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Thread: I have a blog and I am shamelessly going to tell you about it.

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  1. #1
    Cilla vs. Games I have a blog and I am shamelessly going to tell you about it. Priscilla's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Queensland, Australia

    I have a blog and I am shamelessly going to tell you about it.

    So I couldn't decide where to write this post. Should I put it in visual media, written media or general gaming. So I gave up and chucked it here. I've been wanting to post this for awhile and now in bed on my mobile I decided to as I can't sleep and I have had the most hits on my latest blog than I ever have. (It's not many)

    My blog is called Video Games, Pearls and Anime Worlds. You can see it here. In truth it isn't much but I am hoping with a bit of time and hardwork and a few interested people I can turn it into something! I have been a bit slack, sick and obsessed with Naruto so I am not far but I am currently doing the 52 Games One Year challenge which is huge for me as I have already beaten how many games I have beaten in a year this year which is six haha.
    So I am writing about that. Plus any other nerdy things.
    This weekend I smashed out the last 500 chapters of Naruto and I wrote a blog post about my favourite characters! So it's anything really!

    Enough rambling though. Thanks for reading

  2. #2
    Boxer of the Galaxy I have a blog and I am shamelessly going to tell you about it. Rowan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thats like, 1 game finished per week! Thats some feat right there. Dont you think you might not enjoy the games to their extent by trying to complete them within a week of each other? What type of games will you be playing?

  3. #3
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. I have a blog and I am shamelessly going to tell you about it. noxious.sunshine's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Where Dreams Go To Die.
    Blog Entries

    I have a blog, but it's a food blog. I haven't updated it in like 2 years, but as soon as I get a laptop, I'm probably going to scrap the entire thing and start fresh.

    I absolutely loathe the basic ass layout and I hate every single entry in it. Not the recipes, per se, but the entries themselves. I don't have a good camera atm and am stuck using my cell phone and my plating skills need a ton of work in general.

    It's really pretty embarrassing imo as cooking is the one thing I'm best at and I know I'm damn good at it. And I love doing it.

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