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart, they always hire holiday help, and I know at wal-mart if you do a good job they will keep you on after the holidays. Good job, good benefits.

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  8. #8
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Job Searchin'

    I spent months applying online, and to no avail. The thing that worked for me was printing off a few copies of my CV and handing them out to some of the big stores in London. It's not so much a "lazy" thing to do, as a LOT of jobs are advertised online (hell, some of the stores I went to such as Waterstones and HMV TOLD me to apply online and WOULDN'T except a CV), but your best bet is to ask to see a manager of the work place you go to and leave a [good] lasting impression. At my place, some people have come in and made such a good impression, they landed an interview that very same day and left with a new uniform - Christmas temps, mind, but they have a job.

    I honestly thought handing my CV out after hours of online applications and cold calling would be pointless. But it worked, and I've been in a job since May. Sure, it's not the dream job, but it's a job that's giving me the experience to go somewhere else, or even a "survival job" for the moment. You're more employable when you employed.

    If you're uncomfortable with speaking to a manager face to face with your CV, go with a friend. As long as they actually make you feel better being there, and not intimidating or annoying to the staff, you'll be okay (I went with two other people from the class I was doing at the time). Dress smart too - your friend if they go with you as well.

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  9. #9
    TFF's Resident Messenger Job Searchin' Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Job Searchin'

    I have only applied for four jobs in my life. Three that didn't hire me because I went in not actually wanting the job, and one that did hire me and have had me on their staff for five years. So, I can't really offer much for advice except go in wanting it, be well prepared for any questions they may ask, and make sure your resume and attire are presentable.

    I actually went to the newspaper to complain about the person who delivers my paper. My paper was being thrown into the field across the road from my house, instead of being placed by my mailbox or in my driveway. And sometimes, I wouldn't even get a paper at all.

    They told me to fill out a complaint form, but it was actually an application to work there. I told them this, and said that it was alright as long as my address was on it. A few weeks later, I went in again because I saw in the paper (I actually got one that week) that they were hiring. I walked out with a job, and all because they knew me already.

    Considering the average time a person works where I do is around 3-4 weeks, 5 years seems like an eternity. I love working there, because the staff really has become just an extension of my family. And I don't think I can imagine myself working anywhere else, unless there is any newspapers in a Spanish- or Chinese-speaking country in need of a writer/carrier/translator.
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