As apart of my self-discovery/learning I'm trying to incorperate into my life as of recently, I had been focusing a lot of time into studying things I find absurb to form proper opinions on. This time I have chosen hypnotism and to finding out whether or not it was a legitimate exercise. The conclusion that I have come too is that 'excercise' is the perfect word to describe what hypnotism really is. Allow me to elaborate;
From what I have came to understand and experience, hypnotism is not another person dominating you, but rather an agreement between you and the hypnotist. There is a distinct difference between domination and surrender. You may heard this yourselves and in that it only works if 'you want it too'. This is the easiest way of explaining and the first principle of hypnotism. It is also a good way of understanding why most people who try to get hynotised never actually succeed in achieving their said goals; because they actually dont want to quit smoking, they actually dont want to etc,etc. I had a rather unique experience the other night testing a certain method and found the experience to be quite... interesting. To be hypnotised is not to be under the control of another person, it is to allow another person to help you achieve a goal that you want. Also, from my experience so far, hypnotism is only temporary and lasts for as long as you remain in the trance, which is broken just as easily and comfortably when you desire. I found falling into the trance simple, but maintaining the trance to be difficult. This was mainly because I believe my mind to have many guards up, and not even I myself am able to shut them down completely. Now, for your sake I will not give details on what the hypnotism was about, but I'll tell you that I was surprised at the result.
Once again, for anyone interested in hypnotism but who is concerned that its about a person controlling you, its actually the opposite. You are allowing them to communicate with you and you surrender to their will through a relaxed state of mind. Its all about your will and what you want. If anything ,hypnotism is just a tool to help you achieve your goals.
Your goal is the nail on the wood, hypnotism is the hammer, and you are the hand.(i made that up, cool right?)
Summing up; Hypnotism was not how I had pictured it from videos etc. Hypnotists hypnotising people and making them cluck like chickens is bullshit. Its about surrendering your mind and allowing another to be the driving force between your concious and subconcious.
Share your experiences here as I am now genuinly interested in others experiences.
edit: for those that are still skeptic, I highly believe its because you still think of hypnotism as a tool of manipulation, when it is in fact more of an exercise to amplify the power of your will.