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Thread: I only know that they make good chops. . .

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  1. #1
    Memento Rhapso I only know that they make good chops. . . Rhaps's Avatar
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    I only know that they make good chops. . .

    To help deal with the Kudzu overgrowth on our property, we bought two baby, female goats. My sister is very good at bonding with them, but if I come within a five foot radius the freak the f*ck out. So, does anyone else keep any farm animals? Any tips for goat keeping? Tricks, treats, hypnotic goat whispering?

    *And to the hippies, the title is a joke. . . but they do taste good
    *And I know it's lamb chops, but goat and sheep are close enough by my views
    Last edited by Rhaps; 06-30-2010 at 01:56 PM.

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  2. #2
    Registered User I only know that they make good chops. . .
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    Re: I only know that they make good chops. . .

    Oh, my family kept a couple of goats back when we lived in Oklahoma (among other animals). First, we got a female, and she was a sweet little thing, but honestly, I was scared of her. The only experience that I had with goats at that point was what I had seen on tv, and people getting bucked by the horns. She never bucked or charged at anyone, and eventually, I got to where I could enter in the pen and play with her.

    Now the male goat we got later was mean! I don't know if that was just the way it was, or if all male goats are like that, but this one was like the mental image of the fear I had for goats. I never had to deal with him, thankfully. We got him so we could start breeding goats, and they did manage to have a kid. It was sooo cute! When we had to move to Arkansas, we had to give up our animals to a neighbor, and that's the last I ever saw of them.

    I wish I had some advice to give, but honestly, it seems like that you have to get the goats used to your presence. Treats are always a good calming tool. We just gave our goats carrots or a bit of dry oatmeal sometimes, but Farmer's Market stores carry special cookies that you can give as well.

    Good luck to you. Hope you enjoy having them around!
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  3. #3
    Memento Rhapso I only know that they make good chops. . . Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: I only know that they make good chops. . .

    Oh, we had a male goat when I was younger actually he was just sorta there to be there. He tried to eat me. . . and ram me. . . and ensure I couldn't check the bloody mail without tripping me. . . Maybe that's why the new ones don't like me, they sense my negative experience lol
    But yeah Dodie, males are typically meaner and more aggressive, it's why we got females

    CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle

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