I just found myself watching a video of large farm animals (sheep, goats, horses and cows, so far) being ground up in a machine, and like bursting when they didn't fit in one go. The other day I watched a video of a man in North Korea being executed by firing squad. I watched a beheading once (on video).
Yet the only video in recent memory that has made me flinch and look away in disgust is a government "wear your seatbelt" ad where a video x-ray shows a woman's neck snapping in an accident (just a video effects thing). I have a thing about spines needing to not break.
I realised that somehow I have become rather desensitised to video violence. At least I hope it's only video violence. Something about a computer screen and the vague possibility that it's not real allows my brain to disconnect from the horrific thing I'm watching, and the realisation that what I'm watching actually happened. I don't know how or why this happened, or if I need to address it.
What about you? Can you tolerate internet violence?