Anyone has a talent for drinking or smoking pot heavily?
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Anyone has a talent for drinking or smoking pot heavily?
I do!
Yeah yeah. Y'all knew I was gonna pipe up and admit it.
I don't smoke pot so much, and I'm small, but I can usually outdrink dudes 3x bigger than me without blacking out. I'm not sure that's something to be proud of or not though.
Although, I will admit.. If I haven't eaten much before I start, I will most likely get sick. NYE? Only ate like 1/2 a grilled chicken breast with veggies @ work during my lunch break and no breakfast.. I only drank like 1/3 a bottle of vodka (in very strong bloody maries) and like a couple of shots of tequila.. Smoked some pot, got effed up, got sick. Wasn't pretty.
I can speak german... Guess its not really a talent if you live in germany.
I'm pro. That's not really hidden tho.
Being Rocky's Twin is kinda a hidden talent.
I find getting "effed up" isn't as fun as it first was. Like the first time you did it. But enjoying life and being able to appreciate friends and just the things that are funny in general is way more rewarding than ever being "****ed up".
I can speak a little German. I feel like every langauge I speak, I understand more than I can speak back. German is a great language, it sounds very close to English, but totally different. My favorite language is Japanese. I know very little of that, also. If noxious has skype I might speak with her in spanish only. It would help my spanish out a lot. Especially because most of my experience is from Spain, not Mexico. (and no I don't have the lisp)
lulz. Surprisingly, I've cut back quite a bit. I haven't had a "meatball day" in ages and really didn't drink that much this wkend.. I go through phases with it, I guess.
As far as the espaņol goes, I'm totally not fluent. I'm intermediate at best. And I'm known to make up stuff. lmao I tried asking my ex if he wanted me to cook dinner one night .. I can't remember how I said it, but it ended up being "do you want to cook me?". He nearly choked on his food.
I used to be able to make my belly wave when I was younger. Also, my mom tells me I was able to fart on command. These abilities have been lost as I have aged.
I can fashion any object into a pipe.
Pipes are always fun to make. XD .....
My fav is the pure rolled aluminum foil.
I did that at work on the line one night. Everyone was like "OMG! Are you nuts!?" and I was like "What? You gonna narc? I'll kill you." & then they were all "That's so ghetto.... Lemme hit it." and I'm like "Heeellll no. Go make your own since I'm so ghetto."
I'm pretty good at removing slivers - and glass. I usually use a needle: Tweezers are too blunt for precision.
An avocado? I've heard of apples & potatoes, but not an avocado. lulz.
Dammit. I want pot now. Gracias, LH.
I can almost peel a potato (well, a kumara) in one go, provided the peeler is sharp enough. I can also name almost all the Pokemon from gens 1-4 through their cry alone. I could probably list all the Transformers that appeared in the first two seasons of the original cartoon too, but I think that and the Pokemon thing is down to me being a nerd more than anything.
Yes, they're the talents confined to the bedroom ;)
A NOT hidden talent is my fantastic cooking skills.
I can walk and chew gum at the exact same time. It's amazing. Sometimes I like to show off my talent, so I pop a piece of gum in my mouth, and just have a walkabout throughout town.
People are always amazed. They always come up to me, asking for my autograph, and trying to get pictures with me. They wish they could be more like Clint Eastwood, chewing gum and shit. I always tell people, if you practice long enough, you'll figure it out.
Anyway, that's my hidden talent. And I know what you're all thinking; yes, I am amazing, and I am perhaps the greatest human being who has ever, and will ever live.