Actually, I've come across some awesome deals as a result of the recession. I've been on and off Victoria's Secret buying their sweaters and pajamas because they're so discounted. Got a free scarf for my stepmom with a sweater purchase. It's a damn fine scarf, too. I hopped onto Bath & Body Works today and got a discounted bag full of stuff with a purchase and got two of my brother's presents out of the way (aromatherapy stuff). I think I'll probably get some additional aromatherapy stuff for Dad and the moms, and I think I'm going to adopt a wolf for Mom (like, you "adopt" one, get a cute stuffed animal and a certificate, and know you did a good thing) as one of her presents. And Dad might get a couple books. I plan on putting together a disk full of pictures for Mom and Jennifer. Maybe a flash drive. It's a work in progress, I'm making it up as I go.
I think we've decided that Dad will just give Adam and me a clothing budget along with some other thing he might want us to have, and that'll be it. Mom and Jennifer enjoy the unwrapping process (as do I), so I'll give them a list of options if they need ideas. Or they can surprise me, I'm fine either way.
I just heard that there is apparently something called Cyber Monday, the Monday after Black Friday, during which all the online deals appear. I've never been aware of it. But being the online shopper that I am... I will be on the lookout.
Oooh sweet! 10% off Adagio stuff! This post is over.