View Poll Results: how many times does a product have to break before you will stop buying it

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Thread: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

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  1. #1
    iron gamer How many times have you bought the same game/product? saio's Avatar
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    How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    i have just bought granturismo 4 for the 6th time (the previous 5 copies all malfunctioned in one way or another )
    i have been to the local gamestop so often that the staff have begun to recognize me and attack with already prepared snide comments.
    i have also bought 4 ps2 consoles
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  2. #2
    Elementalist How many times have you bought the same game/product? IcyJJ's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    I usually take amazing care of my gaming consoles/games, so I don't run into that problem. However, I know I have purchased the same games that I used to own thanks to the PSN/Wii. It is nice to own those games again after using the originals for trade-ins at stores or giving to friends. Still waiting on my brother to return my PSP copy of Breath of Fire 3.
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  3. #3
    Queen How many times have you bought the same game/product? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    Ive bought the same laptop 3 times because I take it everywhere with me and I always manage to get it wet.. But they're just so durable Ive dropped em countless times n they still function (except when it gets wet) its the only model I feel comfortable investing into..its not the Mac hate that shit. I have 5 fully functioning copies of FFVII Price is/was irrevelant when it comes to my game and/or any spinoffs. Gotta keep up ya kno

  4. #4
    Traitors Can't Hide. How many times have you bought the same game/product? Phoenix Rising's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    I've seriously bought StarCraft: Brood War like three times. I take good care of my CDs, but I swear if the Brood War disk gets even a minor scratch on it, it will totally screw up.

  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    I have bought about 3 copies of Warcraft 3: TFT.

    I have purchased 3 copies of WoW. I have 3 accounts but can only probably get one back. I have two FFVIIIs, but my first one is MIA.
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  6. #6
    Registered User How many times have you bought the same game/product?
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    I...never had much problem with faulty games. I have bought rereleases though: FF IV twice and KH:CoM twice and 3 copies of FF VII: Advent Children - one was a box set, one was the original DVD copy (day one purchase), and Advent Children Complete. I got Complete before I even had a blu-ray to play it on.
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  7. #7
    Bananarama How many times have you bought the same game/product? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    I only buy things a second time when there's a malfunction that's past the warranty date, or if it's something I no longer possess, but want for nostalgia's sake. My brother sold off a bunch of my old Genesis games once, so I bought them for my Xbox arcade or for my Genesis again.

    I also had the RROD for my 360, but that was under warranty, though I did buy a second PS2 when all of the gears on the lens shifter got stripped. As for games I already have, nope, I have no desire to spend money on things I already own that work.
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  8. #8
    TFF's Resident Messenger How many times have you bought the same game/product? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    I have two copies of Metal Gear Solid. The first one stopped working because of heavy use, so I bought The Essential Collection with MGS 1, 2, and 3. And I had two copies of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for a week. I bought the three pack of GTA: III, Vice City, and San Andreas, and the San Andreas case was cracked. So I asked for a replacement case and the mail order company I bought it from was happy to oblige. They sent me the game along with the case, because they said just in case the game was damaged as well.

    And I also have two copies of Final Fantasy IX. And Tomb Raider II. And Gran Turismo.

    Quote Originally Posted by saio View Post
    i have just bought granturismo 4 for the 6th time (the previous 5 copies all malfunctioned in one way or another )
    My brother's copy of GT4 has never played in my PS2. I have a slim PS2, and it would only play in the big ones. The same thing happened when he bought ATV Offroad Fury 4. I think it had something to do with the Model of PS2 Slim I had. Which was bought from the same company I purchased GTA: San Andreas. Nice people. Too bad they ended their business.
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  9. #9
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    I take good care of my stuff too. I think the only thing I've had to replace was Final Fantasy VII. I've bought it twice (I've had it three times - mum got the first copy). The third copy is digital, so that's not going anywhere haha.

    I need to buy FFVIII on disc again (I have a digital copy too), but I could probably fix the disc at work in the disc cleaner machine - one perk of working in a game store is free disc cleaning haha. x3

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  10. #10
    Chief Inspiring Officer How many times have you bought the same game/product? Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    The people here who've never had to repurchase obviously don't have little brothers. I have so many game clones that I've been wondering when Senator Palpatine will execute order number 66.
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  11. #11
    Consistently Average How many times have you bought the same game/product? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    I have two broken copies of Final Fantasy XII. At least i think they're broken. Both of them are pre owned and make a funny noise and make my ps2 vibrate loudly when it's turned on. I'm too scared to buy a newish copy in case it's what all XII's do so i'm stuck with two games that possibly don't work, and yet could have been working fine all along.
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  12. #12

    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyanosuke View Post
    The people here who've never had to repurchase obviously don't have little brothers.
    I do (nephew that use to live with me), he broke my Liar Liar movie and Halo CE and 2. For some random reason I have 3 of both games. Probably just people leaving them at my house from LAN parties.

    Bought Halo 3 twice (counting the original purchase). Continually taking out and putting it back in the case will break the disc. I always play Halo on the side, so its continually being taken out of and put back in. The little bend you do when you take it out shows its wear eventually.

    Halo Reach twice, same reason. I learned my lesson though this time. I bought the digital download so I wont have that problem anymore
    Halo Reach is also available on Amazon for 10 bucks as a digital download card. Ha.

    Mass Effect 1 twice - Once on xbox, once on PC.
    Metro 2033 twice - same reason
    Knights of the Old Republic 1&2 - Same reason

    FFVII, VIII, IX - All transferred from my old PS games to digital downloads.

    I've gone through 5 xboxs, only one of which the actually RROD. First one was a Halo 3 edition , its video some how broke which doesn't cause it to RROD. It was out of warranty. Second one RROD within warranty. Traded in the refurb for a Slim, sold the slim to my buddy and bought the Halo Reach edition.

    I thinks thats about it.
    Last edited by Mystyrion; 04-09-2012 at 09:33 PM.

  13. #13
    Registered User How many times have you bought the same game/product?
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    Quote Originally Posted by omgawd View Post
    Ive bought the same laptop 3 times because I take it everywhere with me and I always manage to get it wet.. But they're just so durable Ive dropped em countless times n they still function (except when it gets wet) its the only model I feel comfortable investing into..its not the Mac hate that shit. I have 5 fully functioning copies of FFVII Price is/was irrevelant when it comes to my game and/or any spinoffs. Gotta keep up ya kno
    I also have several copies of ffvii two brand new and original and a "platinum" and have a brand new unopened guide as well and about 3 or four opened copies to play and lend out I also have a unopened copy of ffix and the original resident evils!

  14. #14
    Queen How many times have you bought the same game/product? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_farley View Post
    I also have several copies of ffvii two brand new and original and a "platinum" and have a brand new unopened guide as well and about 3 or four opened copies to play and lend out I also have a unopened copy of ffix and the original resident evils!
    woohoo GO FFVII! XDD Im scared/anxious some clumsy fker might break my original FFVII copies

  15. #15
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 How many times have you bought the same game/product? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    I Never Really Had To Buy Anything More Than Once Involving Games And Systems. I Will Admit That It Would Be Nice To Buy New Copies Of Some Of My Older Games Seeing As They Are Now Starting To Get Worse(They Are Like A Little More Than A Decade Old Or About A Decade Old). They Work Fine, But In Some Areas It Starts To Do Sutff It Shouldn't, So, It Would Be Nice To Get A Cleaner Version Of The Game, Even If It Is Used, IDC. I Haven't Done So However, Seeing As I Don't Have The Money Or Resources To Do So Just Yet. I Will Eventually Though...Hehe

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  16. #16
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    I rarely buy second physical copies of things, as I'm lucky in that my brother is older, not younger, and I take good care of my stuff. There are exceptions though. I currently own three copies (two physical, one digital) of Steven Erikson's Gardens of the Moon and two physical copies of Deadhouse Gates, by the same author. One edition of each is a normal paperback. The second copies are both limited edition, illustrated Subterranean Press hardcovers.

    I do plan on getting digital copies of older games even if I still have the original discs, like Final Fantasy games. The physical one for display I guess you could call it, and the digital to actually play. Cause I'm lazy and like being able to access my collection without having to pull out the discs, or in some cases, an entirely different console.
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  17. #17
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth How many times have you bought the same game/product? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    I don't recall buying same game twice... come to think of it now, I had to buy another copy of Digimon World II as the first one got smashed, totally my fault. Other than that, I bought another Game Boy recently even though I already have one in perfect condition.

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  18. #18
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! How many times have you bought the same game/product? Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    When I was a kid my mum worked in the Payroll department of Homebase (a home furnishongs/improvement store; she still works there so she must have been there a long time!) and I needed a heater for my bedroom because the heating vent was right near the ceiling! (someone effed up when they designed my old house...) Anyway she got a discount at this Homebase store and bought a fan heater. Within the first month of use it broke, so we got it replaced. That one broke as well, so we got a third one. This one broke, so Mum got her money back and bought a slightly more expensive convector heater. It still works some 15 years later; my parents use it to warm up the dining room.

    I lost my first copy of Final Fantasy X, and have since bought four second hand copies, none of which work. I am beginning to suspect the system itself, as it will not play DVDs any more. I also replaced my original PS2, as my old one started to do the same thing as my current one...
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  19. #19
    Crash Boom Bang How many times have you bought the same game/product? Lily's Avatar
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    Re: How many times have you bought the same game/product?

    Ive had 3 copies of FFIX, one was stolen *shakes fist* and i still have the other 2, one of them is platinum, the other was a pristince condition black label copy til all my games fell off the rack one day... i ended up accidentally supergluing the case shut

    I think Ive had about 5 copies of VII... one was lent out and never returned, one was stolen in the same incident as my FFVII and another just refused to work around thew junon area on disk one. So I have 2 copies of that as well now. Oh ok, so thats 4 then, unless there was another broken one inbetween there somewhere

    Ive had 2 copies of FFVIII, again one was stolen, the other was then given to me by my brothers friend

    Ive had a few SNES games more than once, mostly due to giving them away/lending them out then wanting them again. I dont do that anymore, i know as soon as i give a game away that ive not played for about 15 yerars, Il just want to play it again

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