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Thread: Hmm, why DID I slap the police officer?

  1. #1
    Hmm, why DID I slap the police officer? Jin's Avatar
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    Hmm, why DID I slap the police officer?

    I don't think there's a thread for this yet...maybe?

    So, I decided to get a haircut today and the woman cutting it wasn't terribly receptive in listening to what I wanted, so when she thought she was finished, I figured good enough and left. After a few hours, I continued to notice things about it that I disliked, particularily the back. It was really bothering me. So I had the genius idea to personally cut off the back of it. It now looks, uhhh...strange we'll say. And I'm not entirely sure what I was thinking.

    So, for a topic, what have you done that you immediately regretted afterwards? Something you knew made no sense but did it anyways and then afterwards wished you hadn't.

    Until now!

  2. #2
    The joke is far too true Hmm, why DID I slap the police officer? loner-kid's Avatar
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    Yeah i've messed with my hair when i shouldn't have, ended up having to shave most of it off to keep my dignity

  3. #3
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    I pull at my facial hair a lot as a habit. Eventually I pull at it so much the hairs come out and patches form. Eventually I keep doing it and patches get larger and become spots. Eventually I have to shave it all off to keep from looking like a cancer patient. Then I look like I'm 16 again and have to wait about a month before it all starts growing again.

    But things I've done the immediatly regretted afterwards....

    Sleeping with the last girl I slept with. I was in NO way attracted to her, physically especilaly, but even mentally, I just pretty much couldn't stand her.

    It had been a few months for me, and about a month since my ex and I had split which pretty much crushed me. I got off and thought "What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck"

    Actually, I was DOING her and thinking "What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck"

  4. #4
    I registered here.

    BIG mistake.


  5. #5
    Downing a bottle of goldstrike (50% alcohol stuff) after drinking too much already...yeah that wasn't really healthy for me ^^;

    Peace out

  6. #6
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Hmm, why DID I slap the police officer? Tallulah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Usagy View Post
    Downing a bottle of goldstrike (50% alcohol stuff) after drinking too much already...yeah that wasn't really healthy for me ^^;

    Peace out
    Peace out? Yeah, I bet it was...

    Umm last night/this morning was a bit regrettable. I was getting chatted up by this lad, and he started acting really weird. Then his friends started propositioning me. I got scared and walked off.

    The original guy, who was a complete nervous wreck, tried calling me, and I think actually knocked on my door, but I was too much of a coward to answer. Besides, I was still in bed.

    I sorta regret not answering the door, but as I said before in another thread, I don't think he was my type...

  7. #7
    TFF's Token Imp Hmm, why DID I slap the police officer? Martin's Avatar
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    Erm... drinking 11 pints, around 3/4 of a bottle of Jack Daniels and then attempting to eat a 12" Hawaiian...

    Let's just say that once the last bit was polished off I soon saw it again

    Care to have a look at my WordPress Journal?

  8. #8
    The joke is far too true Hmm, why DID I slap the police officer? loner-kid's Avatar
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    Well once i got really angry other something (can't remember what) and when i got home my dog kept jumping up at me so i kicked it.

    I regret this for two major reasons:
    1) I love my dog
    2) It bit me
    I deserved it tho

  9. #9
    Courage, Character, Confidence. Hmm, why DID I slap the police officer? Lunasa's Avatar
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    Actually, I attempted to do a cannonball in the pool on a vacation in Virginia, but I lost heart in mid-action and sprained my ankle. My parents thought I was faking it when I was limping. So did my teachers. As a result, my left foot is ever so slightly shorter than my right. Sucks for track, since my right leg has more muscle than my left due to less contact. However, it made me an excellent long jumper, since you only jump with one leg. Couldn't triple jump for my life, though.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  10. #10
    Sir Prize Hmm, why DID I slap the police officer? Sinister's Avatar
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    I've never slapped a police officer, that being a 9.9 on the dumbass meter.

    It may surprise you all to know that I have quite a few more faux pas than stupid mistakes. I am socially unaware, but I am particularly careful not to upset my shaky luck, or rely too heavily on it.

    The worst I've ever done? Hrm... I once had someone drop-kick a fencing helmet at me for something careless I said. I was baiting him. He was ejected and I won by default. But I also bled out of my ear for approx five minutes. For a drop-kick it was shockingly accurate and in the end, I probably deserved it.

    Let me give a ridiculously in-depth account, for those who are interested:

    I'll omit(for brevity's sake) details like our past history.(having had bouts with this fencer many times before).

    We both readied. This is foil fencing, of course. I was working on something like a fleche into six from a retreat, planning on using a delay to throw off the timing of his inevitable parry. I was also preparing some form of beat against his blade to insure he didn't stop me.

    I hear the call, answered and then the motions began. He advanced, I retreated to near the last two meters of the piste, fending him off all the while. Once my heel met the hash mark, I pretended as if I would continue retreating, but used a delay-step towards him, fleche. He made an enormous parry of one. At any rate, I just angled in around it and scored the touch.

    Halt was called and the judge explained the actions while the score box clearly rang up a point for me. He contended that I had passed the two meter mark. (in fencing, if you retreat past the two meter mark, actions are halted and you are given a warning that you have passed the mark) Thus, if I had, indeed, passed it it would annul any anteceding actions.

    The judge called in the other oppinions from the other judges.(four in all) All of them agreed that I did not pass the mark. Also the strip has sensors to tell when that happens.

    I was awarded the point and we returned to the center. I was going to confound him this time by standing my ground and not retreat at all.

    When ole was called, he rushed in and found that I didn't move. All of his overlarge actions were sent back at him. I caught his blade in a circular parry, used a croix(crossways binding action used during a prise de fer[taking of the blade]). I sent his tip towards the strip when I came up a scored a simple touch on his shoulder.

    Halt was called, the actions were explained. But he was not happy.

    He claimed that I had actually disarmed him.(if so, another halt would've been called that would annul my touch) The judges, playing devil's advocate said that even if I had disarmed him, I made the touch within a tempo(measurement of time in fencing after which a halt is called). Thus I stopped him out even if I had disarmed him.

    He was furious and took his helmet off so he could start yelling. I took mine off(being the custom that never is there one contender with a mask on at the same time there is an unmasked contender[for safety reasons] on the strip)

    I accused him of fencing with halts instead of a foil and made other insulting observations. He resented the accusations and made it known by dropkicking his mask up into the right side of my face. I was out for the next match, but he was out of the tourney.

    Lesson? Don't piss off someone who is a spoiled sport.

    This happened in 05.

    Last edited by Sinister; 03-17-2008 at 04:28 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  11. #11

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Lover Boy View Post
    I registered here.

    BIG mistake.

    This wins.

  12. #12
    Arachnie Suicide Hmm, why DID I slap the police officer? ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Because that's not spam at all...

    Anyway, yeah. Most recent one I can think of? Was cutting my friend Amy's hair.. Her brother hadn't really done anything but put the existing hair in a ponytail and chop the ponytail off. Which was awful. So here I am, evening out layers, cutting a fringe in.. And I think "Damn.. That spot there.. looks a bit annoying.. *chop*"

    Woah. Not good. I just kind of styled the other pieces around it XD.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Usagy View Post
    Downing a bottle of goldstrike (50% alcohol stuff) after drinking too much already...yeah that wasn't really healthy for me ^^;

    Peace out
    I would have to agree, mines alcohol related, I downed about a 700 ml (?) bottle of smirf in an hour or hour and a half, and spent the night with the girl I just made out with, vomiting on my mates front lawn
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  14. #14
    Registered User Hmm, why DID I slap the police officer? Halie's Avatar
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    Every time I bite my friggin' nails, I wish I hadn't right after, because I usually end up biting them too low and then they start to bleed, which hurts. A lot. But it's a habbit, and I can't stop doing it -_- I'm working on it though. I've just quit the habit of clicking my fingers, which is a start ^^
    Last edited by Halie; 03-30-2008 at 12:24 PM.


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