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Thread: Hypnosis <_<

  1. #1

    Hypnosis <_<

    I was really thinking about this the other day. More and more I hear about it and have been told about people who go and have some therapy involving hypnosis.
    So I was wondering like all the great detectives of this day and age, what do you think about....


    Here's something I got off of a website:

    What can we use hypnosis for?

    Hypnosis lets you to change your state of mind, either temporarily or permanently. So, hypnosis is useful whenever you need to change your state of mind. Here are just a few examples:

    Entertainment — you've seen stage hypnosis, and it can be tremendous fun. Another favourite is to go out and get drunk on water. At closing time, you can safely sober up in seconds and drive home without hangovers, without destroying your liver and without wasting all that money!
    Therapy — when a therapist uses hypnosis to speed up or improve therapeutic change
    Education — good teachers will hypnotise their pupils (using the NLP definition of hypnosis) to speed up learning and make it more enjoyable
    Rapid change — when a hypnotist uses hypnosis to effect fast changes to mental states; such as removing phobias, getting someone off alcohol, increasing confidence, and so many more
    Sports performance — to improve game-playing skills. Expert golfers, for example, use a form of self-hypnosis when they take each shot

    So tell me... what are your thoughts? And if you felt like it, what would you use hypnosis for?
    Or maybe if you've been hypnotized... tell me all about it Auntie Kilala wants to know xD

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  2. #2
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Hypnosis &lt;_&lt; RagnaToad's Avatar
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    I think it can be used in various ways to improve people's lifes in certain areas. I don't think the whole circus act hypnosis kind serves any purpose though. I hate circuses as it is anyway.

    And to answer your question, I wouldn't use it on people I have a social relation with. Simply because it is probably not possible to put someone under hypnosis in a random situation, those things are being well controlled in every aspect. I think it would be kind of unethical too, manipulating people beyond their own control. But once again, that's not really possible if the person himself doesn't want to participate I think.

    I like to manipulate people in the normal, intelligent verbal way. That works for me.
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  3. #3
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    From what I've learned, hypnosis can't be used to directly improve mental and physical attributes. It may improve performance through other means... like an extra boost of confidence, or whatever, given the situation. In addition, you can't use it to have a person do something against their free will. People under hypnosis are open to suggestion, rather than control. So it could say something about a person depending on the things you can get them to do. >_>

    There's another interesting thing it is able to do though. It's odd, but some dentists are supposedly trained in hypnosis. They use it to knock out the emotional aspect of pain one would feel during their procedures. So the patient would feel it, but the way they perceive and react to it is dulled, thereby decreasing the overall intensity of the pain. Perception goes a long way, it seems.

    If I were to use it, I'd use it on... myself, provided I'm actually suggestible. It'd be nice to take away some of that speech nervousness, ugh. Or... well, using it on other people would be a bit bad, wouldn't it? Hahaha.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  4. #4
    I invented Go-Gurt. Hypnosis &lt;_&lt; Clint's Avatar
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    It can be very beneficial. Just take the movie Office Space, for example. The main character was hypnotized to not care about anything, so he would miss work, and when he did go to work, he did literally no work, and he got promoted. That's the kind of life that I want to live. Instead, I'm stuck with GAD. I mean, sometimes people need to be manipulated beyond their mental control. I can't control the way I think, and therefore, have difficulty controlling my GAD, and if I could somehow be hypnotized to not care so much about every little aspect of my life (especially my health,) it would really improve my well-being. In fact, that sounds like a good idea. I think I might do that... when I have the money.

  5. #5
    ~☆~Muahahaha!!!~☆~ Hypnosis &lt;_&lt; SilkAngel's Avatar
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    Ugggh~ That thought creeps me out. I don't think I would want someone relaxing me so much that I will blurt out anything....T.T
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  6. #6
    Twilight's Enigma Hypnosis &lt;_&lt; Sato Arashi's Avatar
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    Before I start my actual response, it's scary enough that there's an ad about hypnotizing people.

    Ok, now to my actual response, hypnotizing has its own benefits, but like what Soldier said, it is not mind control. Dentists, mostly doctors too, needs to know some form of hypnosis so that the patient doesn't scream out or squirm around that can interfere with the work. It is design to act like a depression stimulant (a better version though).

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  7. #7
    My family got free tickets to a hypnosis show once. My brother, being an exhibitionist, put himself forward as a volunteer. It was bizarre. Once under hypnosis, the host really did have complete control over them. He told them a bunch of skinned onions were apples, and the volunteers set about munching them happily. Onions. He told them halfway through their snack to snap out of the trance, and two of them vomited on stage. So, as you do, the guy puts them back under and proceeds to make them act as pets. It was horrific.

    I liked one moment though. While the host was telling us about what he was doing or about to do, he made the volunteers sit on a row of plastic chairs behind him. One of them was a really hot Chinese woman, and the guy sitting next to her, still 'in trance', set about making weird half-asleep moves on her. The woman's boyfriend went mental. It was great, the whole thing became like Jeremy Kyle Does Hypnosis for like half an hour.

    So yeah. Not a fan of hypnosis. It makes people eat raw onions. RAW ONIONS.
    Last edited by Govinda; 06-20-2009 at 05:47 AM.

  8. #8
    #LOCKE4GOD Hypnosis &lt;_&lt; Alpha's Avatar
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    People are talking about what it can be used for, but what exactly is hypnosis? Is it an awake form of sleep, a myth, conscious unconsciousness?? Can anyone explain it?

  9. #9
    Registered User Hypnosis &lt;_&lt; winterborn86's Avatar
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    I don't believe that it works. My partners sister has been going to hypotherepy for nearly 3months, to help her with her panic attacks and fear of flying and she is no different now than she was 3 months ago, to me that say "major waste of £60 a session"

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