I'm pregnant ^_^
Me and my girlfriend Leah finally decided we were ready for kids so we invited a good friend over and boom now I'm pregnant can't wait to be a mother.
Hang on a sec... Let me get this straight
You're a lesbian couple, and you invited a good friend over to have sex with you repeatedly until you got pregnant? Instead of getting it done from an anonymous doner in a clinic?
Am i perceiving this correctly? Just curious
Congrats regardless!!![]()
Yep you got it we just didn't want use all this new fancy science stuff for something like this we've always believed something this special needs to be done the old fashion way, we knew that was an option but we just wanted to do things the old fashion way.
Did you both conceive or was it just you? regardless, good job. ^_^
Hope for the best :3
That's a weird way for a lesbian couple to get pregnant. Who would have thought being unfaithful to each other would be a good thing.
Ignore my douche baggery, or ass clownery, or whatever you want to call it. I'm just an idiot. Congratulations on your baby.
I don't agree with that, but I'm 83, so perhaps my views are a bit outdated.
Seriously, though, congrats nonetheless. A baby is fantastic news.
so did you participate or watch or... how did that work out for you?
Major Congrats!!
If you ever need/want advice or whatever with your pregnancy and want to talk, shoot me a message. ^_^ I've been preggo before one time.
Are you two hoping for a boy or girl or do you not have a preference? Will you want to find out what it is as soon as you're able, or will you keep it a surprise? Have you thought about names yet? Are you planning to breastfeed or do formula?
Seriously.. When you go register for a baby shower, don't even bother with clothes- people will buy them instinctively simply because it's more fun. Just ask for lots of diapers in various sizes and the more practical things- like soaps and lotions and a baby tub and like Dreft (or something similar- the laundry detergent that's got minimal additives/smells for babies). ..
lol again, congrats!
I was hoping for a daughter, I was thinking of calling her kit, I'm most likely gonna want to know as soon ad possible, I'm definitely going to breastfeed it would feel weird to me giving her that formula stuff.
Oh and cool I'll make sure to ask you if I get nervous about something ^_^