So I just figured out how to get those fancy-shmancy ring tones on my phone that aren't just one of the ones preset into it, and I'm having fun with changing the ring tone every five minutes. I never paid any attention before, but now I'm curious about what other people have as their ring tone when the phone's not on vibrate.

Want to let me know? Is it a song? A sound? Some random script? One of the plain ones? What? I want to know.

And what other sounds do you have set for you phone (i.e. text messages, notifications, alarms)?

Right now, my own ring tone is "Jizz In My Pants" by the Lonely Island to match with a friend who's got her's set to "I'm On A Boat." My text messages come in with the sound you hear when Link finds a treasure in the Legend of Zelda games, and my random notifications sound with "Pika" (as in Pikachu's roar thing). Then my alarm clock for mornings is just a prison alarm.